King's Business - 1940-06


T H E K T N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1940

among those who are “natural” men (cf. Acts 2:15). 4. "Harp . . . viol . . . tabret . . . pipe, and wine” (Isa. 5:12). Nothing is more wholesome and satisfying than great musical art. But unfortunately in the history of culture we find too often that “music and wine” have gone together. Like all the other arts, music is a final good only under the direction and con­ trol -of Christian faith and ideals. Apart from God, man quickly turns beauty in­ to a thing to serve the beast within his heart. The art of music will never reach its highest possibilities until our Lord rules on earth over the kingdoms and affairs of men. 5. The passage in Isaiah 5:18-23 re­ veals the degrading results and condi­ tions which go with the sin of intem­ perance. First, there comes an abject bondslayery to sin on the part of men who think they are free (v. 18). Sec­ ond, there comes a flippant contempt for,, the things of God (v. 19). Third, men are plunged into moral confusion, so that they gravely call evil good, and good evil (v. 20). Fourth, having be­ come fools, men are inflated with delu­ sions of their own supposed wisdom (v. 21). Fifth, there comes a complete breakdown of social and governmental justice (v. 23). Golden Text Illustration 1 T imothy 4:8 In his book entitled Golden Age of Authors, William W. Ellsworth, who for forty years was identified with the Cen­ tury Company and knew all the famous men and women of literature during that time, tells an interesting story about Roswell Smith, founder of Scribner’s Fifteen Methods William M. Smith, instructor in Homiletics and Psychology in Union Bible Seminary has prepared a course of twenty lessons in Homiletics which will help you. 15 methods of outlining are used.

ness is thought to be light, and bitter is called sweet. Being wise in their own eyes, men cannot tell how perver­ ted their ways have become. in. T he P rofit from L ife (Gal. 6:7-9) This passage cannot be rightly un­ derstood unless We include with- it ver­ ses 6 to 10. It is not a passage written to sinners concerning their sin, although it is often quoted with this meaning in view. It was written to saints concern­ ing their selfishness in the matter of giving. The thought is that if those who are taught in the Word do not “communicate unto him that teacheth,” that is, supply the material things needed for the teacher’s support, though they may obtain some instruction from the teaching, the result will not be truly beneficial, for the nongiver is in reality puffed up with pride because of what he knows. These verses are concerned primarily with giving, as verse 6 and verse 10 in­ dicate. While the Lord expects His ser­ vants to look to Him for their support, nevertheless He gives to those to whom they minister in His name the opportu­ nity to become His agents in providing that support. God has declared that the workman is worthy of his hire. The believer is to weigh these considerations and to regulate his giving in the light of eternity. Points and Problems 1. “The fear of the Lord is the begin­ ning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7). The "fear of the Lord” provides the keynote of the Book of Proverbs, occurring thir­ teen times. This fear of the Lord is not only the “beginning” of knowledge, but literally “the chief or principal part” of knowledge. Man must not only begin with this, but it must .be his chief con­ cern all along the line. To depart from it is to become a “fool.” 2. “ Ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck” (1:9). Doubtless the chains here are also orna­ mental, but may we not see also a fur­ ther application of the reference? The faithful teaching of godly fathers and mothers, when accepted and followed, does become to the child not only an ornament of moral character but also serves as “chains” which restrain from evil paths. Happy are those who are bound about the neck with these chains of beauty. 3. “That rise up early in the morn­ ing, that they may follow strong drink’* (Isa. 5:11). Strong drink, under any «circumstances, is a curse to all who in­ dulge. But there is a special “woe” for those who actually rise from their beds early in order to follow strong drink. Such debauchery is possible ^.mong men, once started bn the downward path, though it is considered unnatural even


Patented in U.S.A. and other countries Famous the World« Over for Fifty Years Sweet Tone—Astonishing Volume—Inexpensive— Easily Carried—Suitable for Missions, Camps, Sunday Schools, Homes, etc. Write for Descriptive Folder' and Prices BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO., Inc. Dept. K, 1414 McLean Ave., Chicago, 111. King’s Business Subscription Rates Advance July 1, 1940 Please See Inside Front Cover D A I L Y V A C A T I O N B I B L E S C H O O L COURSES and SUPPLIES Kindergarten t Primary Júnior • Intermediate • Standard courses are most complete and bring you the newest supple­ mental material. Folder Sent Upon Request • Song Books — most complete line in Los Angeles. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE B e r e a n b o o k rooms 405- So. Hill St., Room 201 Los Angeles, California Sample Outline Text: Thou wilt shew me the path of life. Ps. 16-11. Subject: The Journey of Life. Method: The Pictorial Outline Method.


3. The Road—“ path’* a. One of many b. Is a narrow road c. Not many going this way . 4. The Destination, “ life” a. Contrast with death b. A d e l i g h t f u l anticipation o. A glorious consum­ mation

1. The Guide—“ Thou’* — Jesus a. Qualification—wise, kind. etc. b. Experience — been over the road c. Interest1—He d i e d for me 2. The Traveler—“ me** . a. Must t a k e the Journey b. Have not had ex­ perience c. Need just such a guide

11. Key-Word 12. Character 13. Biographical 14. Expository 15. Cause and Effect*

6. Contrast 7. Analytical 8. Synthetic 9. Pictorial 10; Narrative

1. Word 2. Phrase 3. Vérse 4. Chapter 5. Topical

These 20 Lessons Sent with the Gospel Minister, 8-page weekly, edited by Mr. Smith, 26 issues, 81. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY, Dept. 538, Westfield, Ind.

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