Considering College

Cost andValue

At no time in the history of higher education in the United States has the relationship between cost and value been more important. With the introduction of the G.I. Bill as the curtain closed on World War II, and the growing support of federal and state legislatures for higher education, low- cost university study opportunities were available to many. After the integration of public universities initiated by the NAACP in the mid-30s, culminating, finally by the mid-60s reasonably priced public higher education was available to all. During the 1970s as state legislatures tightened the financial belt on higher education, the burden of accessibility to low-cost universities shifted to lending and granting institutions, and students and families, through federally insured loans. Currently, as the value of many institutional offerings is called into question, and levels of educational indebtedness are nearing the $2 trillion mark, cost and value have been placed at the forefront of decision-making by students and families , statehouses, lenders and granting agencies. No matter the effort, universities and students are the parties on which cost and value pivot.

When considering college :

- Over and over again I found a deep sense of pragmatism in the 132 schools I visited. If any college tells you, “Don’t worry about the cost, the degree is worth it matter what you pay,” they do not know what they are talking about. Look for a powerful perception of panhandle pragmatism.

-A sales pitch is a sales pitch. Find a university where people are responsive to the needs and aspirations of others , no matter the circumstances. McLean, Texas

-Education is a value proposition. Dollars and good sense work together and are woven into an economic fabric that attends to thoughtful utilization of all resources . These become the realization of the American dream. Canyon, Texas

-Seek a place that puts the needs of others first : A place that aspires to join forces with others and build something bigger than self , and promotes citizenship. Gruver, Texas

- If you visit a campus and find indicators of a lack of stewardship of any kind look elsewhere. Resources are scarce. Cost goes up and value down when resources are frittered away. If the restrooms on campus are not clean, don’t go there . Tahoka, Texas 9

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