Henry Product Guide by Boise Cascade

Product Description: Aquabar “B” is a semi-permeable Class II vapor retarder or cleavage membrane for use under wood floor installations and behind or below tile substrates. Aquabar “B” is rated for “moderate” water-vapor resistance. Composition: Aquabar “B” is a 30/30/30 Grade B asphalt laminated duplex type kraft paper. Size & Weight: Aquabar “B” is supplied in 36” wide by 167' (500 sq. ft.) and 334’ (1000 sq. ft.) rolls; product weight is approximately 3 lbs/100 sq. ft. Applicable Standards: Meets the International Building Code ® and International Residential Code ® as a Class II vapor retarder. Meets CA01350 Indoor Air Quality Emission Requirements. Meets ANSI A108.01 Sec. General Requirements: Subsurfaces and Preparations by Other Trades. Meets ANSI A108.02 Sec. 3.8.7 Materials, Environmental & Workmanship. Exceeds Federal Specification UU-B-790a, Type I, Grade B, Style 1a. Meets NWFA accepted product criteria. American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) • ASTM D-779 - Standard Test Method For Water Resistance of Paper, Paperboard and Other Sheet Materials by the Dry Indicator Method • ASTM D-828 - Tensile Properties of Paper and Paperboard Using Constant-Rate-of-Elongation Apparatus • ASTM E-96 - Water Vapor Transmission of Materials Physical Properties: Aquabar “B” is continually tested in accordance with ASTM procedures. The values shown in Table 1 are averages obtained in these tests. Limitations: Aquabar “B” hardwood floor and tile underlayment is not a vapor barrier or waterproof membrane and should not be used in waterproofing assemblies or where a moisture or vapor barrier is specified. Do not leave exposed to direct moisture contact or use in areas that are soaked or saturated for extended periods of time, such as gang showers, saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs and exterior areas. Aquabar “B” has no offensive odor; it does contain asphalt. Individual sensitivity to chemicals varies and should be considered prior to purchase of any product. Aquabar “B” may be used as a vapor retarder over radiant heat as long as the sub-floor temperature is limited to a maximum 85°F. Not recommended for use on exterior surface of studs in wall assemblies as a weather resistant barrier. Properly prepared walls, sub-floors or job site conditions and proper installation of flooring and tile are the responsibility of the installer. In applications where a duplex type reinforced asphalt paper, meeting ASTM C-171, is specified use Fortifiber’s Orange Label Sisalkraft ® . Installation - General: Cut Aquabar “B” to length as required for proper coverage and overlap all seams a minimum of 4 inches. Aquabar

“B” may be loose-laid or stapled over sub-floors. Sweep sub-floors of debris to avoid tearing or puncturing. Avoid puncturing Aquabar “B” except with required fasteners. See the Aquabar installation guide for complete details. For best results when installing wood flooring or tile and stone, Fortifiber suggests using a properly trained or certified installer, such as National Wood Flooring Association Certified Professional, CTEF Certified Installer, NTCA contractor or TCAA contractor. Installation - Wood Floors: For wood flooring, obtain, read and follow the wood flooring manufacturer’s instructions, NWFA Installation Guidelines, and local building codes for proper installation of wood flooring over Aquabar “B” and sub-floor. Concrete or wood sub-floor must be dry and tested for moisture, flat, structurally sound, and free of protrusions, debris or contaminants. For installations above a crawl space above a crawl space, make sure the ground has been properly covered by Moistop Ultra ® , a Class I vapor retarder meeting ASTM E-1754 with a maximum perm rating of 0.1 or less, and the crawl space is properly cross vented or meets code requirements as a closed crawl space. Over concrete under a floating wood sub-floor system, screed system or floating floor, apply Fortifiber’s Moistop Ultra 6 or FortiFlash ® 40 for Floors. Under mechanically-attached wood panels, FortiFlash 40 for Floors is required as the Class I vapor retarder between concrete and plywood. Then install Aquabar “B” over the plywood followed by the wood flooring. Installation - Tile: Aquabar “B” may be installed on interior walls, floors, and countertops where a moisture retarding cleavage membrane is specified or required by code. Read and follow the architect/specifier’s installation instructions or applicable ANSI A108 installation procedures as referenced by the TCNA Handbook for ceramic tile installation. Aquabar “B” is not a waterproof membrane. Availability: The Fortifiber Building Systems Group’s products are distributed nationwide. For product information and pricing, please call a Fortifiber distributor near you. If you need assistance locating a participating distributor, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-773-4777. Warranty: Fortifiber Corporation warrants that its products are in compliance with their published specifications and are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to loss due to abuse. Material found to be defective will be replaced at no charge by Fortifiber, but in no event shall Fortifiber be liable for any other costs or damages, including any labor costs. THIS EXPRESS WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Fortifiber’s sole obligations under this warranty are as set forth herein. In no event shall Fortifiber be liable for any lost revenue or profits, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind.

Table 1- Physical Properties

SPECIFICATION SUMMARY : Provides moderate moisture and moisture vapor retarder underlayment beneath wood flooring, ceramic tile and stone veneer.





Water Vapor Transmission

ASTM E-96 (A)

0.87 perms

0.7 10 perms 1

MOISTURE VAPOR RETARDER : Fortifiber/Aquabar “B” two-layer, asphalt laminated kraft Grade B paper.

Water Resistance ASTM D-779

16+ hours

16 hours (min.) 2

REFERENCE SPECIFICATION : Federal Specification UU-B-790a, Type 1, Grade B, Style 1a.

Tensile Strength ASTM D-828

MD - 20 lb. f /inch MD - 20 lb. f /inch 2 CD - 20 lb. f /inch CD - 20 lb. f /inch 2

1 NWFA Vapor Retarder Guidelines

2 UU-B-790a

Call 1 - 8 OO - 773 - 4777 or 1 - 775 - 333 - 64 OO for sales and technical assistance. On the Internet visit www.fortifiber.com. © 2014 Fortifiber Building Systems Group. Fortifiber®, Aquabar® “B”, FortiFlash®, Orange Label Sisalkraft®, Moistop Ultra® and Protecting Your World from the Elements® are trademarks of Fortifiber Corporation. International Building Code® and International Residential Code® are trademarks of the International Code Council. 6/15

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