Quotes from our current Ideagen apprentices Duplicate this slide add the quotes and photos as required
“ Being able to spend time in teams across the business has been so valuable for me as I have been able to explore different career options and
discover exciting opportunities for the future. Bethany Pass, Technology Solutions Apprentice
“ My apprenticeship has allowed me to gain confidence in myself professionally and personally. I now feel like I can speak up and share my ideas both inside and outside of work. It has forced me outside of my comfort zone to work with new people and to be given the responsibility to create initiatives independently and collaboratively. It has been a great experience, giving me the chance to grow and progress into the work industry.
“ My apprenticeship has provided valuable hands- on experience in the video production field, which is a rare opportunity. I've enjoyed working in the office, editing videos, filming interviews and contributing creatively. This experience has equipped me with practical skills while earning a qualification, making it a smooth transition from full-time education. Jude Harris, Video Production Apprentice
Ellie Shaw, Internal Comms & Engagement Apprentice
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