King's Business - 1966-02

O N E o f t h e m o s t interesting verses in the Bible fo r the Christian to soberly contemplate is I John 5:16: “I f any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them th a t sin not unto death. There is a sin unto d ea th : I do not say th a t he shall p ray fo r it.” In this little-understood text, we have mention made of a sin called “a sin unto death.” Many and varied have been the explanations and in terp reta­ tions of this text, and few there are indeed who fully realize the tremendous and solemn meaning of these words of the Lord, spoken through the Holy Sp irit to the church of Jesus Christ. We must, first of all, inquire, to whom these words were written. All Scripture is given by in­ spiration of God but all Scripture is not given to the same individuals. A valuable rule fo r Bible study may be summed up as follows: All Scripture has: (1 ). A primary in terpretation ; (2 ). Many secondary applications; (3 ). Often a prophetic revelation. Try out this rule on the passages on which there is great difference of opinion and you will find th a t the cause of the confusion is failure to observe th is simple rule. Men confuse the appli­ cation and the interpretation, or ignoring both they see only the prophetic teaching. We must recognize all three. In the passage we are discussing regarding the “sin unto death,” the interpretation and applica­ tion are clear. The usual interpretation has been th a t this refers to the sinner who continues in his rejection of the Lord Jesus, but John is not talking in his first epistle to sinners, but to “believers.” He is speaking about “brothers.” The expression “sin unto death” may refe r to two things. F irst, it may indicate a sin which will be punished by physical death. Second, it may refer to the results of a sin, clinging to the believer until the day of his death. What is this terrible sin which the Lord punishes a t times by taking the believer home by death, or else causing him to carry the dire effects of this sin in his body until the day of his death? From the many passages dealing with this matter, we gather th a t it consists of continued sinning against light. I t is called in Hebrews “sin­ ning willfully” ; David in Psalm 19 calls it “pre­ sumptuous sins.” There is a great difference be­ tween “falling” into sin and “living” in sin. When the believer falls into sin, God has made a provi­ sion fo r cleansing from it and escape from its penalty. When the believer lives in sin and con­ tinues in it, in spite of better knowledge and teach­ ing, there comes a time when the Lord must take a hand in the cleansing, and while the Lord forgives, the price must often be paid until the day of death, or by death itself. Suppose a Christian falls into

by M. R. DeHaan

(Dr. DeHaan went home to be with the Lord in December. His ministry continues to be blessed of God around the world.)



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