King's Business - 1966-02

HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST STIMULUS A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart. Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions” . . . and by whose stripes “we are healed.” Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju­ dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar­ ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A . MacKinney, Director

i n i H e M e w *

made to allow both organizations more freedom and wider scope in de­ veloping individual goals. MAP be­ gan by donating medicines for over­ seas medical missions and has grown into a seven-pronged attack on dis­ ease and health ignorance in under­ developed nations around the world. Benjamin Weiss, national president for the National Educators Fellow­ ship, Inc., has announced the winter conference for March 4-6, 1966 at Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardi­ no, California, the international headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ. NEF is an organization for Christian career educators. Reserva­ tion information can be obtained by writing to J. W. Kramar, 21007 East Cloverland Drive, Covina, California 91723. Ralph B. Odman, general director of the Unevangelized Fields Mission, passed into the immediate presence of His Lord on December 5, 1965. Rev. Odman underwent surgery in June for the removal of a brain tumor. He was making remarkable recovery until a few weeks prior to his death. His decline was rapid and the end came suddenly. The UFM and the Christian public have suf­ fered a great loss, but we bow be­ fore the sovereign will of God. Dr. Ralph L. Keiper, associate editor of Eternity magazine, noted preach­ er and Bible Conference Teacher is pictured below receiving an award from United Airlines executive Rich­ ard C. McGuiness (right), for his more than 500,000 miles of air trav­ el. United’s “Extra Care,” motto is a way of life for the almost totally blind Dr. Keiper who has travelled these many miles in conferences and preaching missions throughout the

Martin R. DeHaan, former physician and well-known radio Bible teacher,

went home to be with the Lord on December 13,1965. H av ing sustained serious injuries in an automobile col­ lision in July of this year. Dr. De H aan ’s recov e ry had been slow be- cause of complica­ tions o f h e a r t

Dr. DeHaan

trouble. His strength had gradually waned until a week ago when he ap­ peared to have passed the crisis. Death came suddenly as he was rest­ ing at home. For 27 years his voice sounded forth the clear and unmis­ takable Gospel message through the Radio Bible Class. Richard DeHaan, who has been associated with his father in the radio ministry for many years, has stated that the ra­ dio broadcast and literature produc­ tion will continue uninterrupted, ac­ cording to his father’s w ishes, Richard DeHaan will carry on the work which was directed by his fa­ ther for so many years. William T . Greig, Jr., executive vice- president and general manager of Gospel Light Publications, has an­ nounced a new line of popularly priced paperbacks, Regal Books, de­ signed to communicate the Gospel to the man on the street. It is believed that Regal Books will be a practical answer to helping relate Christianity to the everyday lives of Christians and non-Christians alike. Arnold D. Ehlert, well-known scholar and head librarian of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary, La Mirada, California, has made a significant contribution to the field of Christian literature through the publication of “A Bibliographic His­ tory of Dispensationalism,” pub­ lished by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The new book is indispensable to a thorough study of dispensationalism. All the important books, pamphlets, magazine articles and charts are listed and discussed as to their nature and contribution to the subject. The purpose of the book is to provide a basis for the study of the doctrinal history of the subject of ages and dispensations. P. Kenneth Gieser, president of the board of Medical Assistance Pro­ grams, Inc. (MAP), has announced the separation of MAP from its par­ ent organization, Christian Medical Society, and begins this year as a separate corporation. The move was

AM ERICAN M ESSIANIC FELLOW SHIP 7448 N . Damen A ve., Chicago 45, III.

THE K IN G ’S BUSINESS o perfect g ift for friends

BELOVEDENEMY A young scientist sets out to dis­ prove the deity of Christ and meets the unaccountable Man! 90 Min. Dramatic Cd&v Feature ! J

United States, Canada and overseas. In accepting the award Dr. Keiper noted that the sphere of his service and travel has been remarkably ex­ tended due to the wonderful care he received from the airlines personnel, beginning with the ticket agent to his destination and back. He hopes for another happy and helpful 500,- 000 miles of service for God in his world-wide parish.

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