June, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
they have been made objects of person al attack. Specifically; the offense of Mr. Hoover and his G-men is that they have been rounding up the Nazis and Communists, as well as the rum run ners and income-tax evaders. Very prop erly, Mr. Hoover regards these sub versive elements as public enemies. If the Reds or Nazis got trie chance, they would cause blood to flow on a scale never approached by the Dillingers and Capones. The critics of Mr. Hoover allege that he has not been overly tender in his solicitude for the “ civil liberties” and “Constitutional rights” of the enemies of the American government. Fair- minded citizens will realize, however, that Mr. Hoover has a job to do and he is doing it. The marvel is that, whjle not sacrificing the efficiency of his crusade against crime and subversiv- ism, he has been able to insure re spect for the rights of those who would turn “civil liberty” into a destructive racket. The p e t t y and insignificant charges against the G-men are, by their very nature, the best evidence of the meticulous care with which the rights of all have been respected, even while criminals and subversivists were being brought to book.
to call this “a mass return to the faith in student life,” as one editor has done, seems rather absurd. Some crumbs of comfort may be derived from the Dean’s report, but certainly the significance is limited. No evidence is given as to the type of religious teaching, if any, given in the Yale chapel. For that matter, chap el attendance may indicate an increased interest in world peace, social hygiene, book reviews of current literature, or slum clearance, quite as much as a “turning toward religion.” G-MEN. ON THE . SPOT: The public soon forgets! Now that the G-men have largely liquidated the Dillingers, Ca. pones, Floyds, Barrows, and the like, they are t h e m s e l v e s the object of searching assault. Two years ago, J. Edgar Hoover was unquestionably one of the most popular figures in the na tion. Today, he is still popular with the people, but a certain type of “lib eral” politician has come to list him as a public enemy. So long as Mr. Hoover and his aides concentrated solely u p o n underworld gangsters, they were public heroes. But now that they are going after the law less elements of the political realm,
, NEW TESTAMENT Hjaminative;—Pertinent for Christian workers. English, 3o cts.—French, Spanish, German, 45 cts.—Neat bound copies, 65 cts. Postpaid—Rates for quantities. Chinese, edition sponsored by Andrew Gih. Chinese binding, 40 cts. postpaid Advance orders for Portuguese, Italian, Polish. ■ S« A. Office: Alice Fontannaz 506 Oakdale Avenue, 3 r Chicago, 111. CAMP PINNACLE In the bracing Helderbergs near Albany, N. Y. . June 15 to. Aug. 26, 194 Dan Gilbert is one of America’s few Christian writers whose books have been widely reviewed in the great news papers of the nation. Leading city papers with a combined circula tion of more than 20,000,000 have favorably reviewed books by Dan Gilbert. The following is taken from a two-column review of "Our Retreat from Modernism," published Nov. 18, 1939, in the Chattanooga F r e e P r e ss , one of the leading papers of the South: New Book Reveals Modern Attitude On Christianity ‘Our Retreat from Modernism’ Sets Out Origin, Viewpoint of Leaders, Members o f Church by W. G. Foster , Jr. Dan Gilbert has recently pub lished a book, “Our Retreat from Modernism,” which clearly sets forth the origin, nature and re sults of a new attitude that has been gradually but effectively obtaining more and more advo cates among the leaders and members of our churches. Most of us have been more or less conscious of the changing emphasis of our church pro grams, but not until now has there -been a clear, concise, ac curate, logical work that sets forth in terms that.1the layman can understand the real differ ences between the new view and historic Christianity. Now it has been done in a book with which every professing Christian and every professed agnostic should be familiar. In this book, Dr. Gilbert gives the best analysis that has ever been written of the causes, ef fects, and end of the modem attitude, and he sets down the real underlying cause of such un belief and points to the only course by which we can find our way home. Every Christian who is leaning toward religious l i b e r a l i s m should read this book that he might know the. ro’ad he is on and where it leads. Every liberal should read this book that he might fully realize where he is. And every Biblical Christian should read this book that he might understand the attitude of modernism, recognize the fruits of it, and know how to deal with it. OUR RETREAT FROM MODERNISM by Dan Gilbert Cloth, $1 Paper, 75c A t your bookstore or The Danielle Publishers, No person can be intelligently informed on what is really hap pening in the world today until he has read this analysis. 4766 Norma Drive, San Diego, Calif.
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