King's Business - 1966-02

her Christian novel against the au­ thentic background of a Mennonite community. The young man in the book seeks to win his parents’ con­ sent to go to China as the first mis­ sionary from his church. Along with this are problems in the area of prejudice. Miss Epp states, “I want­ ed to present challenging story which would reveal what' happens when Christians become more con­ cerned with the preservation of the Gospel than they are with its propa­ gation.” She has told the story well, and her point is most applicable. 280 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan; $3.95. We're Never Alone by Eileen Guder In writing how women feel about th§ problems of the day, Mrs. Guder, a homemaker and mother of three children, discusses such things as prayer, how to find security, how to be free from frustration, how to know what is right, and how to get along with men. She has some inter­ esting observations about the femi­ nine propensity for giving advice. Her basic principle for writing, how­ ever, is to point out that in Christ we are free from sin, guilt and fear which gives the opportunity to fol­ low God’s will for our lives. 148 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. BOOK ENDS_________ (A Review of Current Publications) A BIBLIOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF DISPENSA- TIONALISM compiled by Arnold D. Ehlert. 110 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Material was first published beginning in 1944 and clearly defines the teaching of dis- pensationalism from the earliest days on through the Scofield era. The author is head librarian for Biola College and is regular reviewer for this publication. He is presently on sabbatical leave from the College, working in Israel. CHRISTIAN CALLINGS AND VOCATION by Henlee H. Barnette. 83 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. The author is professor of Christian Ethics for South­ ern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Ky. A central theme is used relative to the Christian calling as a symbol, serving to integrate the -totality of one^s life with the eternal purpose of God re­ vealed through Jesus Christ. Early chapters are concerned with the gifts of the believer, while later chapters unfold such things as recruiting canuidates for church-related occasions. Numer­ ous illustrations are used from other publica­ tions and are carefully documented. FAMILY, THE STATE AND CHURCH by Paul Woolley. 48 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $ 1.00. The author has pre­ pared a study manual to serve as a discussion guide. A larger section is taken up with some of America's current problems relative to Sun­ day closing laws, holidays, tax exemption, mili­ tary chaplaincy and censorship. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

Special Y O U T H Seminar! What? — On Christian Education Vocations When? — Saturday, February 26, 1966 Where? — Biola College, La Mirada, California Who? — For High School and College-Age Youth Why? — To introduce youth to the many excit­ ing vocational opportunities in Christian education Wherefore? — For more information, write Dr. Bill Bynum, Youth Seminar Reg i s t r a r , 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Cali­ fornia. * * * * Co-sponsored by Biola College and Scripture Press Foundation

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