King's Business - 1966-02

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book reviews

6 pages — 3 colors 50 for $1.00 100 for $2.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Glendale, Calif. 91209


TROUBLE —a tract fo r .BOYS AND i k GIRLS A

Extraordinary Living For Ordinary Men by Sam Shoemaker

being known as “The Little General.” Dr. Bach carried with him the at­ mosphere and fragrance of Heaven. Never claiming any special rights for himself, Dr. Bach sought to re­ veal Christ to those in spiritual need and sought to point out that vic­ torious living is possible and should be the desired goal of every believer. 189 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chi­ cago, 111.; $3.50. Sensei (The life story of Irene Webster-Smith) by Russell T. Hitt Geisha girls have long been char­ acteristic of Japan. Realizing a lack of any Christian testimony to such women, however, Irish-born Irene Webster-Smith sough t to bring Christ to them. She said, “I decided it would be better to put a fence at the top of the precipice than an am­ bulance at the bottom.” As a result, she supported her family of 87 little Japanese girls who were saved from the life that the Geisha lives. Work­ ing with the J apan Evangelistic Band, this intrepid ambassador of the cross bought a house in Tokyo with only $18.00 to her name, de­ spite the fact that the price was a thousand times that much. She never missed a payment. Fourteen years later the property was valued at a million dollars. Miss Smith was used of the Lord to bring 14 of the toughest war criminals in Japan to conversion shortly before their execution. Re­ fused permission to visit one of them, she marched calmly into Gen­ eral Douglas MacArthur’s office with the demand which the general imme­ diately granted, to see the prisoner. Furthermore, he had her driven to the jail in his army staff car. The book is another of the thrill­ ing stories of modern-day missions which have come from the editor of Eternity magazine. This publishing firm has specialized in such biogra­ phies.—240 pages; cloth; Harper & Row, New York; $3.95. A Fountain Sealed by Margaret Epp As the daughter of former mis­ sionaries to China, the author sets

$1600 CONTEST for WRiT£RS OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Send for contest rules and free Brochure on pub* lishing your book. Dept. |(0 Pageant Press, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York 3 THE ORIGINAL IRENE B. RANNEY RANNEYGRAPHS IN FULL COLOR with TEACHER'S MANUAL Sets covering: lessons regular flannel GENESIS •■ . . 1 r . 25 $4.75 $7.25 EGYPT TO CANAAN . . . 15 3.25 5.00 JOSHUA, JUDGES, RUTH . 12 4.00 6.50 D A VID ................................... 4.50 .7 .0 0 L U K E ................................... . 23 4.75 7.25 JO H N ................................... .2 3 4.75 7.25 ACTS . ............................ . H 3.25 5.d0 SONGS CHILDREN LOVE . 5 1.50 2.50 FOUNDATION LESSONS f 5 SUEDED 2.00 AT YOUR BOOKSTORE OR THROUGH THE BIBLE PUBLISHERS 4032 Swiss Avenue ♦Dallas, Texas

Applying Gospel truths to the practical business of daily living, the author has shown how every-day people discovered victorious living through the power of the Holy Spir­ it. He deals with the secret of Chris­ tian discipleship, how to find God’s plan (not only for the future but also day by day), and how to communi­ cate our faith to other people. Dr. Shoemaker was listed by Newsweek as one of America’s ten most out­ standing preachers. He was used to form the seed ground of Alcoholics Anonymous, in addition to such or­ ganizations as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Young Life. He carried on an extensive broad­ cast over a major New York City radio station until his death in 1963. 160 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. The Wonderful Saviour by Robert G. Lee Taking the 20th chapter of John as the basis for a series of devotional messages, this eloquent speaker and prolific writer has dealt with the events of our Lord’s life from the time of the resurrection to the as­ cension. The book is replete with beautiful poems and practical illus­ trations which makes it doubly valu­ able for the minister as well as Bible teacher. 139 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. T. J. Bach, A Voice for Missions by Tom Watson, Jr. It has well been said of this Chris­ tian missionary statesman that he was truly a man of faith and of God's own choosing. The author traces the steps of Dr. Bach from the time of his seminary training through his adventuresome life in Venezuela and Colombia where, as always, he proved himself a servant of the Lord with unique perception in prayer and faith. He guided the growth of The Evangelical Alliance Mission for more than 18 years,




day of my life as I min­ ister, I thank God for Talbot T h e o lo g ic a l Seminary which academ ically and spiritually equipped me with both a ■ defined theo-

Rev. MacArthur consistent, well

logical frame of reference and a carefully planned system for interpreting God's Word. My days at Talbot were the most significant of my life."

Rev. John MacArthur MacArthur Memorial Bible Church Burbank, California


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