StJohn v23n1


Ranger Wrestling Club

Leesburg Tech Park 960 Sycolin Road, Unit 125 Leesburg, VA 20175


R anger Wrestling Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides a positive environment for young people to learn life skills and the fundamentals of wrestling. Their mission is to foster the growth of wrestling in Virginia, Loudoun County, and the surrounding areas for both boys and girls of all levels and backgrounds. The Ranger coaching staff strives to make the sport fun and safe while using wrestling as a tool to teach student-athletes how to be successful in all aspects of life — developing their character, confidence, discipline, work ethic, and mental toughness.

Ranger has been the largest wrestling club in Virginia since 2019 and has earned a plethora of accolades, including winning the Mason-Dixon Wrestling League Championship the past five years and placing fourth in state for 2024 after back-to-back team state championships. “These accomplishments are due to the great coaches and parents that help run this organization. We are a family,” said Joel Caruso, Health and Physical Education Specialist at a local high school, who also helps at Ranger Wrestling Club. Despite all of the challenges that arose worldwide in 2020, Ranger continued to grow. They were one of the few wrestling clubs in the state to remain open, giving kids the chance to stay active and do what they love. Promoting health and fitness has always

remained top of mind for the club. Coaches at the club give regular talks about the importance of fueling your body with healthy foods, staying active and getting enough sleep. Ranger Wrestling Club uses the majority of their 3,000-square-foot space for wrestling practices. The space also contains two bathrooms, lockers, and a small area for workout equipment. “We actually outgrew our space a year after moving in,” said Caruso. “We worked closely with St. John Properties’ space planning team to maximize their space for practices. Every inch of the space gets used.” The club doesn’t have any full-time employees but is run by an incredible group of dedicated volunteers, who facilitate pre- and post-season training, summer wrestling camps, and practices

“During COVID, we were one of the few wrestling clubs in the state to stay open. We gave kids the opportunity when many others shut down — this is what brought us to St. John Properties.” –Joel Caruso, Ranger Wrestling Club for kids from first through 12th grades. Caruso is thankful that St. John Properties was, “willing to take a chance on us during an uncertain time in 2020.”



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