King's Business - 1940-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1940

The New Testament and the Laws of Evidence By HARRY RIMMER In this fine book of apologetics, the author assumes the role o f law yer and allow s the reader to be the judge. The case fo r consideration is the credibility and authenticity o f the New Testament record, exam ined and scrutinized accord ­ ing to the same law s o f evidence as in a reg.ular legal procedure. W hat a thrill there is fo r believers to see another p roof of the veracity of God’s W ord in that there is not a single instance in which the evidence of the New Testament is not in harm ony w ith the highest legal order o f the land! The integrity o f the w it­ nesses, the past record \ f injustice ren ­ dered by higher critics; and the firm foundation of Christianity are all dis­ cussed in a m ost interesting and co n ­ vin cin g manner. 119 pages. Wm . B. E erd- mans Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice $1.00. Head of the House B y GRACE LIVINGTON H ILL This is the story o f the experiences o f seven children, whose father and mother w ere killed suddenly in an airplane a cci­ dent, and whose relatives w ere bent upon separating the group and directing their lives. The three m onths betw een the children’s bereavem ent and the day when the eldest, Jennifer, should becom e o f age and in a position to assert herself re­ garding hser brothers’ and sisters’ care w ere spent in hiding— first on a yacht and then in tw o d ifferen t mountain cabins— and the occurrences o f those eventful days led to the fu llest kind o f happiness fo r the youn g Graeme group. The part that a lighted sign, a B ible con ­ ference, and a youn g m inister play in the story is beautiful. 229 pages. J. B. L ip- pincott Co. Cloth. P rice $2.00. The Glory of the Impossible By ALBERT D. HELSER A lthough it has been maintained by many fo r years that “ it is im possible to convert a Mohammedan and it is im pos­ sible to cleanse a leper,” this book sets forth incident after incident w ith never- to -b e -fo rg o tte n clarity o f ju st such hap­ penings. Men and w om en w hose lives w ere steeped in sin and ignorance have been saved and their lives transform ed. Others w ho su ffer Unspeakably with leprosy — that disease o f “ remorseless nibblings of unhurried death” have been healed w ith m edicine and prayer. A s one reads he is very conscious o f the reality of God and o f His deep concern fo r His “ other sheep” in A frica. 144 pages. E van­ gelical Publishers. Paper. P rice 30 cents. A ,Doctor Without a Country By THOMAS A. LAMBIE Am bassador o f Jesus Christ to the Anglo-Sudan, Dr» Lambie saw God w ork m ightily in answ er to prayer in the open­ in g o f A byssinia to m issionary endeavor. A t the cost o f poignant sacrifice, he was w illing, when occasion required, to re­ nounce his allegiance to his own beloved country fo r the gospel’s sake, in acquies­ cence to the personal request' of the Em ­ peror, H. I. H. H aile Selassie. He w rites feelin gly o f the Italian invasion— o f the horrors o f w ar and o f the gracious p ro­ vision o f God fo r those w ho rested “ under H is w in gs” in times o f terror. Today, m issionaries have been ejected from that region, and the. natural man w ould brand the w hole e ffo rt as being futile. But the closin g picture Is not one o f defeat, but rather o f gloriou s and grow in g victory; fo r am ong the Abyssinians are those who know the Lord Jesus Christ and who are w itnessing to men of their own race and generation. 252 pages. Flem ing R. Revell Co. Cloth. P rice $2.00. Story-Talks in Lines B y RALPH D. HOWELL W orkers am ong children who appreciate the value o f visual teaching, but who say they “ju st can’t draw ,” w ill be glad fo r this excellent collection o f 150 easily drawn pictures to which spiritual lessons are applied. The book has countless pos­ sibilities. It is w ell indexed fo r quick reference. 155 pages. Revell* Co. Cloth. Price $1.50*

THE SONG OF SOLOMON by DR. H. A. IRONSIDE $ i.o o PREMILLENNIAL PUBLICATIONS Box 188 Camden, N. 3. SIGNS OF THE END That Have Never Occurred Before. The Man That Tried to Cheat The Devil. Father Divine. The Scarlet Woman. The Coming Horse­ men. Easy Roads to Hell. Russellism. The Gift of Tongues. These, and over 150 titles, including comfort series. Send postage for liberal samples. Pilgrim Tract Society, Randleman, N. C. FACE LIFTING FOR BUDGETS The actual dollars and ’cents savings you’ll effect by shopping at" RALPHS will “ lift” your food budget into definitely greater buying power, and give you greater variety and finer quality as well. Try it and see. . . .

Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle From Miss Christina J. Braskamp, Secretary of Biola’s World-Wide Prayer Circle, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif., comes encouraging word concern­ ing answers to prayer. The members of the Prayer Circle are those who have covenanted to give at least one hour a week to intercession for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. In a letter sent to these prayer helpers, Miss Bras­ kamp cites the following items for praise: 1. For the fine missionary and evan­ gelistic spirit prevailing among the stu­ dents at Biola. 2. For the openings for service dur­ ing the summer months which are be­ ing made available to Institute stu­ dents: in migrant camps, Daily Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, etc. 3. For the testimony concerning the Institute which is being given by radio at the Sunday night Back Home Hour (KMTR, 9:30 to 10:15 p.m.). Prayer helpers are reminded of the words of Samue, Zwemer: “Prayer is power. True prayer sets in motion di­ vine forces and restrains evil forces in a way we shall never understand until we stand in the Kingdom of Light.”

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