FortiFlash ® Butyl
Performance standards you can trust Henry FortiFlash Butyl Waterproof Flashing Membrane is tested in accordance with ASTM procedures. It is a high- performing self-adhesive waterproof membrane, designed for use as a concealed flashing in frame construction where a waterproof membrane is required.
Limitations: For optimum performance, FortiFlash Butyl should be applied at temperatures between 25 °F and 125 °F. Product should be covered within 90 days of application. Inspect the product to ensure it is free of any damage that may compromise its moisture-resistive properties. Where installed horizontally or with a slope of less than 60° do not use fasteners. Installation: Prior to installation, surfaces should be dry and cleaned free of any dirt or other substances that may interfere with adhesion, as well as any sharp protrusions. Surfaces shall have no voids, damaged, or unsupported areas. Repair surfaces before installing the membrane. Primer must be used over some substrates including gypsum board (including Dens-Glass Gold), concrete and masonry. For all other substrates field test a small sample of FortiFlash Butyl prior to application. If adhesion is inadequate, apply Aquatac™ Primer according to the manufacturer’s application instructions. Areas not covered with membrane the same day must be re-primed. Availability: Henry products are distributed nationwide. For product information and pricing, please call a Henry distributor near you. If you need assistance locating a participating distributor, please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-773-4777. Henry Product Warranty Information: This product may be eligible for the 15 year Henry 1-2-3 Moisture Control System Warranty when used in conjunction with other products. See for details. We, the manufacturer, warrant only that this product is free of defects, since many factors which affect the results obtained from this product – such as weather, workmanship, equipment utilized, and prior condition of the substrate – are all beyond our control. We will replace at no charge any product proved to have a material defect within 12-months of purchase, provided it has been applied in accordance with our written directions for uses we recommend as suitable for this product. Proof of purchase must be provided. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO ONE, INCLUDING THE MANUFACTURER, SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND BEYOND PRODUCT REPLACEMENT, INCLUDING FOR NEGLIGENCE OR FOR DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, RESULTING FROM ANY MISUSE, DEFECTS OR DELAYS CAUSED BY REPLACEMENT OR OTHERWISE. IF PURCHASER DOES NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS, PURCHASER MAY RETURN WITHIN 30-DAYS OF PURCHASE ALL UNOPENED CONTAINERS OR PACKAGES OF PRODUCT PURCHASED FOR A FULL REFUND. RETENTION OF PRODUCT BEYOND 30-DAYS, OR USE OF PRODUCT SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND DISCLAIMERS. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMER PROVIDES THE PURCHASER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANYTHING RELATING TO THE PRODUCT. To the extent that any part of this LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMER is determined unenforceable under the law of the place of purchase of the product, that part is severed and the remainder of these terms remain in full force and effect. To the extent permitted by law, the duration of any implied warranties is limited to the duration of Henry’s express warranty. This warranty language supersedes any language found elsewhere, including product labels, sell sheets and/or technical documents.
Physical/performance property
Typical value
Test method
20 MIL
30 MIL
Tensile strength
AAMA 711 Sec 5.1 AAMA 711 Sec 5.2
MD - 70 lb. f /in CD - 70 lb. f /in
MD - 92 lb. f /in CD - 85 lb. f /in
Nail sealability
90° Peel adhesion Plywood OSB Facer
5.9 lb. f /in 2.0 lb. f /in 6.0 lb. f /in
AAMA 711 Sec 5.3
Service temperature
-40 °F to 250 °F
Application temperature
25 °F to 125 °F
Water resistance
>200 hours
*FortiFlash Butyl is tested in accordance with ASTM procedures. The values shown are typical values obtained in these tests.
Product characteristics
Polypropylene facer film, all-butyl adhesive (contains no asphalt) and a paper release liner. The 9" and 12" sizes have a split release feature providing the capability to remove each portion of the release sheet separately.
20 MIL
30 MIL
Roll size
4" x 75' 6" x 75' 9" x 75'
9" x 75' 12" x 75' 18" x 75'
3.75 (4") 5.6 (6") 8.5 (9") 11.5 (12") 12" x 75' 18" x 75'
12.75 (9") 17.25 (12") 25 (18")
Weight (lbs. per roll)
Product approvals, certifications and specifications
ASTM D779 - Standard Test Method for Water Resistance of Paper, Paperboard and Other Sheet Materials by the Dry Indicator Method ASTM D1970 - Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection ASTM E2112 - Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights AAMA 711 - Voluntary Specification for Self Adhering Flashing Used for Installation of Exterior Wall Fenestration Products Complies as flexible flashing specified in Chapter 14 of the International Building Code and Chapter 7 of the International Residential Code
Featuring a range of compatible weather barriers, flashings and sealants, the Henry ® 1-2-3 Moisture Control System makes it easier than ever to build with confidence. Henry, and FortiFlash are registered trademarks of the Henry Company
Ask us today about other Henry ® solutions that help manage the flow of water, air, vapor and energy.
Building Envelope Systems ® Wall & Window | Roof | Foundation | 1-800-773-4777
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