Governance Flow Diagram Property – Fleet – ICT – Asset Board
The delivery of the estates strategy will be overseen and monitored through a newly formed Strategic Estates Group (SEG). This is a decision making forum, chaired by the Director of Corporate Services. SEG will report into the Asset Board for monitoring against the capital expenditure programme as well as requiring approval of new capital expenditure, in line with the ECFRS constitution and financial regulations. Furthermore, the Service Leadership Team (SLT) will also be updated, informed and engaged on delivery against the estates strategy. Scrutiny of our delivery will equally be challenged through SLT and the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC) Performance and Resources Board (P&R).
Property Group
Descision made to approve
< 250K
Capital approval rejected
Fleet Group
Asset Board
Activity Identifiers
Decision sheet submitted and approved onto PFCC/Strategic Board
Technology Group
> 250K
Prevention Strategy
People Strategy
Response Strategy
Digital and Data Strategy
Protection Strategy
Annual Plan
It is important that this Strategy is kept under review and that progress against delivery is reported on a quarterly basis. It is recognised that we are working in a dynamic environment and need to respond dynamically to change when required. Changes to the strategy and any notable aspects affecting the delivery of the strategy will be reported through the governance structures in place. We also recognise that this strategy will evolve as we undertake the key feasibility studies to inform in further detail, the timelines, costs and resources needed to deliver our future requirements. This strategy will be further informed and underpinned by a detailed delivery plan and fully costed financial analysis.
Annual Plan Delivery Plans
Annual Plan Delivery Plans
Annual Plan Delivery Plans
Annual Plan Delivery Plans
Annual Plan Delivery Plans
Large capital programmes affecting key strategic change will be required to be approved the PFCC Strategic Board, chaired by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. The overall Estates Investment Programme for the period 2021- 2026 is outlined in the Medium Term Financial Plan and is referred to in the Treasury Management Strategy. Asset Protection and Improvement budgets will be remodelled during the budget setting process.
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