King's Business - 1940-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1640

Magazine, as well as of the Century, and “one of the few publishers who made money without the commercial spirit.’’ He . . . always opened the an­ nual meeting of the stockholders of the Century Company with prayer. He be­ lieved that God would bless nim in "bas­ ket and store if he did his duty.” And the years that Roswell Smith opened the annual meeting with prayer were the best years the Century Company ever had.—Five Thousand Best Modern Illustrations. What a Wise Father Said P roverbs 1 :1-10 MEMORY VERSE: “Honor thy father and thy mother” (Ex. 20:12). APPROACH: Are you not glad that God loves children so much that in His

pleased, Father and Mother will be happy, and children will _have a life full of joy.

Dr. Rodney O. Lilyquist DENTIST

Suite 806 Story Bldg. 610 South Broadway


7. 19 •40

Los Angeles TUcker 4323

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Object Lesson T im e T e s t s a n d T e e l s J ob 19:25

OBJECTS: Two large hearts cut from wall paper or other absorbent pa­ per, a solution of one part of potassium nitrate to six parts of water, a Bible, a flask-shaped bottle filled with vinegar, and two matches. (Several hours before presenting the lesson, write the word “SORROW” on one heart, with a small soft paint brush, using the solution, and write the word “JOY” on the other heart. Be sure that there is no break in the writing between letters. The chem­ istry department in high school will be able to furnish the potassium nitrate if your local store cannot. It can he pur­ chased at Braun Chemical Co., 2260 E. 15th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Place the bottle in a pocket on the back of the heart labeled “SORROW,” and the Bible on the back of the other.) LESSON: These two hearts look very much alike, but they are entirely differ­ ent. You can never tell what people are like, until you know what they are hid­ ing in their hearts. When we know what each heart contains, we shall be able to tell what the end of life will be. This heart has a flack-shaped bottle in it, reminding us of whisky. There is coming a day when Christ will test and reveal the secrets of ah hearts. I shall place this glowing match on this heart to show you what will happen to the one who drinks whisky. It is burn­ ing, and as it bums, it is spelling a word, “S—O—R—R—O—W.” The man who persists in drinking will not only have earthly sorrow, but eternal sorrow as well. We shall look in this other heart. It has a Bible. We are reminded of the words of the Psaimist, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psa. 119:11). Not only does God’s Word keep us from cer­ tain sins, but it also tells of Christ who can cleanse from all sin. We shall let the other match test this heart, and we shall see what happens. It, too, is spelling a word, “J—6—Y.” How much better it is to hide God’s Word in the heart, and to know Christ as a persona) Saviour, than to experience the drunk­ ard’s sorrow!

Book, the Bible, He tells them how to live a h a p p y life? God says, “Honor thy father and thy m o t h e r . ” Tha t means that chil­ dren s h o u l d be o b e d i e n t , polite, kind, and loving to their parents. They


should not answer back, nor take the biggest and best things for themselves. LESSON STORY: When Father and Mother grow old and cannot take care of themselves, we children must love them all the more, remembering how tenderly they cared for us when we were helpless little babies. When we grew older and had cuts and bumps and hurt feelings, how often our parents helped our hurts or wiped away our tears! This makes us love them and want to make them happy, doesn’t it? These are some of the things God’s Book tells about our parents: “A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother” (Prov. 15:20). “My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother” (Prov. 1:8). God gives a wonderful reward to chil­ dren who make their parents happy. Listen to this: “Honor thy father and mother; which Is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth” (Eph. 6:2, 3). “Hear, O my son, and receive my say­ ings; and the years of thy life shall be many” (Prov. 4:10). “Children, obey your parents in all things; for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord” (Col. 3:20). How happy it makes us when we can do something to please those whom we love! It makes children very happy when they make God happy. If children honor ' their parents, God will t»e

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