Mooting Competitions 23-24

NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS The following were particularly notable achievements over the course of the year: • Chloe and Emily won the National York Negotiation Competition • Lexie and Sara won the National Client Interviewing Competition, against teams from England and Wales • Adshayan and Claire won the Mediate Guru Virtual Negotiation Competition • Bradley , Maggie , and Samuel placed 2nd in the PACT Online Dispute Resolution Competition in the negotiation bracket. • Keara-Lynn and Colm reached the Grand Final of the National First Year Mooting Competition • Hailey , Lexie and Bradley placed 3rd in the Warsaw Negotiation Competition • Bradley and Hadley placed 3rd in the ALSINC Negotiation Competition •Norma placed 2nd in the Mediator Category of the MediateWise Negotiation and Mediation Competition • Anna and Nick reached the quarter-finals of the ESU Mooting Competition: Bradley and Maren substituted in, successfully, for the round of 16. • Abigail and Tegan reached the quarter finals of the Mediate Guru Virtual Negotiation Competition • Chidinma , Norma , and Chloe were ranked 3rd in the UK Mediation Competition, with Chidinma winning the award for second best mediator. • Chidinma was awarded Best Advocate (International Bracket) in the Transatlantic Negotiation Competition • Bradley and Adshayan reached the semi-finals of the Michael Corkery QC (5 Paper Buildings) Mooting Competition. • Amelia and Maren reached the quarter finals of the Landmark Chambers Judicial Review Mooting Competition • Nick and Raquel reached the quarter finals of the National Medical Law Moot • Abigail reached the semi-finals, and Colm the quarter-finals of the Mediate Guru Client Interviewing Competition

Congratulations to all of our students who took part!

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