
Heart-to-heart help  gŏđŏ

at her own table. “I’m so thrilled.” Henley has been organizing the annual small-scale home vendor tradeshow for several years now. She has alternated sites for the Heart-2-Heart between Wendover and Rockland and has now settled on mak- ing Wendover the permanent site for the event. One constant for the tradeshow, be- sides serving as a showcase for local home vendors and craftspeople, is that Heart-2- Heart will always help out a local communi- ty project or program through fundraising activities during the event. On average, Henley noted, the event man- ages to meet its fundraising goal, which this year was $600. By the end of the day, she was pleased to see $610 in the funding pot, which will go towards the Riceville Food Bank. “They are always in great need,” she said.


WENDOVER |It’s a tradeshow with a little bit of a di!erence. It’s not just about sell- ing, but also about helping others get through hard times. Dozens of visitors, both from the Village of Wendover and from surrounding areas, dropped by the Lucien-Delorme Commu- nity Centre in the heart of the village Satur- day to browse the tables and check out the wares of three dozen vendors and crafters set up for display during the Heart-2-Heart Helping Our Communities tradeshow over the weekend. Organizer Christine Henley is more than pleased with this year’s results. “Fabulous,” Henley said during a brief lull

Photo Gregg Chamberlain

Bientôt, le Brunch des anges L’École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet (ESCP) invite la population au Brunch des anges, le dimanche 7 décembre, de 9h30 à 12h30. Cette activité per- mettra d’amasser des fonds a"n d’o!rir des cadeaux aux enfants défavorisés de la région. Les pro"ts seront remis à l’agence communautaireValoris pour sa cam- pagne des Lutins de Noël. Depuis la naissance de ce projet, l’ESCP a remis plus de 35 000$ à cette cause. Pendant ce brunch, la visite du père Noël est attendue et un coin pour les enfants sera aménagé demême qu’un espace de foire artisanale. Une messe sera par ailleurs célébrée par Mgr Ernest Léger dès 10h30 à l’amphi- théâtre de l’école.

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Photo Leeça St-Aubin

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