King's Business - 1940-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1940

on Christian En By LYMAN A. WENDT*


II. The effect of spiritual power on un­ believers. 1. They were amazed (v.7); this is mental arrest. a. Though “every man heard . . . in his own language” (v.6), these men did not really un­ derstand, in a spiritual sense. But they “wondered.” b. It iS a good thing when men are compelled to leave “oth­ er” interests (work, school, pleasure) in common amaze­ ment at the “power” of God. c. It is the first step toward spiritual power. 2. They were perplexed (v.12); this is mental defeat. a. They admitted they did not know. This is a hopeful mo­ ment to an intellectual soul. b. Perplexity which leads to in­ vestigation is the second step toward spiritual power. 3. They were critical (v.13); this is mental activity. a. Men who were amazed and perplexed must come to some conclusion. These men did. “Drunk,” they said. b. They were as far from the truth as is hell from heaven, yet they were nearer the truth than they realized; for the power of the Holy Spirit ‘ had brought a flash to the eye, an abandonment to the voice, a zeal to the testimony, which they could not explain otherwise. IH. The effect of spiritual power on present believers. 1. Spiritual power will manifest it­ self today in the flashing eye, the abandoned voice, and the en­ thusiasm of an overwhelming conviction. 2. Our town will be amazed, and perplexed, and critical—when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Which Way? There are two ways of getting help. The one is to go round to all your friends, and get disap­ pointed, and then go to God last. The other is to go to God first; that is the shortest cut. God can make your friends help you after­ wards. The surest deliverance is from God’s right hand.—Charles Haddon Spurgeon.


8. As on the Day of PenteSost, these supernatural exhibitions will not save, but they create an opportunity for our preaching, and upon the astonished ears of an amazed people the Word of God will fall and convict of sin —and He will save! 4. Are we causing amazement, per­ plexity, and criticism by our spiritual power? Ulus.: An old building not wor­ thy of a second glance becomes the center of attraction when on fire! For the Leader Be" personally prepared to lead the group in a genuine consecration service in which all of you who are saved con­ sciously begin to recognize the reality of the indwelling Holy Spirit. JULY 14, 1940 ALL ONE FAMILY' A cts 2 :43-47 Introduction * When Peter preached his famous Pen­ tecostal sermon, the results were strik­ ing. It is not possible to tabulate all the results of that sermon, but there are some which we can see and can apply in our own lives, as members of the family of God. For Those Who Have Topics I. As one family they accepted spiritual guides and instruction, (v. 42). 1. They turned from the intellec­ tual leaders to “unlearned” men in matters pertaining to eter­ nity. 2. They were bound not only to one another but also to spiritual leaders. 3.. They accepted the “truth” and stood fast in it (cf. 2 Tim.l:13). H. As one family they delighted in spiritual exercise (vs. 41, 42). •1. They studied and obeyed the Word (v.42). (Stress import­ ance of Sunday-school and church services.) 2. They observed the ordinances. a. Baptism (v.41).

A cts 2:1-11 introduction

The account given in our Scripture lesson marks the beginning of a new day in human history. It is the advent of the Holy Spirit! He had not been absent from human affairs, for we re­ call that He was active in creation (Gen.l:2), in the making of the taber­ nacle (Ex.31:3), in the lives of Saul (1 Sam. 10:6, 10), David (1 Sam. 16:13), Zechanah (.2 Chron. 24:20), etc., and more recently in the lives of Mary (Lk. 1:35), Elisabeth (Lk.l:41), and John the Baptist (Lk.l:15), etc., as well as in the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus. But on the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came into a new relationship with believers. He began to indwell them, and the result Was a new power. For Those Who Have Topics I. The effect of spiritual power on the early believers. ■ 1. Transformation (cf. v.14; 4:13, etc.). a. These unlearned and ignorant men stood before the Jewish leaders and spoke as instruc­ tors. Why? They had spirit­ ual power! b. Few in number, with an un­ popular message, in the very city where their Leader had been crucified, they witnessed fearlessly. Why? They had spiritual power! c. Peter, so recently revealed as 2. Comprehension (cf. vs. 22-24). The incarnation, crucifixion, res­ urrection, and ascension were accomplished facts before Pente­ cost. But the believers did not understand their meaning! On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit made over to their trust­ ing souls the value of the cross (death to sin), the resurrection (newness of life), and the ascen­ sion (a living Advocate). The re­ sult was Spiritual power. *Pastor, Calvary Church, Santa Ana, Calif. (B io la ’34 ). a coward, now speaks bdldly to a hostile group. He had spiritual power!

b. The Lord’s Supper (v.42). i c. Prayer together (v.42). (Em­ phasize the, prayer meeting and participation in it.)

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