T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
June, 1940
possible to find recreation from the or dinary tasks of the “daily drag” in spir itual exercise. The dictionary defines recreation as “diversion” or “a pleasurable exercise or occupation.” How wonderful it is to relax from our daily task in a “recreation that en riches” ! Mary found it at the feet of the Son of God! As young people, we, too, may find it there—fun- anil fellow ship and entertainment, with the added enrichment of refreshment and vigor to the mind and soul. For Those Who Have Topics I. “Recreation that enriches” will fol low labor (v. 39). In verse 39, the word “also” implies that Mary had been doing something else, i.e., working in the kitchen with Martha. She realized that, at the moment, sitting at the feet of Jesus was more important. Let us be care ful to evaluate properly the impor tance of the temporal task as com pared with the spiritual. Our work will wait till tomorrow, but our wor ship will not. H. “Recreation that enriches” is essen tial (v. 42). 1. It is well to be able to distin guish things which are essential from things that are merely con venient or attractive. Illus. A child may admire a field of flowers; but the farmer is in terested in the wheat that is rip ening for the sickle. 2. Ten thousand things are conve nient; thousands of things are de sirable; hundreds of things are sought after, but one thing only is needful (cf. Mk. 10:21). What is that? It is fellowship with the Son of God. TTT “Recreation that enriches” is volun tary (v, 42). 1. Fellowship with the Lord Jesus is a matter of choice. He seeks us, saves us, and presents Himself to us as Counselor, Companion, and Comforter. It is only in knowing Him that we will love Him. 2. Have you “chosen” ? What was your choice? Was it the drudgery of “many things,” or a life under His complete control? For the Leader L’ Give opportunity for members of the society u> tell what form of rec reation they have enjoyed in the past. Then examine these recrea tions in the light of Colossians 3:17 and 1 Corinthians 10:31. H. Draw out the group to suggest some form of recreation in which all may participate — such as gospel teams, Bible study groups, organized cello phane-wrapped 'tract distribution, etc.
II. The explanation for their zeal (vs. 29-32). 1. Obelience (y. 29). Absolute surrender always brings satisfaction and boldness. Illus trate from your own life expe rience. 2. Fellowship with a living Lord (vs. 30-32). $ a. Assurance of salvation—by His death and resurrection (v. 30). b. Victory over sin—by His living Lordship (v. 31). c. Power for service—by His in dwelling Holy Spirit (v. 32). HI. The result of their zeal (6:7). 1. The Word of God increased. It “spread’’ and broadened its in fluence. 2. Disciples were multiplied. a. Zeal, with wisdom, always brings this result. Ulus. My enthusiasm influ ences my chum for Christ, he wins some one else, and so on and on! b. Note that it does pot say “members” but “disciples.” (Can you urge those who be long to your society to be dis ciples, or are you still only a “member” yourself?) For the Leader L Let the members of the group give accounts from modem life to show how “zeal pays dividends.” Exam ples are Burbank, Edison, Mme. Curie, etc. H. Then ask for examples of spiritual zeal which have brought definite and visible results, such as the per sistent prayer of a mother leading to the salvation of a son or daugh ter, or the fervent testimony of a boy or girl influencing a friend to accept Christ. tit Finally locate in God’s Word exam ples of “zeal which paid dividends.” Examples are: Paul and Silas sing ing in jail brought salvation to the jailer and his household; Andrew becoming enthusiastic led his brother to Jesus, JULY 28, 1940 R E CR E A T ION T H A T ENR ICHES L u k e 10:38-42 In trod u ction Very often we hear people say that the reason they do not attend church is that Sunday is the only day they have to get "out of doors,” etc. Recently a Christian business man (known to the author of these notes) was invited to go deer hunting with a friend on the Lord’s Day. He told his friend kindly but pointedly, “I’m sorry I can’t go with you, but Sunday is the only day of the week I have to go to church.” To this man, first things came first; and he, like Mary, had learned that it is
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