King's Business - 1966-02

hard to leave her w ith stran g e r s w h en sh e w a s so ill. Then w e realized th a t although w e loved her so v e ry much, God loved her even more. W e had to surrender her com p letely to H is care. “D u rin g th e e ig h t w eek s K elli w a s in th e hosp ital w e had much tim e fo r sou l-search in g ,” con ­ tinu ed Mrs. Sw ick . “W e had m any question s — w h y did th is happen to us, had w e sinn ed or been u n fa ith fu l and cau sed th is un fortun a te th in g to happen to Kelli? “F in a lly a fte r much prayer and se ek in g God w e received our an sw e r found in John 9 : 3 . ‘N e i­ th e r has th is m an sinn ed nor h is paren ts, bu t th a t th e work s o f God should be m a n ife st in h im .’



S . Hooker Those who accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour—as the One who died in their place and for them— have pure, clean hearts and will some day go to heaven. They will see God and live forever with Him. Next the green heart must be added to the red ribbon. Green is the color of growing things. Those whose hearts have been washed white as snow by the blood of Jesus will want to grow each day more like Him. To carry out this thought, write on this heart: “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sav­ iour Jesus Christ” (II Peter 3:18). The blue heart will follow ’ the green one. Blue, the color of the sky, is the heavenly color. The blue heart is to remind those of us who have accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour that we are a heavenly people and that while here upon this earth we are to live a “separated” life. That is, in all we do and say others should be able to know that we belong to the Lord Jesus. In the Old Testa­ ment the children of Israel were commanded to wear blue on the borders of their garments to remind them of their separation from earth­ ly things (Num. 15:38). Write on the blue heart: “Be ye separate” (II Cor. 6:17). You are now ready to add the gold heart. Gold speaks of glory. It makes one think of the heavenly city. God says: “The city was pure gold” (Rev. 21: 18), and “the street of the city was pure gold” (Rev. 21:21). Those who have accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour will some day live in this beautiful city. How wonderful and glorious this will be! Write on this heart: “In my Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14:2). Now your gospel valentine is com­ plete, and will make a lovely gift, not only for Mother or Father, but per­ haps also for some one to whom you wish to give the gospel story. ANSWERS 1. Broken .......................... Psalm 34:18 2. Singing .................. Colosslans 3:16 3. Double ..........I Chronicles 12:33 4. Glad .................................. Psalm 4:7 5. Pure .............................Matthew 5:8 6. Whole ................................Psalm 9:1 7. Merry .....................Proverbs 15:13 8. Clean ........................Proverbs 20:9 9. Fearful ...........................Isaiah 3 5:4 10. Stony .......................... Ezekiel 36:26 11. Soft ,.................................... Job 23:16

by Martha W OULDN’T YOU like to make a number of Scripture Valen­ tines for your friends and loved ones in your home? Cut out hearts from colored paper, write a Scripture verse on each heart, and decorate it in a way suggested by the verse. Another fine gift for Mother or Father could be made by stringing on a red ribbon a group of hearts which tell the whole gospel story. Cut out hearts from black, white, red, green, blue, and gold paper— all the same size. Make small slits or holes at the top of each heart so that it can be strung on the red ribbon. B IB L E H E A R T S Since February is the month for Valentine's day, let us learn the names of some of the hearts men­ tioned in the Bible. Place the correct letters in the following blanks and you will be able to locate them. 1. B .. ..........Psalm 4:7 2. .. 1 .. ..........Proverbs 15:13 3 ........... .. B .. ..........Isaiah 3 5:4 4. .. L .. ........ Colossians 3:16 5 ........... .. E ..........Psalm 34:18 6. .. H .. ..........Proverbs 20:9 7. .. E .. ..1 Chronicles 12:33 8 ............ .. A .. ..........Job 2 3:16 9. .. . .. R ..........Psalm 9:1 10. .. T .. ..........Ezekiel 36:26 11. S .. ..........Matthew 5:8 On the black heart write, with white ink: “For all have sinned” (Rom. 3:23). This black heart pictures in a small way the blackness of sin. This will be the first heart to place on the red ribbon. The hearts can be kept in place if you knot the ribbon between each heart. Just below the black heart, add the red heart, on which has been written these words: “The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7). A cross also might be drawn on this heart. Now add the white heart, on which has been written: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:28).

Kelli with her 3-year-old friend. “W e kn ew God could have pre­ ven ted K e lli’s accid en t so H e m u st have allow ed it to happen fo r a special purpose,” con tinued Mrs. Sw ick . “In th e y ea r s sin ce som e o f th e se reason s have be­ come v e ry ev id en t to us. Som e­ tim e s it is n e c e ssa ry to su ffer g r ie f and d esp a ir b e fo re w e can really m in iste r to o th ers in trou ­ ble. W e have learned to tru st God m ore and w alk in closer fe l­ low sh ip w ith H im . H e tru ly com ­ p en sates in a w ondrous w a y fo r ev e ry th in g w e a r e a s k e d t o bear.” It w a s a long process fo r K elli to become well aga in . Sh e had to have m any sk in g r a fts and p ractica lly had to learn to w alk and ta lk aga in . B u t now , five y ea r s la ter, sh e is a rad ian t child, happy and healthy. “God h a s som eth in g special fo r h er in t h e f u t u r e , ” t h e Sw ick s say em phatically. FEBRUARY, 1966


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