King's Business - 1940-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1940

should be amazed In how many lives there is the touch of death. We are to move among these drooping people like the “rivers of water of life.” —J. H. Jowett. 15. The Giver “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh doWn from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turn­ ing” (Jas. 1:17). , Keep the eye and heart upon the gift but for a moment, then let both be cen­ tered on the Giver. Or better still, copy the way which the ;teacher in the old grade school taught us to read: eyes on the lines for a time—hut, every 'now and then, look up! “Every good gift” (look up! now look down) “and every perfect gift” (look up! and keep looking up!). They all come from Thee, Thou Father of Lights. . . . Thou art fairer than any of Thy gifts.* —Richard Ellsworth Day. 16. The Surrender of Love “The love of Christ constraineth us” (2 Cor. 5:14). Christ demands complete surrender, and if we are Christians, that absolute abandonment will not be a pain. We shall drop the toys of earth as natur­ ally as a child will drop some plaything, when it stretches out its little hand to get a better gift from its loving mother. Love will sweep the heart clean of its antagonists, and there is no real union between Jesus Christ and us except in the measure in which we joyfully “count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ.” —Alexander Maclaren. 17. Debtors to Those We Serve “He that watereth shall he watered also himself” (Prov. 11:25). Here is the secret of perennial springs of blessing in the soul. And after years of missionary service, seeking to freely give, to pour out life at Christ’s feet and for His flock we must still remain very liberal debtors to all we have sought to serve, receiving a hundredfold more from them and their Lord than we have ever been able to give. —Northcote Deck. 18. A Blessing “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee” (Num. 6:24). The Lord blear thee! With blessings manifold, With treasures new and old, With the rest that shall remain After all toil and pain,

With His all-sufficient grace, With the shining of His face—

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The Lord bless thee.

And keep thee! Through weakness and through fear When danger draweth near, In His abiding joy No sorrow can destroy, In His most perfect peace Where fretting care shall cease, ’Neath the shadow of His wing And from every evil thing— The Bock “Speak ye unto the rock . . . and it shall give forth his water” (Num. 20:8). Speak to the Rock, do not strike it. Believe in the Holy Ghost and treat Him with the tenderest confidence and the most unwavering trust, and He will meet you with instant response and confi­ dence. Beloved, have you come to the rock in Kadesh? Have you opened all your being to the fullness of the Spirit, and then, with the confidence of the child to the mother, . . . have you re­ ceived by faith, and are you drinking of His blessed life?—A. B. Simpson. 20. The Way of Love “Love . . . taketh not account of evil” (1 Cor. 13:5, R.V.). Weymouth says: “Love d o e s not brood over wrongs.”, . . . That is, it stores up no resentment—never bears any mal­ ice—takes no account of any ill turn— never makes even a mental note of an evil done to it; but forgets it, and Con­ tinues to love the doer of it. Spurgeon says: “Love stands in the presence of a fault with a finger on her lips.” —Selected. 21. Do We Know Him? “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?” (John 14:9). Friendship is rare on earth. It means identity in thought and heart and spirit. The whole discipline of life is to enable us to enter into this closest relationship with Jesus Christ. We receive His bless­ ings and know His word, but do we know Him? , . . When once we get in­ timate with Jesus, we are never lonely, we never need sympathy, we can pour- out all the time without being pathetic. —Oswald Chambers. 22. Adorning the Gospel “He looked forth at the windows, showing himself through the lattice” (Cant. 2:9). “If she is a Christian, then I don’t want to be one!” is the cutting comment we so often hear from unbelievers about those who profess the ineffable Name— so often, indeed, that it is not morbid or unwholesome to take ourselves se­ riously to task as to whether we are definitely striving to make our Chris- The Lord keep thee. —Annie Johnson Flint. 19.

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