King's Business - 1940-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1940

Lord Jesus Christ. Our own greatness and good works can neVer make our hearts right, so we will be fit to go to heaven to live with the dear Lord Jesus. This was the lesson God wanted Job to learn. So God was pleased when Job said he was sorry he had thought him­ self as good as God- Then Job’s unkind friends were reproved by God. Job prayed for them and forgave their mean words. Then God gave Job a present of twice" as much as he had before, and Job be­ came a very rich. man. He had seven sons and three beautiful daughters again. And God made Job happier than he had ever been before.

And Job is' one Book of the Bible which will be understood better if the student will take the trouble to master «the last chapter first. 4. “The Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends” (v. 10). What a lesson! It is not enough that we should be right, and other men wrong. We can never know the fullness of God’s blessing until we begin the ministry of intercession for those who are wrong. Golden Text Illustration J ob 42:10 Across the river Zambesi, below the Victoria Falls, is a bridge which spans the widest chasm and overlooks the most terrific turmoil of waters to be seen on any river in the world. That bridge was made by building out an arm from either shore, and uniting the two outstretched arms in the center over the roaring stream. Neither arm could have reached the opposite bank by itself; the two were needed to reach each other. One might think that God could have turned the captivity of Job as soon as his measure of suffering was complete. But the necessary outreaching on Job’s part was prayer for his friends—the practical proof that the testings had accomplished their humbling ministry. —Selected. When Job Was Happy Again J o b 42:1-13 MEMORY VERSE: “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High” (Psa. 92:1). . APPROACH: The last part of Job’s test Was that his friends said God was

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Object Lesson C o r r e c t '— C a u g h t — C l e a n s e d OBJECTS: A tape measure, a yard­ stick, a red cardboard cross, a spike, a small whip or stick, and a block of wood six inches wide and six inches long. (Paint the nail and block black, and drive the nail into the center of the block.) LESSON: If you wanted to make sure this tape measure was correct, what would you do? “Test it with another measure, such as a yardstick.” Here is a yardstick, With which we can test the tape measure. Yes, it is neither too short, nor too long. Did you know that it is possible to be correct in many things, and yet be caught by sin? We will loop this tape measure around this black nail, to show you what sin does to people. ■[Double the tapé measure in tlie middle, and loop over the nail.] Sin not only catches, but it draws its victim closer to it- [Wind the doubled tape measure around the nail like a clock spring.] This tape measure reminds me of Job, when he said “I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. I was a father to the poor” (Job 29:15, 16). So far as the standards of men were con­ cerned, Job measured up pretty Well, for he seemed to be quite kind to other people. The time came, however, when he realized that his own heart was not right—that he was a sinner in the sight of God. Then Job said, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee: Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42: 5, 6). There was only one way to be freed from sin in Job’s day, as there is only

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B e s t W i s h e s from W. A. BROWN

punishing him be­ cause he was bad. God was not punish­ ing Job; He was teaching him im­ portant lessons to help him pass his test and be pro­ moted. God s a i d there were n o n e then living on earth as good as Job.

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LESSON STORY: It hurt Job's feel­ ings to be called bad, so he boasted to his friends about his greatness and his good works. He could not understand Why God let Satan give him that hard test when he was good. Then God spoke to Job’.« heart. When Job saw the greatness and goodness, of , God, he felt ashamed of being proud of himself. It was wrong to be proud. Like us all,. Job had some bad things in his heart. The Lord Jesus is the only One who ever lived on thisi earth who had nothing bad in His heart. Our hearts are like a bad report card which ■ we cannot change. The only thing that: can blot out our bad record and change our hearts ia the precious blood of the

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