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T H E K I N G ’ S BU S I N E S S
June, 1940
J. and L ucille M ejton; Carroll and F oy M axw ell; B illy and Sonny M cCool; James Edward M cCroskey; and Bettie M ahaf fe y ; and Betsy M cD onald; Mary Mathis. Donna N orrell; David N ow lin; Shirley N ew ton; Reuben Nash; R obert Nix; Billy N ichols; D oyle N orris; H oward Noah; E ugene Norman; John Naylor, and Chris tine Newby. Joe Odell; P eggy •Osborne; B etty Oeh- m ig; George Owens. L ouise P rice; P eggy P erry; Sam P ear son; Helen Ann Pope; W ayne P oole; Mary Jean Partin; Eugene P rescott; W . C. Plem ons; Carol P ruette; Louise Peace; Leslie P rystup; B ettye' Dean Papw ell; Anita P ruett; Mary Frances P ark; Sidney P eterson; Joyce P ritchett; Frank P rest- ridge- Dorbthy Rhea P rince; Minnie Ge neva P otter; Travis Pepper; W illetta and Martha Jean P erkinson; and Mary Corene P otts; Benny and R ichard P arks; June and Lena Parker. Johnnie R ichards; ■Martha- Jo R iley; Thomas D. R oberts; Mary Nell©^Randall; E arl R ogers; Em ily Ann R eed; CarLeton R atch ford ; Margaret Jean Russell; Charles R obinson; Gordon R atch ford; P eggy R olston; Madeline R ichard; Mar tha R ose; V irgin ia R obbins; John R ob ertson; Myra Rathw ell; and Dewey R ow ell. E ugene Stiehl; H arry Schroyer; Shelia Smith; Jerry Sanders; Charles S affel; An- geline Stamos; Betti© Jo Simmons; Ernest Seagle; Geneva Schrudder; B illy Scar brough ; Juanita Stewart; Jew el Shaw; B etty Shelton; Anita Schubert; H ouston Sylar; Charles Seibold; Joe Salmon; La- Mair Soward; R obert Sm ith; Elizabeth Smith; Frances Louise Short; Gilbert Stein; E dgar Strain; F rances Slatton; R obert Paul Scott Jr.; B illie Jo Shaver; Mary Jo Stew art; R uth Simartt; E rnes tine Shelby; Medora Shaddon; W ilhem iiia Snyder; Eugene Snow ; Zona Stinnett; V irginia Stanfiel; and Joe Smith; B obby Sm ith; Dempy and Joyce Sm ith; C lifford Smith; V irgin ia and Josephine Shelby; D orothy, Harvey, and L ois Steele; W alter and Edward Shehee; B etty Ruth Roy. M ickey Arlen Thom pson; Charlyce Thompson and Buddy Thom pson; Gloria, Joyce Nadine and Jimm ie Thom as: Betty June and Sam T imm ons; B etty Thomson* R ^ F u™ er; B lair Jr. and Elizabeth T re- w h itt; Clare T aylor; A lm a Ruth Truett; Kenneth Tomm ey; Reba Jean Tucker. Raym ond Upton; John W . Usher. B illy V ernon; Jackie Van H ooser; F ran ces and B ettie Catherine V aughn; Clvde Vanoer, and Ruth Varner, . . D elphia Lee W illiam s; Marianne W il liam s; B illie Jo W ehunt; B illie W righ t: R aym ond and H arvey W hitaker; Bert y ills Jr*: R obert W estbrook; Margarie Ann W helchel; B etty W hisenant; John W itherspoon Jr.; Donald W illiam s; Fay W ra y; B illie j ° W elch ; Athleen W allace; Charlotte W oody; K en - n e Wol f ; Bettye Jane W atson; C lifford S5* M argaret W hite; Carl and B etty Ja^e W iley; R obert W iley; TB2 eflW l f, Jr‘ ; Jim^ y and Martha L ouise W ilson: H erbert Wheeler* Olene Y oung; Veneta and B etty Jean Y arbrough. (Mrs. F. R. Hayes, Leader). Edw in Zipp. DIAGONAL, IA .: E lbert Beal;' Beverly Buchanon: Ivan H ayw orth; Nellie Zants; ®aZw rd Zarr (D orothy Jessup, leader). . FRESNO, CALIF.: Galen arid Jolene Adam* Jean F oster; P atricia Gruenwald; (Marvin Thompson, pastor) GERMANTOWN, N. Y .: ’ Mona Carl; E lise Carlson; A lbert Cerand; Bernadette, Frances and V irgin ia D em bosky; Gladys R ifen burgh; Charlotte Sauer; Doris, L eo nard, and M argaret Sm ith; Sally Swartz- m iller. (Clara B arrett and Elisabeth T ay- . lor, teachers). HAMILTON, ONT.-, CAN.: Lorraine Burnison; E velyn G arnham ;. Catherine McCrae; .Mabel M iterlla; Isabell A nn and M argaret Agnes Nairn; Jean Walsh. (Jean E. Cooper, leader). HOLLAND ALE, MINN.; Ina Mae Cole; Doris F rodin; Theda H arm s; B etty M orse; Josephine Varner. (H. F .-a n d Mrs. Ster ling, teachers). MYRA, K Y .: Joyce Caseboldt; Madeline F lanary; Esther and R oxie Newsom e; Hazel, Mamie Lois, and V irgin ia Ray« Ida Reynolds. (R uth E rickson, leader). SIOUX CITY, IA .; Bob. Charles, Jack, and L yle Schertz. STOCKTON, CALIF.; Lois H eim ; Betty H olt; V era R eibin (B. Short, teacher).
JUNIOR KING’ S BUSINESS [Continued from Page 216] Charles Gunt; Ruth Gilbreath: Jack G rider; Joe Garner;. John Gates; Martha Marie G iles; B ettye and Jane Murray G ordon; Mary Ann G oodw in; Anne Gun ter; Joel Gentry; Sammy G oldston; L a- Nelle Gilliland: Jo Ann Grissom ; Loreice G riffin ; J. C. G oins; M ania Lee Galyon, Doro.thy Jean and Ralph G illiam ; James Goodner; Irene Gilley. V irgin ia and Pauline H ollis; Edith and Clarice Hudson; Mary and Ben and Laura H olland; W illodean and E velyn H ealy; V irgil, R oy and Marie H arris; OsCar and Clara Lee H eadrick; David, Junior, and H ow ell H icks; P eggy and B ettye H eld; Leona H ayes; Joyce H odge; Jane H ey- mann- Helen H enry; Eugene Harp; Ann H u ffa k er; Tawanda Lynn H oge; B illy Frank H aw k: Joyce Gail H a ffley ; Lois H arrell; Bernice H elton; B etty Jean H ig don; W illiam B. H am ilton; Edward H ol lingsw orth; B etty H enderson; Jeanine Huskey; E lla Sue Hunsucker; Carolyn H ughes; E dward Huddleston; W oodie H all; Lorene Haven; B etty H oldaw ay; Jill r H inkle; D oris Jean Hurst; Nancy Harden; Kenneth H all; Christine H eard; Corinne H all; R ichard H utsell; Charles H ardin; R ay H ill; Martha Carolyn H eavrin; and V irgin ia R uth H icks. P eg gy Ig ou ; V irgin ia Jo Irwin. D orothy, Ralph, W inona, and Jean Paul Jones; B obbie and D orothy Jordan; Mel vin, Gilbert, Ellison, Angelene, and V ir ginia Jo Johnson; D. D. James, Jr., K ath leen, and M ildred Jam es; Sammy Joyce; Eddie Jolley; Mariann Jacobs; Edward Jackson, and Joan Jarrett; N orvell C. Jones; Ollie M ae'Jenkins. Jack K reis; M ickey K eener; K ola Lee K in cer; Dave K ovarik ; Rudolph B. K lim p; G eorge K aylor; L orena K ennedy; Mary Ethel K n au ff; Mary K elley; Helen K in g; L ouise K ay, and V arick K rueger. , Mona Leland; Mary Clyde L ocklear; Tomm y L ebby: Em ily L ew is; B illie Car- leen L eech; A lbert Lutz; Helen L ow e; and Donald L ow ery; Jo Ann L indsay; B etty Sue L in gerfelt; John Lewis.
Please Mention The King’s Business P eggy Ann and Charlotte M artin; Bettie Jean M cK issick; Rolland M illion; Martha Jane Massey; James E. Maples; L loyd -Benson M anley; Inez McClure; Edw in M oore. Gerald Thomas McCammon; Anna McM illan; Geraldine M orring; Jo Ann M c- G aughey; W ilda Ruth M ackey; Carolyn Murphy; B ettye M avity; B etty Malone; B etty Jean M arler; James M cGathey; L loyd McM illian; Mildred M oore; E loise M assingill; B obby M cE lhaney; Donald M osier; Huson McManus; R oy and R osie M arshall; B arbara Jo M ansfield; Glendeen M cDaniel; B obbie Ruth McCurdy, and B etty M ahaffey; Bobbie, Charlotte and B etty M iller: V irginia and Richard Mc D aniel; Lam ar and Jeanette M axey; Christine and E ugenia M ontgom ery; A. GRACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Winona Lake, Indiana A standard theological school where the whole Word of God is honored and taught, and the high academic demands of Christian Scholarship are directed toward a practical Christian Ministry, with the following purpose and ideals:
• A Bible-centered Curriculum • A Competent and Believing Scholarship • A Missionary and Evangelistic Devotion • A Spirit-filled and Separated Life • A Premillennial Hope and Viewpoint • A Spiritual and Prayer-charged Environment • An Expository Preaching and Teaching Ministry
“To know Christ and make Him known as the only Savior and Lord of Life.”
Courses lead to recognized degrees, and are open to all worthy and properly qualified students. No tuition charges. Living expenses moderate. Unique spiritual, educational and recreational advantages. Fall semester opens September 2nd, Write for catalogue and information. Alva J. McClain.............................................................President
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