King's Business - 1966-02




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The Kings


February, 1966

Thirty Cents


Consists of those who desire to be faithful stewards in BIOLA's ministry. Their stewardship con­ sists of regular support of the GENERAL, RADIO, or MIS­ SIONARY funds. TH E SPONSORSHIP PLAN Any friend w h o designates $200.00 a year for student training "'becomes a "Student- Sponsor" and likewise a partici­ pant in the training of volun­ teers for worldwide service for Christ. TH E CHRISTIAN 'S W IL L Many people intend to remem­ ber BIOLA in their wills, but many procrastinate, with fre­ quent resultant losses to the Lord's work. An inquiry to our office will bring information. TH E INVESTM ENT INCOME Those who want to give a part of their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regular dividends, find this plan ade­ quately meets their needs. TH E TRUSTEE ACCOUNT Preferred by some with Savings and Loan accounts. Donor, con­ sidered a trustee for BIOLA, is in complete control while living. At death, the remaining balance goes to BIOLA. TH E BIBLE IN STITUTE OF L.A ., Inc. 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES 17, CA LIFO RN IA I am interested in: □ THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP □ THE SPONSORSHIP PLAN □ THE INVESTMENT INCOME □ THE CHRISTIANS W ILL □ THE TRUSTEE ACCOUNT Name Address

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X h e K i n g s B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 57, No. 2 • FEBRUARY, in the year of our Lord 1966 • Established 1910 Articles TH E SIN UNTO DEATH — M. R. DeHaan ............................................... 12 TH E DANGER OF C IV IL DISOBEDIENCE — J. Edgar Hoover .......... 14 W H A T MATTERS MOST — Vance Havner .......................................... 15 A FA ITH FU L W ITNESS — Irene Boyd. Martha Hooker .................... 18 EVOLUTION — Louis T . Talbot, Walter L. Wilson ............................ 19 PRAISING GOD IN TRAGEDY — Vera Lee .......................................... 34 BIBLE HEARTS — Martha Hooker ................................................................ 35 PREACHING PRINT — Naomi L. Erickson ................................................ 36 W HAT KIND OF A COUNTRY ARE YOU LEAVING ME? .................. 38 features MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .................. 6 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ............................................. 10 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot .......................... 24 CHRISTIAN WORKER'S C L IN IC — Chester Larson ............................. 25 TA LK IN G IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore .......................................... 26 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................... 27 BOOK REVIEWS ........................................................................................................ 28 CU LTS CR ITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .......................................................... 31 Columns PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ........................................................................................ 4 READER REACTION ................................................................................................ 8 PRESENTING TH E MESSAGE ............................................................................. 10 Cover This month's cover pictures Mount St. Helens, Washington, viewed from Yale Lake. Photographer is Ray Atkeson, and the picture is courtesy of the Standard Oil Company of California. Because of the beauty of the scene, we are again reducing the size of our masthead so that the picture may be used for framing or illustrative purposes. — All Rights Reserved —

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor BILL EHMANN: Coordinator

PAUL SCHWEPKER: Treasurer JAMES BRAMER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

VIRGINIA LUBER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker MEMBER EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to ,;The King's Business/'

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, California 90017.



HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST STIMULUS A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart. Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions” . . . and by whose stripes “we are healed.” Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju­ dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar­ ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A . MacKinney, Director

i n i H e M e w *

made to allow both organizations more freedom and wider scope in de­ veloping individual goals. MAP be­ gan by donating medicines for over­ seas medical missions and has grown into a seven-pronged attack on dis­ ease and health ignorance in under­ developed nations around the world. Benjamin Weiss, national president for the National Educators Fellow­ ship, Inc., has announced the winter conference for March 4-6, 1966 at Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardi­ no, California, the international headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ. NEF is an organization for Christian career educators. Reserva­ tion information can be obtained by writing to J. W. Kramar, 21007 East Cloverland Drive, Covina, California 91723. Ralph B. Odman, general director of the Unevangelized Fields Mission, passed into the immediate presence of His Lord on December 5, 1965. Rev. Odman underwent surgery in June for the removal of a brain tumor. He was making remarkable recovery until a few weeks prior to his death. His decline was rapid and the end came suddenly. The UFM and the Christian public have suf­ fered a great loss, but we bow be­ fore the sovereign will of God. Dr. Ralph L. Keiper, associate editor of Eternity magazine, noted preach­ er and Bible Conference Teacher is pictured below receiving an award from United Airlines executive Rich­ ard C. McGuiness (right), for his more than 500,000 miles of air trav­ el. United’s “Extra Care,” motto is a way of life for the almost totally blind Dr. Keiper who has travelled these many miles in conferences and preaching missions throughout the

Martin R. DeHaan, former physician and well-known radio Bible teacher,

went home to be with the Lord on December 13,1965. H av ing sustained serious injuries in an automobile col­ lision in July of this year. Dr. De H aan ’s recov e ry had been slow be- cause of complica­ tions o f h e a r t

Dr. DeHaan

trouble. His strength had gradually waned until a week ago when he ap­ peared to have passed the crisis. Death came suddenly as he was rest­ ing at home. For 27 years his voice sounded forth the clear and unmis­ takable Gospel message through the Radio Bible Class. Richard DeHaan, who has been associated with his father in the radio ministry for many years, has stated that the ra­ dio broadcast and literature produc­ tion will continue uninterrupted, ac­ cording to his father’s w ishes, Richard DeHaan will carry on the work which was directed by his fa­ ther for so many years. William T . Greig, Jr., executive vice- president and general manager of Gospel Light Publications, has an­ nounced a new line of popularly priced paperbacks, Regal Books, de­ signed to communicate the Gospel to the man on the street. It is believed that Regal Books will be a practical answer to helping relate Christianity to the everyday lives of Christians and non-Christians alike. Arnold D. Ehlert, well-known scholar and head librarian of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary, La Mirada, California, has made a significant contribution to the field of Christian literature through the publication of “A Bibliographic His­ tory of Dispensationalism,” pub­ lished by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The new book is indispensable to a thorough study of dispensationalism. All the important books, pamphlets, magazine articles and charts are listed and discussed as to their nature and contribution to the subject. The purpose of the book is to provide a basis for the study of the doctrinal history of the subject of ages and dispensations. P. Kenneth Gieser, president of the board of Medical Assistance Pro­ grams, Inc. (MAP), has announced the separation of MAP from its par­ ent organization, Christian Medical Society, and begins this year as a separate corporation. The move was

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United States, Canada and overseas. In accepting the award Dr. Keiper noted that the sphere of his service and travel has been remarkably ex­ tended due to the wonderful care he received from the airlines personnel, beginning with the ticket agent to his destination and back. He hopes for another happy and helpful 500,- 000 miles of service for God in his world-wide parish.

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X T is e a s y t o l o o k out on the world about us and see the foundations of our civilization crumbling on every hand. Evi­ dences of this decadence may be observed in the ecumenical move­ ment among the denominations, the lack of convictions in the theological position of so many conservative pastors, the desire to enter into "dialogues” with Christ-deniers, Bible-unbelievers and other defectors from the faith and a breakdown in morals in practically every segment of life. After meditating upon the sorry condition in which we find ourselves, it is always most refreshing to be able to turn to the Word of God and there find the reassuring words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "Upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16 : 18 ) . As one travels about the country in conferences and meetings of various types, it is always en­ couraging to encounter the faithful core of earnest, Bible-believ- ing, devout Christians who have not been led astray by any of the modern-day theological vagaries. These by-paths which lead away from the mainstream of solid Bible-believing Christianity seem to be more numerous today than ever before. There are so many "wandering fires” that it is heartening to see how many people have remained absolutely true and unswerving in their beliefs in the Word of God and all for which it stands. These diversions from the pure Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ include the glossa- lalia movement, neo-orthodoxy, hyper-dispensationalism, various shades of pseudo-scientific hypotheses which discredit the authen­ ticity of the Word of God and manifold cults which have at­ tached themselves to the body of the visible church and are sap­ ping its members and thereby much of its strength. All of these satan uses to lead astray the untaught and unwary. These are indeed days of enlightenment, interest in religious matters, and, at the same time, appalling indifference to the vital truths of God’s Word. As one looks at Christendom today, THE KING'S BUSINESS

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he has a sense of discouragement and despair in realizing that so much has been offered to so many and that the Gospel and its attendant disciplines have been so completely denied in the pul­ pit and ignored in the pew. At times one is inclined to feel as did the reporter who brought disastrous news to Job, "I , even I only, am left.” One can almost sense the attitude of our Lord when He exclaimed to the disciples after seeing the great multitude walk slowly away from His message, "Will ye go away also?” Then, in the goodness of the Lord, our hearts are refreshed when we meet so many wonderfully devout and earnest Christians wherever we go. We thank God for the great host of individuals who quietly, unobtrusively but very definitely, continue to adhere to the great doctrines of the Word of God and who pattern their lives on the basis of what those doctrines teach. These people are not fooled by attractive personalities or high-sounding phraseology; instead, they listen very attentively to what is being said by any given speaker and note particularly what is omitted from the message. If a man eulogizes Jesus Christ to the skies as a great teacher, leader of men, humanitarian and way-pointer to God, but fails to honor the complete person of Jesus Christ as God manifest in the flesh, these Christians are quick to note the omis­ sion. They classify and categorize the speaker and will have nothing more to do with him and his liberal teachings. Of course, it is impossible to include all the doctrines of the Bible in one sermon. Still it is relatively simple to note what is said, how it is said and what is omitted and thus to judge the speaker thereby. Gone is the day when a person can sit in the pew and relax com­ pletely in the knowledge that the Word of God will be expounded. Gone is the day when an ordained man who occupies the position behind the sacred desk can be trusted implicity to proclaim, "Thus saith the Lord.” Gone is the day when a pleasing personality can be equated with doctrinal orthodoxy. But, thank God, there is a faithful remnant, which may be much larger than we even realize, not taken in by those who would do despite to the Gospel message, who gauge a man’s message on the basis of its conformity to the Word of God rather than upon his intellectual prowess or personal presentation. These are the salt of the earth, these are those who make up the true church and of whom our Lord spoke when He said, "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The editor has had the opportunity of visiting groups of peo­ ple in widely scattered areas of our country during the past sev­ eral months. It is indeed spiritually refreshing to find in every place visited a company of wonderful Christian people who fer­ vently love the Lord and His Word. They are not willing to be subject to unbelieving ecclesiastical authorities, but instead go about their Father’s business of proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ as they stand firmly upon the Rock of Ages. There are yet "seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” We thank God for this great host of people and are encouraged in our own spiritual lives by their faithful testimony.

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CULTS CRITIQUE It is good to keep Christians in­ formed of the different groups th a t do exist so they can be aware of beliefs, and forewarned when they meet them. Thank you for doing such a good task. Mrs. Marjorie Ault, Burlington, Washington I happened to pick up the November K ing ’ s B usiness and was delighted to read the critique of E rnest C. Wilson’s textbook. At 91 years of age, I read only the Scofield Reference Bible. It is amazing how many flock to these per­ nicious cults. I am armed with all the cult literature I can collect. Lately I have been studying the prophecies in the Bible. Charlotte M. Hoak, South Pasadena, California NEW THINGS I am very happy to renew my sub­ scription to T he K ing ’ s B usiness . Of several Christian magazines th a t I read, the KB is my favorite. But the best compliment I can pay you is to tell you th a t in every issue I find new things which I apply to my Christian life. I don’t always agree with your editorials, but I always appreciate the issues about which you write. Mrs. Elaine Schino, Oakland, California FELL IN LOVE A friend of mine let me have her copy of the November K ing ’ s B usiness M agazine , and I ju st fell in love with it. I am subscribing to it, and hoping it is not too late to get the December issue. I had never had the chance of reading it before, so am very thankful she let me see her copy. Mrs. Edna Lagerquist, Anoka, Minnesota WANTED: OLD KB’S We want to thank you for the part T he K ing ’ s B usiness has had in the work of our Mission. We have been using the old magazines in sending pound packages to people all over the world. Now we have used all available K ing ’ s B usiness M agazines th a t peo­ ple have sent us, and we would like your readers to know of our present need for more. The magazines should be sent to the Christian Salvage Mis­ sion, 114 North State Street, Howell, Michigan. Mr. Logan Papwortti, Howell, Michigan APPRECIATION My K ing ’ s B usiness came today. I really think it is the best Christian magazine out now. I read the article, “How’s Your Family?” (December is­ sue) and it is very good. I t sure hits the nail right on the head. Mrs. O. M. Krogh, Omaha, Nebraska



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Each month in this column we will be featuring a letter from Mrs. Ruth Calkin. She will be answering ques­ tions from you, our readers, out of her experiences as youth counselor. She is the wife of Rollin Calkin, min­ ister of music and Christian Educa­ tion at First Baptist Church of Pomona. Dear Ruth, My pastor thinks it’s worldly for Christian girls to wear lipstick. What do you think? L.C. Dear L.C., Last week we gave our drab kitch­ en a fresh coat of paint. You should see it glow and sparkle now. If there is anything worse than a drab kitch­ en, it’s a drab Christian! Dear Ruth, How come there are so many two- faced hypocritical women in the church? Disgusted! Dear Disgusted, Hypocrisy in the church! But why stop there? Why even start there? Hypocrisy dates back to the garden of Eden. A hypocrite, according to Mr. Webster, is one who pretends to be what he is not. Look around. You’ll find full-fledged hypocrisy in every walk of life. Shyster lawyers, crooked politicians, quack doctors, gossipy neighbors are just a few examples. Whatever stops short of a total surrender to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord is hypocrisy. Where does that put you and me?

Over the Coffee Cup

by Joyce Landorf


H ere it is the month of Valen­ tines when, “Roses are red, Violets are blue, Everyone’s saying, ‘I love you!’ ” Well, maybe not everyone. It seems to me that many times in the past few weeks I ’ve read or heard of an UN-lovely act committed by one Christian woman to another. The very unkind thing said to a minister’s wife, or the bitter dis­ agreement between a chairman and a co-worker, and then there was the gal who phoned this week simply to gossip, but she said, “I’m telling you all about Mrs. X. so you can pray for her.” (Really?) All of us seem to be able to quote that beautiful love chapter from Corinthians, but sometimes we fail miserably in applying it. Perhaps we are not looking close enough in the Are you looking for a special way to make Valentine’s dinner glow and look pretty? Then try this delicious Strawberry jello recipe. If you’re really romantic, you’ll mold this jello in heartshaped molds! You’ll need: 2 packages strawberry jello iy2 cups boiling water 2 packages of frozen strawberrie 1 #2-can crushed pineapple Chopped nuts optional Small container of sour cream Method: Dissolve completely 2 packages strawberry jello in l x/2 cups boiling water. Add 2 packages of frozen straw-

Scriptures. So clearly the Old Tes­ tament says, “Create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.” The key word in this verse is “ME.” The Lord must start with MY heart and MY spirit. But what DO you do about the people you’ve tried (honestly tried) to love and simply can’t? First, clear the air between you and the Lord. A clean heart and a right spirit are absolutely necesary. Second, mention Mrs. So-and-So’s name to the Lord and admit you can NOT love her. Your failure is God’s success. Third­ ly, ask our Lord to love her through you. Even though you can’t, He can! I speak from experience and I know this really works. When it happens to you, the moment when you find God loving THROUGH you, it will be one of the loveliest experiences you’ve ever had! Try it this Valentine’s week. berries, break up and stir until completely defrosted. Add 1 #2-can of crushed pine­ apple (chopped nuts too, if wanted). Spread half of the mixture in a 9” x 13” pyrex dish or a ring mold. Let jell. Spread one small container of sour cream over set mixture, then add remaining mixture on top and let set. Serves 6 to 8. Our best hearts a n d flowers “thank you” to Margaret Sanders, talented organist and marvelous cook, for giving us this recipe.


V erse for T oday I have a secret formula For when I ’m feeling blue; I sing a little song of praise Until the sun shines through. “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (I Thessa- lonians 5:16-18).





Scripture: Judges chapter 11. Text: vs. 6: “Be our captain.” Object: To see the importance of the in­ dividual in God’s plan. Introduction: The Need, Judges 9:17, 18. 1. Gilead’s Problem—a leaden 2. Gilead’s Person—not legitimates I. The Arrangement: Leadership, vs. 1- 11 . A. Jephthah, 1-6. 1. Jephthah’s aspiration, 7-9. 2. Jephthah accepted, 10. 3. Jephthah acclaimed, 11. • II. The Argument: Land, vs. 12:28. A. Jephthah’s Request, 12. B. Ammon’s Reason, 13. C. Jephthah’s Reply, 14-27. D. Ammon’s Refusal, 28. III. The Affirmation, vs. 29-31. A. God’s Spirit Working, 29, 30a. B. Jephthah’s Real Desire, 30b. C. Jephthah’s Rash Words, 31. IV. The Ascendancy, vs. 29-33. A. The Fact, 29, 30. B. The Fight, 32, 33b. C. The Finish, 33c. V. The Adherence, vs. 34-40. A. Jephthah’s Return, 34. B. Jephthah’s Repentance, 35-38. C. Jephthah’s Reverence, 39, 40. Conclusion: The Necessity, vs. 35. JESUS, TH E FRIEND 1. The sinner’s friend (Matthew 11: 19). 2. My friend (Song of Solomon 5-: 16). 3. The friend who satisfies (Song of Solomon 5:1). 4. The friend who sticketh closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). 5. The unchanging friend (Proverbs 17:17). 6. The surety (Proverbs 6:1). 7. The friend who dies (John 15:13). 8. The friend who reproves (Proverbs 27:9, 10). 10. Communion (Proverbs 27:17). 11. Resurrection (John 11:11). My beloved is my friend. Christians need an object for their heart. His photograph: altogether lovely. 1. Thrust out, 1-3. 2. Called in, 4-6. B. Justice, 7-11. 1. The Vow of Victory 2. The Virgin Vassal. a. No descendants. b. No dynasty

C o m p a s s io n ’ s Bethany Home in Korea answered the last two questions. A Lan­ caster, Pa., family gave the answer to the first question by becoming Kim Jae Yung’s American sponsors. Today this onetime hopelessly lost juvenile beggar is this handsome boy now studying in a Bible school. You, too, can share in the blessing of this kind of transformation. In our 170 Homes there are hundreds among our more than 22,000 orphaned boys and girls who do not have a sponsor.

The cost is so small and the reward is so great. For only $ 10 a month—that’s just 33 cents a day—you can become a sponsor, providing wholesome food, warm clothing, shelter and medical care. Our trained staff of devoted Koreans will help bring them up in a loving Christian atmosphere. For you it becomes a wonderful, personal relationship. You will get orphanage picture and history, life story, photo and address of the orphan you select. You can write or send parcels as you wish and replies, in English, will be prompt. Hungry, homeless children, shivering in their rags, are almost daily being brought to our Homes. Only as we can provide for those unsponsored orphans now in our Homes can we accept more children. Act NOW. Do what your compassionate heart tells you to do.

Bok Hui (U9) Age 12

Kyung Sun (U-7) Aon Q

Ki Tae (U-8)

Soon Ae (U-5) Ago 5

ung Soon (U-6) A on 9

Yung Min (U-4) Age 8


□ Yes. i want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is_____________________If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy □ Girl__________Age. With God's help, l will send $10 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may dis- continue any time. Please send child’s picture and FULL PARTICULARS. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ Please select a child for me and send par­ ticulars at once. □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $__________ All gifts are most welcome . . . income tax deductible. □ Please send folder "How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan."

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O N E o f t h e m o s t interesting verses in the Bible fo r the Christian to soberly contemplate is I John 5:16: “I f any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them th a t sin not unto death. There is a sin unto d ea th : I do not say th a t he shall p ray fo r it.” In this little-understood text, we have mention made of a sin called “a sin unto death.” Many and varied have been the explanations and in terp reta­ tions of this text, and few there are indeed who fully realize the tremendous and solemn meaning of these words of the Lord, spoken through the Holy Sp irit to the church of Jesus Christ. We must, first of all, inquire, to whom these words were written. All Scripture is given by in­ spiration of God but all Scripture is not given to the same individuals. A valuable rule fo r Bible study may be summed up as follows: All Scripture has: (1 ). A primary in terpretation ; (2 ). Many secondary applications; (3 ). Often a prophetic revelation. Try out this rule on the passages on which there is great difference of opinion and you will find th a t the cause of the confusion is failure to observe th is simple rule. Men confuse the appli­ cation and the interpretation, or ignoring both they see only the prophetic teaching. We must recognize all three. In the passage we are discussing regarding the “sin unto death,” the interpretation and applica­ tion are clear. The usual interpretation has been th a t this refers to the sinner who continues in his rejection of the Lord Jesus, but John is not talking in his first epistle to sinners, but to “believers.” He is speaking about “brothers.” The expression “sin unto death” may refe r to two things. F irst, it may indicate a sin which will be punished by physical death. Second, it may refer to the results of a sin, clinging to the believer until the day of his death. What is this terrible sin which the Lord punishes a t times by taking the believer home by death, or else causing him to carry the dire effects of this sin in his body until the day of his death? From the many passages dealing with this matter, we gather th a t it consists of continued sinning against light. I t is called in Hebrews “sin­ ning willfully” ; David in Psalm 19 calls it “pre­ sumptuous sins.” There is a great difference be­ tween “falling” into sin and “living” in sin. When the believer falls into sin, God has made a provi­ sion fo r cleansing from it and escape from its penalty. When the believer lives in sin and con­ tinues in it, in spite of better knowledge and teach­ ing, there comes a time when the Lord must take a hand in the cleansing, and while the Lord forgives, the price must often be paid until the day of death, or by death itself. Suppose a Christian falls into

by M. R. DeHaan

(Dr. DeHaan went home to be with the Lord in December. His ministry continues to be blessed of God around the world.)



sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we a re judged, we are chastened of the Lord, th a t we should not be con­ demned with the world” (I Cor. 11:28-32). Paul is speaking of believers, not unbelievers. The Lord’s Supper is not fo r the unbeliever a t all so th a t everything in this passage applies to the born-again member of the Body of Christ. This is still fu rth e r evident from the 32nd verse where we read, “But when we a re judged, we are chastened of the Lord, th a t we should not be condemned with the world.” This judgment is not for condemnation, but for chastening. If God’s chastening is despised, the Lord may take His erring child home to face the judgment seat of Christ a t a la te r time. Accord­ ing to this verse many believers are taken out of this life before the ir time because they continue in willful sin, the sin unto death. Paul speaks of another case of this kind in I Corinthians 5 :4-5. This was the case of a believer who continued in the open, willful sin of immorali­ ty, refusing to judge himself. Paul says th a t he was to be delivered to Satan fo r the destruction of the flesh. The man’s soul was not lost, fo r Paul adds, “That his sp irit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” When we preach the grace of God, some accuse us of preaching a dangerous doc­ trine, as though grace were an excuse fo r careless living; as though, ju s t because we are eternally saved by grace, we can live as we please and do what we want to and it will make no difference. If this is your thinking, you do not yet know the tru th of the Judgment Seat of Christ or the tru th of the sin unto death. Because we are saved, we ought to walk the more carefully, fo r God will judge His people. There is a sin unto death, and God does chasten His people. I am convinced th a t this tru th concerning God’s judgment upon His children who sin against knowledge is a most neg­ lected tru th . Failure to recognize it is a t the bot­ tom of much of the carnal, fleshly, worldly conduct of those who profess to be saved by grace. Not in vain did Pete r write, “For the time is come th a t judgment must begin a t the house of God: and if it first begin a t us, what shall the end be of them th a t obey not the Gospel of God ? And if the righ t­ eous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (I Peter 4:17-18). I t will not do to rebel against this tru th . Our failure to recognize the fact th a t judgment must begin a t the house of God is a t the root of a smug complacency among Christians which has done more to bring the world into its present mess than anything else. Let us, as believers, examine our­ selves, cleanse our lives and live up to the light we have, lest, “having preached to others, we our­ selves should be castaways.”

sin, gets into a fight and loses an eye; the Lord does forgive his sin, when he confesses it, but his eye will never return. He will carry the scar of his sin unto the very day of his death. In the Bible a distinction is made between “erro rs” and “deliberate sins.” In Hebrews 9:7, we read concerning the work of the high priest these words, “But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the ERRORS for the people.” He made atonement once a year fo r the errors of the people. The word translated “erro rs” is given in the Bible as meaning “sins of ignorance,” not deliberate and willful. Fo r these, the priest presented the blood, and the people were forgiven. Today, of course, we do not have these sacrifices, but we have a High P riest in Heaven, even the Lord Jesus Christ, who there also presents the all-prevailing blood a t the mercy seat of the throne of God. There are sins of ignorance, sins of defilement, and sins of omission. Some sins which the Israelite could commit had to be punished by death because they were sins fo r which there was no excuse. In Exodus 2 1 :12 we read, “He th a t smiteth a man, so th a t he die, shall be surely put to death.” In case of an accident whereby a man was slain, God appointed a place of refuge. When a man pre­ sumptuously slew his neighbor, however, there was no provision made. God says, “Thou shalt take him from mine altar, th a t he may die.” The a lta r made provisions for sins of ignorance and defilement, but not fo r a premeditated act. The penalty was death fo r it was a sin unto death. Many other passages might be quoted. Read carefully Leviticus 20:10-16 and you will find a list of sins fo r which there was no sacrifice. The Lord does forgive the sins of His people when they confess, but if willfully committed, they may have to carry the scars through life. I f the sin is unconfessed, the Lord may even visit His child with physical death. The believer cannot live as he pleases ju s t because he is saved. God has a way of dealing with those who sin presumptuously. The more light you have, the greater is your re­ sponsibility. The more you know of God’s will, the more God expects of you. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians in the eleventh chapter of his first Epistle, teaches this tru th so clearly th a t we wonder why more believ­ ers do not see it. Concerning the fellowship a t the Lord’s table, Paul says, “But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of th a t bread, and drink of th a t cup, fo r he th a t eateth and drinketh un­ worthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to him­ self, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many



O NE CONCEPT which is wholly inconsistent with democratic processes is the to talitarian idea th a t the end justifies the means. In a free society sustained by respect fo r procedural as well as sub­ stantive rights, the “end,” however noble, can never excuse unlawful “means.” A curren t move in this country advocating un­ lawful means has been labeled civil disobedience. This doctrine is based on the startling theory th a t if one does not agree with a law and believes it to be morally unjust, he may disregard it to achieve a particu lar objective. I think society, by and large, is unaware of the long-term implications of this creed, primarily because those who seek immediate and temporary solutions have obscured the fu tu re by a smoke­ screen of slogans and high-sounding cliches. No m a tter what the goal, the fact remains th a t a peaceful, healthy, orderly society cannot exist, now or ever, if each individual may determine which laws he is going to obey and which he is not. The basic question is respect fo r law and due process and whether dispassionate justice is to be rendered. To my mind, there are two frightening aspects to civil disobedience. One, sowing contempt for law and order and promoting pride in lawbreak­ ing among the Nation’s youth can only result in an acceleration of our serious crime problem. In some quarters, it already appears th a t the social stigma formerly attached to lawbreakers is being replaced by sympathy for the ir actions and an irrational hostility to law enforcement. Secondly, where is the line to be drawn against the snowball effect of civil disobedience? Will­ fully disobeying misdemeanor statutes today and committing felonies tomorrow is a logical re­ gression from a government of law to an anarchic society. There is no question but th a t the righ t of dis­ sent and the righ t to petition fo r redress of griev­ ances are absolutely essential to the security of a free people. But the very life of liberty requires th a t these rights be asserted in a lawful manner. Civil disobedience and the unwillingness of many to resolve the ir differences by established legal means will surely lead to the destruction of the institutions which protect the ir freedoms. I t is folly to hold th a t a utopia of individual rights will rise from the destruction of respect for law. J ohn E dgar H oover , Director. E ditor ’ s N ote —We greatly respect the views of Mr. Hoover and his consistent and forceful presentation of these important principles. Truly we can say “righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). THE KING'S BUSINESS

the danger of civil disobedience

by J. Edgar Hoover

WHAT MATTERS MOST? by Vance Havner

S o m e o n e is r ep o r t e d to h a v e s a id that he wished he had never read the Gospel of John so that he might read it for the first time. I think I know what he meant. It is a blessed thing to have grown up in a Christian home, to have been soaked and saturated in the lan­ guage of Scripture from earliest days, but it has its dangers. There is the peril that while familiarity may not breed contempt, it may breed complacency and we might take these glorious truths for granted. Something has been said to the effect that nothing hinders a genuine Christian experience more than a superficial knowledge of the language of Christianity from child­ hood.

But even where that knowledge is not superficial, it is possible for the traveler to get lost in the baggage. The wealth of doctrine and experience which have accumulated through the centuries of church history are invaluable and may indeed help us to get through to a simpler experience of our Lord. Yet one can get lost in all of it and devoutly wish that he could forget a lot of it, start over, and come to Jesus for Himself like those who first knew Him in Galilee. Now a man may be a scholar, well-versed in all this, and withal a simple Christian, but if one had to make his choice, he had better be a plain believer without benefit of all of this wealth than to have it in his head and not know the



some dizzy height to attain it; it is such a lowly thing. We will not humble ourselves to find it. We refuse to believe that it can be as simple as that. I have heard of a farmer who read Billy Sunday’s sermons years ago when the evangelist was preaching in Pittsburgh. The farmer wanted to become a Christian. He packed a week’s rations, missed the train, finally walked to Pitts­ burgh, and missed the meeting. He found a preacher who led him to the Lord and when he learned how plain the way of salvation is, he said, “If I had known it was that simple, I wouldn’t have brought all these rations along.” Some of us pack up for an ordeal of praying and waiting and agonizing and abstruse study just to learn that we have only to come to Jesus as we are, without one plea on the ground of His blood and His bidding. “Thy blood was shed for me, and thou biddst me come to Thee.” Not only concerning salvation, but also for everything else we may need, He has told us, “Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.” ^Jpmeone may say, “But Jesus is not here now. He has gone back to the Father and this is the age of the Holy Spirit.” There is misunderstanding here. The Holy Spirit did not come merely to fill the gap left by the departure of our Saviour. Jesus is still with us all the days, even unto the end of the age. The Holy Spirit is here to take the things of Christ and reveal them to us. He makes Jesus real. He does not speak of Himself but glorifies Christ (John 16:13, 14). Our Lord is still among us and invites us as of old to come to Him for rest. One gets a taste of the freshness of this first-hand experience of Christ when he meets a new Christian here or on a mission field. This one is all aglow with a new-found peace and joy before he had heard too many differing Bible scholars and has seen too many church members disgracing the cause of the Lord by their low living. One could almost wish that such a brand-new Christian might not have to run afoul of either so that he might maintain his first-hand, first-century sweet­ heart love for Christ. But that is impossible. Besides, it is possible not only to maintain but also to increase and improve that early devotion amidst all the complexi­ ties of modem living. It is possible but it is all too rare and the age takes its toll. The average Christian today needs, above all else, to learn how to maintain or recover the lost radiance of the young Christian and the early faith. Call it revival, or the Spirit-filled life, or recon­ secration, or the victorious life, or what you will: this is the major issue before us today. We must make sure first that we have such an expe­ rience to begin with. Some are trying to maintain or recover what they never had, to revive a fire that never burned. We cannot live the Christian life until we have a Christian life to live. “Come unto me . . . and I will give you rest” : there is the original obtainment to be followed by the daily attainment, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me . . . and ye shall find rest.” I am convinced that we are trying to bring to dedication many church members who need to be brought to sal­ vation. Others may be saved but lack assurance. It was said of Thomas Chalmers that he had “an original experience of Jesus Christ.” A man must be sure of that first of all. Have I come to Jesus in simple faith, receiv­ ing Him as my Saviour and confessing Him as my Lord?

Lord in his heart. Gibbon says of the Greek scholars of the Tenth Century: “They held in their lifeless hands the riches of their fathers without inheriting the spirit which had created and improved that sacred patrimony. They read; they praised; they compiled; but their lan­ guid souls seemed alike incapable of thought and ac­ tion.” Such trafficking in unfelt truth is not limited to the Tenth Century. I have read that Gertrude Stein studied medicine in her earlier years. While she was adept at dissecting corpses, she had no interest in working with live human bodies. One can be just like that with regard to Divine truth, analyzing and studying it, but never knowing it alive. The Pharisees were that kind. They never knew the Lord of life while the commonest of people touched Him and began a new life. I am fearful that a great deal of evangelical Christianity and much of what we call fundamental and orthodox Christianity may be in this sad plight. Our mass of second-hand knowledge, valu­ able as it is, may hinder the very thing it ought to nourish, our own first-hand, warm, personal experience of Jesus Christ. It may improve that experience, but it can never be a substitute for it. The man who wished he could read the Gospel of John for the first time was striking at something very vital. Who has not had a spell of longing, particularly if he had spent hours listening to conflicting radio preachers, that he might go back to Galilee and start out like those who heard our Lord in the days of His flesh; or be a member of the First Church when the faith was young? Now, of course, we cannot do that and we would lose a lot if we could. “Blessed are those (ourselves) who have not seen and yet have believed.” But how to enter into, maintain, or recover the simple faith which goes directly to Jesus and touches Him while, as of old, the multitude only throngs Him: that is a major issue in this atomic, push-button, jet-pro­ pelled age. Some dear souls never get through to Jesus for all they learn about Him. Others know Him but leave their first love. Others lose the joy of salvation. I used to think that only advanced backsliders who never read the Bible and never went to church were of that category. Are there not thousands of hard-working church members, even ministers, who go through all the motions but have long since lost thé joy of it? Theirs is the work without the wonder, the words without the music, the statutes without the songs, to use the phrase of he Psalmist. Some are afraid to admit it and work fever­ ishly keeping up a front, a facade, a show of godliness without the power thereof. M rs. Kenneth Strachan told how greatly she was helped by what Dr. McQuilkin called “a magic formula . . . GO TO JESUS.” He said, “If you will just remem­ ber in every difficulty, need or trial, to go to Jesus, you will find a sure source of help. It is a formula that will never fail you.” That is indeed a blessed formula, and nowadays when religion is putting out some very dubi­ ous wonder drugs of its own, we would do well to go directly to the Great Physician. We sometimes think that one has to work up to an unusual and vary rare degree of faith to know the secret of the Lord. The very opposite is true. There is not so much to learn as there is to unlearn! We do not scale



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