Stubbins Watson Bryan & Witucky Co - September 2021

... continued from Cover

studies and questioning just how effective Aduhelm is at treating Alzheimer’s. Some scientists also criticized the approval over the drug’s potential side effects, like brain swelling. But the biggest issue comes from interpreting the results. In some experts’ opinion, the fact that Aduhelm merely slows the development of the disease, rather than repairing memory or cognition, isn’t enough to warrant approval and widespread use. Plus, there are other drugs like it that also remove this dangerous protein from the brain. Other groups, like the Alzheimer’s Association, are worried about the price tag of the drug. The association supported the drug’s approval but fears this high cost will make accessibility difficult. It’s currently priced at $56,000 per year, according to a June 2021 National Public Radio article. While some experts worry that approving this drug will stall progress in understanding and potentially curing Alzheimer’s, many are cautiously hopeful that after nearly 20 years, the FDA has approved a drug for the treatment of this deadly disease. Many suggest that Aduhelm is ideal for patients with early onset Alzheimer’s, where the side effects of the disease are minimal and Aduhelm can have the biggest impact. As with many diseases, early detection can be the key to progressive, aggressive, and effective

treatment. In honor of this historic moment, I’d like to share a few early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

• Forgetting daily tasks, like appointments or names

• Challenges in solving problems or working with numbers (i.e., budgeting issues)

• Struggling to use common household items, such as the remote or oven

Increased issues with communication or vision

• Changes in mood, personality, and decision-making skills

Confusion about the passage of time

My hope is that those of you who love someone living with this diagnosis — or if you are someone who has it — find peace and a treatment system that works for you, even if that doesn’t mean using Aduhelm. I believe this is a promising step, and I hope to see progress continue.

To learn more about this historic approval, Alzheimer’s treatment, and support, please visit

2 Fun Family Card Games to Play With 1 Deck

Whether you’re hanging out at home or camping with the family, card games are a great way to relax. A single deck is versatile and easy to pack, so if you have one on hand, try these two games that go beyond the classics like War and Go Fish. 1. Slapjack (2+ Players, No Jokers): The goal of this War-style game is to win all of the cards. To start, deal all of the cards face down, then have everyone form their cards into a pile without looking at them. Each player then flips a card face up into the center. Continue doing this until one of the cards played is a jack.

When that happens, the first person to slap the jack wins it and the cards beneath! They add them to their deck, and play continues until one player has all of the cards. To keep things interesting, if you accidentally slap a card that isn’t a jack, you have to give up one of your cards to the player with that pile, and if you run out of cards, you can reenter the game by slapping the very next jack. 2. Spar (2–4 Players, No Ace of Spades or Cards Below 6): This easy game is played with just 35 cards, and the object is to win the last round (aka trick). To start, deal five cards to each player. Then, have the person to the left of the dealer lay one of their cards face up. Each person in the circle then plays a card in the same suit if they can or another suit if they can’t. Whoever has the highest card in the original suit wins the trick and starts the next one! The winner of the fifth trick wins the game. If you want to keep score, award three points if the winning card is a six, two points if it’s a seven, and one point if it’s an eight or higher. Then play again! We found these games on, but you can learn about them and dozens of others by checking out “The Ultimate Book of Family Card Games” by Oliver Ho from your local library.

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