King's Business - 1940-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1940,

Our L i t e r a t u r e Tab l e

and illustrated from . actual experience. They w ere given first as public addresses in Great Britain, during; a. visit, of the author to that country. The pow er of the Spirit f God, which, energizes Dr. Iron ­ side’s preaching, is m arkedly evident in this helpful volume. 160 pages. P ickering & Inglis. Cioth. Price $1.50. The Seven R’s of the Full Gospel By M ARK ALLISON MATTHEWS E ight significant m essages—each dem- onstratim»- the scholarship and spiritual pow er which characterized Dr. Matthews’" long lifetim e o f preaching—are presented in this m emorial volum e.- Am ong the chapter title s‘ are ‘Pharisaical' Criticism ,'’ the Curse of the Church,” - “ H ow to Get Aw ay from the Papal P dw er o f R om e,” and “ John Huss, the Great Martyr and the M artyr Saint.” ', H aving been trained in the law and ad­ m itted to practice before the Supreme Court o f the United States, Dr. Matthews had developed ability to use the ..most- convincing logic.' His forcefu l statements pertaining to the claim s o f Christ had .alw a ys the ring o f sincerity and the sub- ' stantiation -o f the truth which the -Word o f God provides. The reading o f the pres­ ent volum e w ill bring mental and spirit­ ual invigoration. 101 pages. Zoh-depyan Publishing House. Cloth. Price $1.00.

“Believe It or Not” New Testament Prepared fo r wide distribution, this at­ tractive Testament w ill jflease personal w orkers particularly. The plan o f salva­ tion, set forth by W alter C. Erdman, ap­ pears in the front, and at thé back is a place fo r the record o f an individual d e­ cision to accept Christ. The book is small enough to slip easily into one's pocket, and yet the print is large enough to make reading enjoyable. 608 pages. Im itation leather Bible House o f Los Angeles, gin- ale copy, 30 cen ts’ 2 to 24 copies. 25 cents each: 25 to 99 copies, 21 cents each; one hundred or more, 18 cents each. A Handbook of Christian Psychology By LEANDER S. KEY ^ER In this age when p syeh ology'occu p ies a place o f prom inence in. the educational system, it. behooves every Christian load­ er to be inform ed on the subject. True psych ology does not stand in opposition to : the W ord o f God. Leander S. K evser, an able scholar and a devout Christian, has produced a w ork that sets forth the essentials o f psych ology in the light -o f the Scriptures in a manner that is in for­ mative and readable. The discourse- is necessarily brief and intended primarily fo r classroom study. 169 pages. Lutheran Literary Board. Clothr Price $1.50. Spiritual Jewels B y FREDER IC W . FA RR : This collection of m essages w ill warm the hearts o f believers. “ Jesus Only,” “ His E ye Is on the Sparrow ,” “ E thics of the Dust,” “ Prayer P ow er,” and “ The B e­ lievers' Divine B ody” are a few o f the titles. The chapters w ill bring inspira­ tion to practical Christian living. 39 pages. Am erican P rophetic League, Inc. • Paper. P rice 25 cents.

Back to Earth By g . w. M c P h e r s o n

D isregarding philosophic, scientific, or political prejudice of-.any groups o f p eo­ ple, the author has written fearlessly on ■subjects that are o f vital importance to American citizens. Of this book it has been w ritten, “ It unveils the philosophy on which Fascism , Nazism and Commun­ ism havt been built, and the source and . character of D em ocracy. It .com prises a small 'ibrary o f historical, philosophical, econom ic and religious fa cts o f much' value to all classes o f readers.” But. as the author him self has stated, its chief value is in. its exposure o f evolution as the basic philosophy in secular and re­ ligious education. Christians w ill find the w ork inform ative and helpful.: 261 pages. Y onkers Book Co. Cloth. P rice $2.25. Lights Aglow By LILLIE A. FARIS Sunday-school .teachéi-s . o f ^preschool pupils w ill w elcom e the new “ Prescftiool Bible Course” o f which “L ights A g low ” • is the teacher’s manual There áre fifty - tw o chapters in. whiph program s áre out­ lined in continuity w ith suggested songs, poems, draw ings, etc. “My Own Paper.” a : beautiful series o f fu ll-co lo r le a fle ts ' for the children and' tw en ty-fou r selected Bible art subjects from the great -masters fo r use in teaching are featured in the course. 22.0 pages. Standard Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice $1.50. (Papers and pictures additional.)

Know Tour Bible B y W . GRAHAM SCROGGIE

Changed by Beholding B y H. A. IRONSIDE This' is the first o f tw o volurhes which, together, give an analytical study of the w hole Bible. Volume II, “ The New T esta­ ment,” has not yet com e from the press. Dr. S croggie’s plan, which he follow s throughout the w ork, is to provide a brief introduction fo r each hook, and then, to supply a detailed analysis o f each. The approach is practical rather than critica l.' F or all Bible students, and especially fo r m inisters, this com pact treasury of truth w ill be invaluable. 221 pages. P ickering & Inglis. Cloth. P rice $3.0O,. GI FTS FOR BRIDE OR GRADUAT E FOR THE TABLE AND STUDY • WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES R. A. Torrey................................ ..$3.00 • ALL ABOUT THE BIBLE Sydney Collett ............. $1.50 • DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE John D. Davis...................... $3.00 THE IDEAL WEDDING GIFT IS A B I B L E WITH FAMILY RECORD SPRINGS IN THE VALLEY by Mrs. Chas E. Cowman One of the latest and best devotional books published. Contains C poems. S c r i p t u r e choice meditations . and J 5 0 D ealing .w ith the. problems that co n ­ fron t men in their desire fo r holy living, these six m essages are personal, practical, ’

• THE BIBLE WHEN YOU WANT IT A Handy Booklet............... ........ „..$ .50 • A SCIENTIFIC MAN'AND THE BIBLE Howard A. Kelly........ .......................$1.00

Containing a marriage certificate and space for a complete family record, this beautiful morocco- bound Bible will be prized in any home. Self-pronouncing, reference edi­ tion, King James Version, 300- p a g e Cyclopedic Concordance, c l e a r c o l o r e d ^ q q


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