T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
June, 1940
July 16,17—Coulee City, Wash. C. R. Spurbeck. July 18—Soap Lake, Wash, Willard Backer. July 21—A.M. service, First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, Wash. John Porter, 303 Okanogan St. July 24, 25—Bellingham, Wash., Firs Conference. B. I. reunion. Elden Whipple, 139 Cable St. July 26—Everett, Wash., B. I, reunion. Gertrude Vandermeer, 2409 Highland Ave. July 27, 28—Seattle, Wash. Edwin K^app, 9645 48th Ave., S. W. July 29, 30—Tacoma, Wash. Jean Durham, 2220 E. Harrison St. July 31-—Olympia, Wash, Gene Huntamer, Route 2, Box 225. August 1—Aberdeen, Wash. • Joe Copeland, 604 W. Scott St. August 3,4—Clear Lake, Wash., B. I. reunion. Ed Arensen. Route 5, Yakima. August 5-12—Young People’s Confer ence, Clear Lake, Wash. James Verstrate, 1209 Fairbanks Ave. Yakima, Wash. Married Herbert Anderson, ’35, and Miriam Woods Heaton, May 2, Pasadena, Calif. Cyril Faulkner and Frances H. Gray, ’32, Apr. 3, Shanghai, China. Mr. apd Mrs. Faulkner are missionaries of the China Inland Mission. They are expect ing to be stationed at Kanhsien, Kiangsi. Born To A. J. (’23) and Mrs. Anderson, a daughter, Phoebe Lucinda, Mar. 16, Guatemala City, Guatemala, C. A. To Keith and Mrs. Fields (Sarah Bal- zar, ’39), a son, David Keith, Apr. 19, Los Angeles, Calif. To Rowland G. and Mrs. Hill (Marie J. Classick, ’35), a daughter, Doris Joan, Feb. 22, Shanghai, China. To H. Gordon (’38) and Mrs. Hyde, a daughter, Judith Kay, Apr. 8, Saf- ford, Ariz. To Abe (’31) and Mrs. Kroeker (Mary Neufeld, ’30), a son, Philippe Nathan, Feb. 16, Vanga, Congo Beige. Their address is Kikwit, sur Kwilu, Congo Beige. To C. E. and Mrs. Steiner (Edith Z. Overman, ’23), a son, Charles Overman, Apr. 19, Ada, Kans. Tc Curtis R. (’28) and Mrs. Zillgitt (Rosaiyn Hinote, ’31), a daughter, Do- reena Rae. Ap» Pomona, Calif.
FAMILY CIRCLE [ Continued, from. Page 214]
New Viewbook
Just Published The trustees of
Dr. and Mrs. Hubbard to Be Welcomed by Former Students Numerous meetings already have been arranged in California and the Pacific Northwest for Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hubbard who are expecting, the Lord willing, to tour this part of the country during the summer months. Following is a list of some of their appointments. Former Institute students are invited to get in touch with 'the person whose name is given as being in charge of the meeting nearest their home, or to write to Dr. Hubbard directly at the Institute before June 20, if other gatherings are to be arranged. Scores of Institute friends will wish to avail themselves of the opportunity of sitting again at the feet of this be loved teacher of, the Word, and of hav ing fellowship with him and with his wife in the work of the Lord. Itinerary June 22—7 F.M., B .,I. reunion, Dinuba, ' ' Zion Mennonite Church. John J. Kleinsasser, Dinuba, Calif. June 23—A.M. service, Zion Mennonite Church, Dinuba, Calif. June 25—Stockton, Calif. Wesley W. Nelson, 337 West Willow St. June 28—B. I. reunion, Oakland area. William G. Graves, 1701 Cedar St., Berkeley, Calif. June 30—Cottonwood, Calif. Harold Johanson. July 1-5—Central Point, Oregon, area. B. I. reunion, July 5, evening. C. R. Luther, Box 12, Central Point, Ore. July 6—Salem, Oregon, B. I. reunion. Margaret Thome, 1241 Chemeketa St. July 7—A.M. service, Emmanuel Men 703 N.E.. Multnomah St. July 10—Yakima, Wash., B. I. reunion. James Verstrate, 1209 Fairbanks Ave, July 11—Ellensbutg, Wash, Charles Molsee, Ellensburg, »Wash. July 14—A.M. service, Knox Presbyte rian Church, Spokane, Wash. William S. Hughes, 2322 Monroe St. ACTUAL EXPERIENCE SERIES A magazine published Vo encourage In soul win. nirig. Mr. Null relates actual experiences pitch- hiking to win souls, visiting noted prisons, trav eling an average of 50,000 miles a year by auto mobile on the highways. It has articles by’the best known soul winners and Christian writers. It Is mailed tree as-published. A postal with your name and address will out you on ¿he mailing list. CARLETON E.*NULL, Inc. P. O. Box 599 Oakland, California nonite Church, Silverton, Ore. July . 8 or 9—Portland, Ore. Ruth Walter,
Stony B rook have Just p u b l i s h e d a new. a 11 r a c . t i v e viewbook*, to show p ictorially the life o f the* boys ~~ the w ay they live, their classroom and labor atory work* their association w i t . n their masters, their athletics, and extra currieular activities.
Many friends o f Christian education have watehed with interest the grow th o f Stony B rook's influence since its founding in 1922. They w ill enjoy re view ing. in the new view book, con crete evidence o f Stony B rook’s suc-\ cess in giv in g - boys sound college preparation under wholesom e Chris tian influences. A copy will be.sent upon request If you have friends who should know of Stony Brook—-especially those whose boys might be sent to such a school . please send their names to the Headmaster .
For a catalogue and more information, address
JtonyßrookJchool Please mention K in ,’« Business. Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt.D., Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Island, Hew York
Fifth Annual Summer Bible Conference Sponsored by THE DENVER BIBLE INSTITUTE Special speaker: Rev. John Linton, Pastor, The Peoples’! Church, Montreal, Canada. Special features: Bible study classes for adults. P V. B. S. for children. Young peoples’ rallies, Missionary messages. Scenic mountain trips. Time: August 14-25, . For information and reservations, write Rev. C. Reuben Lindquist, Director of Publicity THE« DENVER BIBLE INSTITUTE Denver, Colorado
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