King's Business - 1966-02

serve God. They live their own lives in their own locality. Man on the oth­ er hand was made to serve God and therefore must clothe himself with garments to fit the section of the world in which God wants him to live. He may put on heavy garments for cold districts or thin garments for the hot districts; thus the Lord leaves him free to fix himself up the way he should be. DR. TALBOT: Do you think of any­ thing more that would be of interest to those who may question whether there is a living God who is Creator and Former of all the things about us? DR. WILSON: There are a few things, Dr. Talbot, that are worth no­ ticing. Let me mention, for instance, that God has made everything — both plant and animal — with water-proof skins. How interesting it is that the corn is protected from the water by husks. Grains, too, are protected by a casing. Animals have a water-proof hide. How hard it would be if the farmer had to bring the cows, horses, sheep, chickens, into the bam every time it rained. God also has made the skin of animals flexible so it always fits. If the animal gets fat the skin stretches. If the animal gets thin, the skin contracts. God made the skin to be loose on the body and yet connected with blood vessels, nerves and muscles, which only a wonderful God would ever have thought of doing. It is interesting to note that our ears are made in such a way that they could only hear sounds between certain lim­ its of vibration. How distracting it would be if we had to hear all the sounds that are in the air all the time. We would go insane. And then the kindness of God is seen in making glands to keep the eyes moist so the lids will slide and slip easily. He put glands in the mouth protected by the tongue so that the mouth would be always moist and peanut butter would not stick to it, nor honey adhere to the gums. We should also be deeply grate­ ful that God thought of a plan to make a separator in the body; by this the poisons in the food and the useless mat­ ters could be separated from the food values and thereby be eliminated from the body. How terrible it would be and impossible for each person to have to tear his food to pieces and to consume only the parts that had food value. Of course, we could never do it. We might think also of the kindness of God in never permitting a person to have green hair, pink eyebrows and blue whiskers. Why doesn’t this happen? Who can explain it? Surely, Dr. Tal­ bot, all of these things prove, conclu­ sively that there is a personal God who loves us all and who cares.

nature. Are there such cases? DR. WILSON: Yes, there are, Dr. Talbot. Let me mention, for instance, Proverbs 30:28. “The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces.” Only the female spider spins a web; only the female spider is gen­ erally seen or observed. The male is a very tiny insect and personally I have never seen one in all of my experiences. The Lord knew it would be the female that would be seen on the walls and in the corners and so has used that term. Also in Proverbs 6:6, we read, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” The Lord knew that we would hardly ever see a male ant. They remain in the ground. The female comes up to the surface, attends all the picnics in the neighborhood, gathers up the food and takes it back to the gentlemen down in the hole. The Lord knew very well that it would be the lady gnats we would see and so used the female form. This knowledge of gender is seen all through the Scrip­ ture. These are samples enough to show how carefully the Scripture was writ­ ten. DR. TALBOT: Thank you for these interesting little facts. Some one has said that there is a seven connected with the temperature of the chicken; is that the case? DR. WILSON: Yes, it is the case. I understand the reason a chicken does not perspire or, at least, one of the reasons, is that the normal temperature of the body of the chicken is 107 de­ grees. For that reason the temperature must rise considerably above that figure before the chicken will feel unusually hot. You will notice that there is a seven in that temperature reading. DR. TALBOT: Did you ever say that man is the only animal that comes into this world without clothing? DR. WILSON: Yes, that is the case, Dr. Talbot. Every other living thing comes with its own garments. The tur­ tle and the snail grow their own shells. The fish produces scales; the sheep makes its own wool. Birds produce their own feathers. Pigs are covered with bristles. The porcupine makes quills; the alligator, the elephant, the rhin­ oceros and the hippopotamus make their own thick armor-like skin—but man comes in naked and remains so until garments are provided from some out­ side source. Man must wear second­ hand garments. The sheep wore the wool before the suit was made. The cow wore the hide before the shoes were manufactured. There is a reason for this, Dr. Talbot. Animals do not 22

Dr. and Mrs. Louis T. Talbot

DR. TALBOT: Now, Dr. Wilson, in closing our conversation, would you mind telling whether there are any peculiarities in regard to the manner of defense which the God of Heaven has provided for His creatures? DR. WILSON: That is a most in­ teresting subject, Dr. Talbot. It is too long to consider in much detail but I shall just mention this — that every kind of animal has its own means of defense and offense; its own method of gaining its food and its own way of making a nest or a home for itself. I shall mention only the methods and means of defense. The porcupine, with its quills, is safe from lions and dogs or any other ani­ mal. Even a snake will kill itself in attacking the porcupine as it is rolled up into a ball. The frog by its color blends with its surroundings and is dif­ ficult to see. The quail by its speed and by stirring up the leaves with its wings confuses the hunter and gets away safely. The skunk — well, Dr. Talbot, I do not need to say much about this friend. He speaks for himself. The serpent, by its fangs, brings consterna­ tion to its enemies. The gray color of the rabbit makes it blend with its sur­ roundings. When the mother rabbit is carrying her babies and raising them, God re­ moves from her all the body odor so she leaves no impression on the ground and no dog or wolf can follow her by the scent. Female birds are more som­ ber in color, shaded to suit their sur­ roundings so that they are better pro­ tected as they must raise their little ones. The males are often very bright colored. The mother pheasant loses her body odor when she is raising her fam­ ily so that she cannot be followed by the scent. These are just some samples, Dr. Talbot. Life is full of them. I trust that any skeptics will by now be fully convinced that there is a living God in Heaven and a loving Saviour available for every sinner. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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