King's Business - 1966-02

Where did you get this idea that government can take care of every­ body? You know you can’t get something for nothing; yet you pretend that people in Washington can give you things without first taking them away from you. Don’t try to blame the people in poli­ tics: They are simply doing what you want them to do. Naturally they favor the things you favor because getting elected is their business. They would change over night if you would. And don’t get the idea that they re­ spect you for being saps: Only a fool can be sold a ride on his own horse. And that is exactly what is happen­ ing when you vote yourself “se­ curity” by giving the government more and more so the government can give you some of it back. I’d rather risk having to stand on a bread line a few times than spend­ ing my life standing in line for government handouts. Ill And you men who run labor unions: You know very well that unearned wage increases are stage money. And now about you folks who man­ age America’s business; don’t you know any better, and can’t you do something about it? Even I know that you can’t expect prosperity when everybody is get­ ting more money for producing fewer things. Have you forgotten that the only reason Americans produce so much more and live so much better and easier is the whopping supply of tools of production that people used to be willing to save for in the days when profit was not a nasty word? At the rate you are now going, the private property system will fall apart, and the tools will fall apart with it. Then goodbye America— and me! What’s wrong with the idea of pay­ ing people fairly for the use of the tools bought with their savings? The tools do most of the work. I don’t quite know what you mean by the word “conservative,” but if it means what I think it means, that’s me! If there were any other place in the world where government wouldn’t plan my life for me even more so, ¡^wouldn’t be so bbd, but America is the only place left—and look what you are doing to it. Aren’t you ashamed!!! Printed by permission of Coast Federal Savings.





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What Kind of a Country Are You Leaving Me? I There is no use pretending you don’t see me. You just sit still and listen. I’m not very smart yet, but I’m smart enough to see what you are doing to the country in which I must grow up and support my family. When I do that, will I be allowed to be myself, or will I be a social se­ curity number in a government file? When I get sick, whose doctor can I go to, my doctor or the government doctor? When I go to school, who is going to decide what I learn, my mother and father or a government bu­ reau? When I am able to afford a house, will I be able to build one just as good as I can make it, or will it be a government-built house, worth only part of what the government taxed me for housing? When I go to work, will I be able to pick my own job or will I have to get a work permit from the gov­ ernment and take whatever job they give me? And if I have criticized the govern­ ment, will I get a work permit? ii What makes you think it would be “bad” for me to have to make my way in competition with others? If I work a little harder, or better, or i am successful, will I be able to keep any more of what I earn than the other fellow who didn’t work as hard, or as well, or was as suc­ cessful ? Where did you get the cockeyed idea that the man who earns twice as much should be taxed four times as much? (I know where you got i t : right out J of Marx.)

• Signed ................................... Date ........................ Phone



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