T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
June, 1940
of the countries of Finland or Norway. Undoubtedly, a Japanese grab would strengthen the forces now operating to spread propaganda in favor of our intervention in the affairs of foreign nations. REVIVAL IN SMALL DOSES: Dean Norman S. Buck of Yale University recently made headlines in some reli gious journals with the report of “a great interest in religion” among under graduates. He had hailed the following fact: “Last year there was an average attendance of only six to a -dozen stu dents at daily chapel at Yale. But this year the attendance ranges from 50 to 150.” Considering the thousands of students at Yale—even with 150 in chapel—the situation would appear still to be ap palling. Any increase in chapel attend ance is, of course, encouraging. But
Again to Alaska! Howard L. Brown has taken over 800 passengers to Alaska on tours conduct ed in the past eight years, and has re ceived such enthusiastic response to his first tour announced for this year, sched uled for July 6-22 exclusively to Alaskan ports, that he is announcing a second tour, August 10-24. The cruise ship, “Prince Rupert,” will not only visit the more prominent Alas kan ports, but also will stop at many points in British Columbia. The journey will include a train trip from Skagway over the storied trail of ’98 to beautiful Lake Bennett in Yukon territory. The California Christian Endeavor Union is cooperating with Hr. Brown in this travel program. For further infor mation write: 502 Paramount Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Westmont College Westmont College, the new four-year liberal arts college located at 231 So. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles, plans to open on September 23 for the fall semester. The faculty, composed of thirty-four individuals of unusually high quality scholastically and spiritually, in cludes several members of. Phi Beta Kappa, and a large number of them are honor students; The catalog o f the college will be off the press in the near future. Excep tionally strong work will be offered in the department of music—violin, viola, cello, band instruments, piano, voice, and pipe organ. Work will be given in science, both physical and biological sci ence. The physical education program promises to be excellent. Students plan ning to enter the fields of engineering, medicine, or theology will find adequate courses for their pre-professional train ing. Wallace L. Emerson, Ph.D., former Dean of Students at Wheaton College, is the President of Westmont College, and Charles F. Fredman is the field representative., The impression' in Navy circles seems to be that America is prepared to de fend the status quo in the Far East, that our fleet is to be used to protect Dutch and British possessions in that area. It is not clear just what may be the basis of that view. Our present neutrality policy obviously m e a n s “hands off” Asia, as well as Europe. Our prevailing foreign policy would de plore Japanese seizures, as it has done in the case of German grabs. But it certainly would not direct our interven tion in defense of the Dutch East In dies, any more than it has in the case VIEWS AND REVIEWS [ Continued, from Page 203] grab off some of the East Indies or other rich prizes now held by European ' powers. . ■ ^
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