T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
June, 1940
before” (v. 10). Of earthly possessions he received twice as much as he had had before Some one has said that the reason the Lord gave him only seven children, after the period of his trial, is that the first seven were, safe in the Lord’s keeping, waiting for Job. Tne lesson bears out the truth that the sufferings of God’s people are remedial, and are intended to cure them of the disease called “self and its right eousness,” in order that they may possess the Lord and His righeousness. The cry of the instructed saint will be, “I abhor myself, I adore the living God.” Points and Problems 1. “Then Job answered the Lord, and said” (Job 42:1). Notice two things about this speech: First, very fittingly it is brief in comparison with some of the former interminable arguments. Second, it is the speech of a man who has come to the end of all self-right eousness and self-vindication. The whole speech can be summed up in a single utterance—I am wrong and .God is right. When men come to this place, nothing further needs to be said, except to adjudicate rewards and' rebukes to the debaters. 2. “And it was so, that after the Lord had spoken these words unto Job” (v. ft). This statement has always been puzzling to the commentators, because the preceding verses (1-6) quite appar ently were spoken by Job to the Lord. Why then does verse 7 declare that the words were spoken by the Lord to Job ? Some have suggested that verses 1 to 6 constitute a dialogue between Job and the Lord, with the speakers unidentified after the opening statement of verse 1, but this seems a rather forced solution of the literary problem. May not the true solution be that Job’s speech was in the final analysis composed of words of which God Himself was the Author? This is not an unheard of thing in Scripture;' for example, the great con fession of Matthew 16:16 was truly Peter’s pwn, hut in the deeper sense it was revealed from the Father in heaven (cf v. 17). And whenever we hear a man begin to talk about himself as Job does in his.last speech, we may be sure that God is behind it. The natural man of himself simply does not talk that way. 3. “Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (42:6). Here we have the conclusive proof, if any is needed, to show that whatever the Bible means by saying that Job was a "per fect” man, it does not mean that he was without sin. Men who are sinless need no repentance. But Job the pinner re pented. And this is undoubtedly the meaning of God in verse 7 where He pronounces the thing Job said to be right. Not everything Job had said was right, but his last speech was right.
B I O L A T R U M P E T E R S • TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR • June 13 to September 11
Instrumental and Vocal Music Gospel Messages— Testimonies P E R S O N N E L : • Howard Lawson........................First Trumpet • Chester Padgett.—............Second Trumpet • Edward Nash—.............___ ..Third Trumpet • Prol. David H. Heydenburk...................Pianist O F I T I N E R A R Y ONTARIO, Hamilton, July 30, Kitch ener, July 31, Toronto, August 1, London, August 2. NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT: Boston, Mass., August 9, 11, Provi dence, R. I., August 11 and 12, Fall River, Mass., August 14. NEW YORK, Liberty, August 16, Binghamton, August 18. PENNSYLVANIA, Harrisburg, Aug ust 19. IN PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO, August 20-27. INDIANA, Winona Lake, August 28- September 2. HI. J o b ’ s R e s t o r a t io n b y G o d (9-13) Job now had a right understanding of himself, and therefore could pray for his three friends without a thought of their former treatment and accusations of him. The final proof of his personal victory was shown when he prayed for these friends before he himself was re stored to health and possessions. When he prayed for them, he did not know that God was about to restore to him twice as much .as he had had formerly, nor did he know that his distressing state was to be relieved. But he had come to the end of self, and anything that God wanted he would gladly per form. Job was then vindicated before his friends, as he had been before the un seen world. His reputation before human beings was fully restored. The Lord “turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends” (v. 10). After that, the Loro poured out upon him “twice as much as he had
M A I N P O I N T S CALIFORNIA, Santa Barbara, June T3, Fresno, June 16. OREGON, Sherwood, June 23, 24. WASHINGTON, Tacoma, June 25, Yakima, June 26, Sunnyside, June 27. IDAHO, Boise, June 28, Aberdeen, June 30. COLORADO, Steamboat Springs, July 2, Greeley, July 3. NEBRASKA, Geneva, July 5.. IOWA, Des Moines, July 7. MINNESOTA, Mountain Lake, July 8, Minneapolis, July 9, 10. ILLINOIS, Palatine, July 14. MICHIGAN, K a l a m a z o o , July 15, Olivet, July 16, Owosso, July J.7, Detroit, July 19. OHIO, Oberlin, July 21-28.
ILLINOIS, Joppa, September 4 and 5, Kewanee, September 10, Whea ton, September 11. MISSOURI, St. Louis, Sepember 8. • Detailed information regarding meetings in the above cities and dates yet to be filled may be Secured by addressing: MUSIC DEPARTMENT THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. 558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles, California KILL ALL FLIES "N|
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See Page 207
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