King's Business - 1966-02



velopment of man from the protoplasm up through the various stages. Dr. Talbot, everything connected with this entire exhibit was manufac­ tured. There was not one single thing that God had made or which the archaeologists had discovered. May I say also, Dr. Talbot, that the man who made the drawing in our textbooks of the evolution of the horse from a two-toed animal was on trial in the supreme court of a certain city. In the midst of the trial the judge asked him these questions, and I mention his answers: “M r.-------- , did you ever see a two­ toed horse?” He answered, “No, sir.” “Did you ever see the skeleton of a two-toed horse?” “No, sir.” “Did you ever see the footprint of a two-toed horse?” “No, sir?” “Did you ever see a photograph of a two-toed horse?” “No, sir.”, “Did you ever see any other person who had ever seen any of these things?” “No, sir.” “Then how were you able to draw these pictures of the development of a two-toed horse?” Dr. Talbot, that man sitting in the witness chair answered, “I drew them out of my imagination.” I say to you, Doctor, that it is a crime that these fabrications of be­ wildered minds should be presented to our children as authenticated facts.

repudiate the false hypothesis of the origin of our earth. Now, let me ask you another ques­ tion, Dr. Wilson. Have you ever found any evidence to support the hypothesis of evolution such as is taught in many schools and colleges? What is your ex­ perience along this line? DR. WILSON: Dr. Talbot, I have made rather extensive investigations into this theory of the hypothesis of evolution and find that there is no evi­ dence of any kind that would support either the Darwinian, or the Mendeli- an, or the Lamarkian theories. I have taken the trouble to go through the Field Museum in Chicago, the Smith­ sonian and the National Museums in Washington, the Central Park Museum in New York, the great British Museum in London, the Trinity Museum in Dublin, the National Museum in Stock­ holm, and the Museum of Natural Sciences in Paris. In all of these, Dr. Talbot, I did not find one single bit of bone or skeleton or footprint or photo­ graph that was the original article which would support the evolutionary hypothesis. All I found was wax and imagination. The skulls which I saw could be reproduced out of most any cemetery, particularly in the South­ land. In the Paris Museum I found a large room, perhaps two hundred feet square, devoted to the evolutionary hypothesis. In the center of this room there was a miniature mountain of dirt. On one side at the base was a miniature lake made of a mirror. At the edge of the lake was a bit of manufactured pro­ toplasm. Leading from this bit of proto­ plasm to the summit there was a cir­ cuitous road winding around the hill ending at the top. Along this road there were little manufactured objects to rep­ resent the development of this proto­ plasm by various stages until it reached a little doll standing at the top which represented man. This was supposed to be an authentic description of the de­


DR. TALBOT: What have you found as to the beginning of the oceans and what makes them salty? DR. WILSON: We must believe God’s Word about it. He made the sea and all that is therein, He tells us. The weird tales told in our history books are so grotesque and foolish that I am surprised the account is permitted in our classrooms. These dreamers say that when the earth cooled off, the moisture in the air condensed and fell as rain on the hills. Then it was sup­ posed to flow down into the low places, forming the lakes and oceans. As a matter of fact, Dr. Talbot, roughly speaking, 1,700 volumes of steam at 212° F. and under atmospheric pres­ sure will form one volume of water when condensed. At this rate a cubic mile of steam would give just three feet of water over one square mile of sur­ face. Now, if you know a mathemati­ cian who would like a real job, have him figure out how much steam or vapor would have to be in the air in order to make all the water that is in the oceans and that is in the lakes and rivers. The thing is preposterous! Those who teach this foolish theory have failed to figure where this sup­ position would lead them. These dreamers fail to tell us how the salt got into the ocean. They have sense enough to leave some things unsaid. The only logical conclusion is that God made the seas and made them salty at the beginning of His creation. These things did not happen by evolutionary methods.


DR. TALBOT: Tell us, Dr. Wilson, about some of the strange habits of birds. DR. WILSON: From bird life we learn that there must be a living God, 19


DR. TALBOT: Thank you, Dr. Wil­ son; those are certainly some interest­ ing facts, and I can well see how they FEBRUARY, 1966

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