Biola Broadcaster - 1969-03

MARCH, 1969


MARCH, 1969 / Volume 9 / Number 3


editor . . . production design printing

Arroyo Grande - San Luis Obispo KOAG 1280


10:00 A.M. MTWTF

Bakersfield - Wasco KAFY

550 4:00 A.M. Sun. 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF



Burbank KBBQ


1500 7:00 A.M. Sun.

Chico - Paradise KEWQ Fresno - Dinuba KRDU


8:00 A.M. MTWTF


1130 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 P.M. MTWTF

CONTENTS COMING TO CALVARY............ 3 Dr. Jack Wyrtzen CONTROLLED POWER ............ 5 Dr. John Hunter THE MAN WHO IS BLESSED . 6 Al Sanders PANEL DISCUSSIONS .............19 PARABLES AND PEARLS . . . .23 STUDIES IN 1st JOHN ............ 30 Lloyd T. Anderson ON THIS MONTH'S COVER Where welfare programs, social action and even legislation fails, love shines through. Here, one of Biola’s students, Joan Graham from Warrenton, Ore­ gon, shows some of the small girls in Watts that Christians do care. Three times each week several hundred Bio- Ians go to the Watts area to commu­ nicate the Gospel to young hearts. One can readily see the eagerness with which these impressionable youth are anxious for love. Pray for this and the many other distinctive outreaches for Christ carried on by the students of Biola College. Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, Calif. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 00638,

Lodi - Stockton KCVR

8:00 A.M. MTWTF


Los Angeles KBBI

8:30 A.M. MTWTF 1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 9:30 P.M. MTWTF

107.5 (FM)


Los Angeles - Long Beach KGER 1390


Oxnard - Venturai- Santa Barbara KOXR 910

8:00 A.M. MTWTF

Redding - Red Bluff KQMS

1400 8:30 A.M. Sun.

San Bernardino - Riverside KACE

1570 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. 1080 8:30 A.M. Sun. 8:30 A.M. Sun.


Santa Cruz KSCO

99.1 (FM)


San Diego

8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF

KBBW 102.9 (FM)

910 4:00 P.M. Sun.



San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY

8:30 A.M. MTWTF


1440 10:30 P.M. Sun. OREGON 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 790

Albany - Eugene KW IL


Ashland - Medford KW IN Coquille - Coos Bay KW RO

11:10 A.M. MTWTF 7:00 A.M. Sun.


630 8:30 A.M. MWF

Portland KPDQ KPDQ

800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF

93.7 (FM)


Blaine - Vancouver. B.C. KARI

550 8:30 A.M. MTWTF

Seattle - Tacoma KGDN

630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF

Spokane KCFA

1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF

Walla Walla KTEL

8:00 A.M. MWF



1390 9:30 A.M. MTWTF Continued on Page 35


by Dr. Jack Wyrtzen Founder-Director, Word of Life


Every one of us some day must meet Jesus Christ, the Son of God. If we meet Him now in faith as our Saviour from sins, we will not stand before Him condemned when man’s sins are judged. What will it be for you: Saviour now, or Judge, in that terrible day? Meeting Him at the judgment of the Great White Throne will be everlastingly too late. There is no second chance. After death, it’s either heaven eternally or hell for­ ever. No wonder the Word of God declares that on that day there will be weeping and wailing and gnash­ ing of teeth. Women and men will be cast into outer darkness, into a lake of fire. That’s a dreadful out­ look for the unconverted. It’s in the Bible, nonetheless. We must keep in mind, however, that the Lord Jesus Christ told us more about the terrors of hell than He ever did about the joys of heaven. Within your grasp right now is the power of choice. When Uncle Sam comes along, he wants men for the armed forces. They aren’t often given the opportunity of making a decision. The draft gives little latitude for in­ dividual desires. Not so with God’s army. There is no conscription. It is all of your own free will. Jesus point­ ed out, “He that is not with me is against me.” There is absolutely no neutral ground. A wonderful young West Point cadet recently questioned me, “Jack, if Christ died for the sins of the world, then why isn’t all of the world automatically saved?” Here’s the an­ swer: God in His mercy, love, and grace, has made salvation available for all. But even with that availa­ bility, it is only as one by faith re­ ceives the Lord’s free gift of salva­ tion that he will find eternal life. 3

H ave you ev er been to the place where the Lord willing gave up His life for the sins of all mankind? In Luke 23:33 we read, “And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him.” It could well be that God in His grace and mercy has brought you to this message which for you could be the opportunity of really seeing Calvary for the first time. You must make a decision. You either stand with the crowd who wildly shouted: “Crucify Him! We will not have this man Jesus to reign over us,” or you stand with those who bowed their heads at the cross and testified, “Thou art my Lord and my God. Lord, You were wounded for my transgressions. You were bruised for my iniquities. Lord, I believe that the very chastisement of my peace was upon You!” Which group are you in? This portion of Scripture in Luke 23 shows how the people lied about Jesus. Can you imagine anyone’s choosing a m u rde re r, Barrabas, rather than Jesus Christ, the very Son of God? They placed the crown of thorns upon His brow. The blood trickled down over His face. Setting the cross bearing His agonizing form between two thieves, the bystanders mocked Him. Down through the ages, for the last two thousand years, the crowd still has been divided. It is between those who say “Away with Jesus!” and those who worship Him in reverential trust and faith. The cross always has divided men. Today we have two classes of people. There are the rejecters of the Son of God and there are those who have ac­ cepted the Son of God: the saved and the lost. Which side of the cross you are on determines your eternal des­ tiny: heaven or hell.

Picture yourself out on a lake, drown­ ing. You’re going down for the last time. The life guard sees you from the shore. He throws you a life pre­ server with a long rope on it. It lands right beside you. Do you get the picture? Salvation is available. You grasp hold of that life preserver, be­ cause the moment you do, you will be pulled safely to shore. You’re in a much worse state spiritually. God is giving you an eternal life preserv­ er, the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is available; however, you can reject it. Then there comes the penetrating question from the Lord, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation ?” The other day I was talking with a student from New York University. After I had explained the whole plan of salvation, he pointed out, “I know all of this, but how do I become a Christian?” A lot of people reading these lines know all about Jesus Christ. What we’ve been saying in that sense is not new. The way to receive is through personal appro­ priation. Receive Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into your heart and life. Blessedly He will come to dwell with­ in your heart. You see, it’s one thing to say; “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” It’s quite another thing to bow humbly before the cross and confess “Oh, God, I’m a sinner!” If you want eternal life, however, that’s what you’ll have to do. Perhaps God has brought this lit­ tle message to you for a real purpose. He wants you to see Calvary. What are you going to do? Will you simply answer as did men in the past, “Cru­ cify Him?” Won’t you bow before the cross just now and say, “Lord, I believe that You died, shedding Your precious blood for me. I am sure You are the Son of God, and that in the body that You arose from the grave. Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I make room for Thee!” Will you say this just now? 4

Mr. Al Sanders (left), vice president of Public Rela­ tions for Biola, receives a special hand-carved bird, a souvenir from Africa, presented by Pastor Palmer E. Ofuoku, who Is attending Biola this year from Nigeria. Looking on is Mr. William Carden,director of Admissions. Mr. Ofuoku is pastor of the Agambi Memorial Baptist Church in Eku, Nigeria, and is attending the school as part of Biota's "Operation: Firebrand" program.

Twenty-three women students received their nurse's cap at the first capping service of the Biola College School of Nursing. In addition, a copy of the Gideon NewTestament was presented to each of the girls. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president, stated, "You have a two-fold responsibility and opportunity as you wear this cap. You have the privilege of serving humanity as well as presenting Jesus Christ to this humanity." The Biola College School of Nursing is accredited by the California State Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Regis­ tration. It is one of only two private schools in the state that of ers a B.S. degree with a major in nursing and qualification for the R.N. degree.

by Dr. John Hunter Torchbearers Fellowship, England

Cotdbwikd POWER

blowing off steam, bubbling away at this thing and being frantic about another. Too often do we see such demonstrations of uncontrolled pow­ er. Jesus said, “All power is given unto me.” We are told to yield our members unto God so that the Lord can use us for a demonstration of His power. The Lord wants you to be the place of His high efficiency. To be sure, you can’t control the power. If you put your hand to it, you will surely fail. Realize that the Lord Jesus Christ indwells you. He is the One who has the power. What He wants to do is to take you and use you. When you became a Chris­ tian, Jesus Christ actually got two more hands, two more feet, two more eyes, two more ears, two more lips, and one heart and mind. In other words, you become a piece of spirit­ ual mechanism. Ask the Lord to make you a channel of blessing. Too many people, instead of being a blessing, are nothing more than a source of irritation and distress. Realize that Jesus Christ saved you so that He can use you. In this way you become part of His spiritual mechanism re­ vealing controlled power. Recognize that the Saviour died for you on the cross, indwells you, so that He can take you and use you, making you a wondrous channel of blessing. Blaming your faults on your nature doesn’t change the nature of your faults. A man without principle will never draw much interest. If a care is too small to be turned into a prayer, then it's too small to be made into a burden.

I T is WONDERFUL, as one travels around from city to city and coun­ try to country, to see common illus­ trations from life which point up real spiritual truths. I am thinking now of New Zealand which is a very lovely country. It’s about the same size as England, but has only 2% mil­ lion people. It has so much wonder­ ful scenery with unlimited opportu­ nities for those who enjoy hunting and fishing. One place I thoroughly enjoyed was in the thermal area where scientists say the earth’s crust is very thin. Constantly one sees wa­ ter bubbling up with the steam ris­ ing up. There is a whole section of land as much as a mile or so where this is seen everywhere. There may be an ice-Cold stream of water, along­ side of which is bubbling mud. I could not but think of this tremen­ dous uncontrolled power. As we continued on our journey, we passed another section which was totally different. Looking at it, it seemed to be a series of cylinders and tubes. With its pipes and machines there were regular bursts of steam. Here was where the government had harnessed the power. They had sealed geysers and trapped water in order to make light, electricity, and power needed for the essentials of daily living. What a contrast to see. One was the grandeur of bubbling mud and boiling water; the other had real purpose and usefulness so that peo­ ple might be blessed. This gave me a good picture of so many lives. Keep in mind that the Christian life is basically receiving the power of the indwelling Christ, through His Holy Spirit. The fact is, however, it isn’t enough to have such power. The ques­ tion is: what are you doing with it? Too m any Christians are always


your life one of a constant stream of blessednesses? Back in 1660 a man, by the name of John Trapp, wrote, “The Psalm­ ist sayeth more about true happiness in this short Psalm than any one of the philosophers or all of them put together: they did not beat the bush God has here put the bird into our hands.” Here in this first verse of Psalm One is a description of the man who is filled with blessednesses. Frequently we can best define something by explaining what it is not, rather than by suggesting what it is. While some people may not like negatives, keep in mind that it’s only the live fish which swim up against the current. The dead ones merely float down river with the stream of the times. What would happen if we turned this around to the positive. We might say, “Blessed is the man who walks in the counsel of the godly, who stands in the way of be­ lievers, who sits in the seat of those who are truly born again.” That’s not good enough. While he does walk in the counsel of the godly, he could also, at the same time, be walking in the counsel of the ungodly. There are too many Christians today who are trying this and as a result they ex­ perience frustration. You can’t have a soul for God and a soul for the world at the same time, expecting to find contentment. This man does not have anything to do whatsoever with those who are ungodly, unrighteous, and wicked. Blessed is that man! Actually, in Hebrew, the words “the man” come out in the emphatic aspect of speech. It’s not a case of just any man; it’s. that man, the one among thousands. As you think about it, how many of

INTRODUCTION N ext to the 23 rd P salm , perhaps the first chapter is the best known and most often quoted. It has been called “The Preface Psalm.” That’s because we find in these six pungent verses a brief outline of the entire book. No wonder it’s also known -as “the Psalm of Psalms.” Martin Luther even described it as “The Little Bible.” He rightly felt that it gives us all of the doctrinal truths, these cardinal issues, which are to be found throughout the broad expanse of Scripture. The first Psalm is the only book in the Bible which begins with the blessing of the Lord. Now, it’s true that there are many portions of Scripture which speak of the Lord’s blessing upon people, such as the Sermon on the Mount. In addition, many of the epistles include a spe­ cial word of blessing right at the very start in the salutation (Eph. 1:3). This word blessed means sim­ ply to be contented and satisfied. John D. Rockefeller was once asked by an interviewer, “When is it that a man has enough money?” The wise and perceptive answer was simply, “When he has a little bit more.” How many people do you know who are really contented? This first word blessed in the orig­ inal actually is given in the plural. It speaks not just simply of being blessed, although that’s a part of it. It fully refers to blessednesses of the individual who has truly yielded all that he is and all that he has to the Lord Jesus Christ. If this isn’t true with you, then you’ll not be content­ ed or satisfied. Do you find a bless­ ing here and a blessing there, or is 6

those with whom you have fellowship are really completely satisfied and contented with life? What a tremendous testimony to be given of anyone’s life: “Blessed is the man who walketh not in the coun­ sel of the ungodly.” One of the def­ inite signs of conversion is the out­ ward walk of faith. Here was a cer­ tain individual who had lived a very sinful life. He came to know the Lord as his Saviour, however, was glori­ ously transformed, and sought to join the church. Having been born again, this was a natural step for him. Members of the church commit­ tee assigned to interviewing new membership candidates asked to hear a personal word of testimony. This was right and proper. They asked him squarely, “Can you tell us what life was like before coming to know Jesus Christ?” He responded frank­ ly, “Well, I was nothing more than a sinner, just simply running after sin!” One of the committee injected, “What are you now?” The now ra­ diant Christian testified, “I'm still a sinner, but now I am a sinner, run­ ning away from sin through the power of God’s Holy Spirit.” There is both a negative and a positive as­ pect to the Gospel. We want to underscore the ex­ tremely important word “ungodly.” Sometimes people equate that with other terms they think are synony­ mous : wicked, criminal, sinner or some other title of deprecation. While their final destination may be the same, yet ungodly refers in the original sense to people who have no time for God. They may be' good, moral and upright folk. Ethical and sincere in every avenue of life, they may be educated and filled with all of the social graces. But, without Christ, they are still ungodly. So often we find people like that who are nicer and easier to get along with than believers. The word for ungodly in the original is rasha which means unjust, or one who has never been

justified. When it comes time for the judgment of God this individual will have to stand before the Almighty Himself, rather than to have had his sins laid on the Lord Jesus Christi C hapter O ne There is a wonderful sermon in the first verse of Psalm 1. It is im­ portant and interesting to see three series of three descriptive words in this verse. Together, they clearly re­ veal the devil’s toboggan slide which seeks to interrupt one’s communion and fellowship with God. Look, first of all, at the v e rb s “walketh,” “standeth,” and “sitteth” ; secondly, “counsel,” “way,” and “seat” ; third­ ly, the nouns which speak of these people as “ungodly,” “sinners,” and “scornful.” When a person is walking along, he can still turn in another direction with very little ease. It may take the movement of but a few muscles sim­ ply to turn and go in the other direc­ tion. “To walk,” according to Web­ ster, means “to keep in motion.” So the Psalmist is saying here that the man in a thousand who is not follow-

Mr. R ot Hater (left),director of Student Activities for Biota Colege, shares some noteswith Mr. Craig Seaton,instructor in Sociology at the school. Mr. Hater has the responsibility of the Christian Service assignments for all of the students.He is a gradu­ ate of Biola and formerly served as the Alumni Executive Director.


mg the way of the world is the one who is blessed. But the grade goes downhill even faster. When it comes to standing, in order to move from this position, many more muscles of the body must be employed. The word “stand” here describes the ob­ stinacy which becomes a part of his life. It means to be firm and fixed. As a matter of fact, the Latin word column or statue is derived from the original Hebrew term. It pictures for us that which is dead, having no movement or life at all. To be stand­ ing is to be fixed in a solid position. The third word is “sit.” Here is one who has now become utterly confirmed in disbelief. He has settled down to stay, or so he erroneously be­ lieves. How foolish is such a tem­ poral outlook! The next three words are counsel, way, and seat. Do you go to the peo­ ple of the world for counsel? This counsel may be practical and finan­ cially advantageous in its design, as far as the world is concerned. What we need to keep in mind is that the Bible says our counsel is not to come from the aspect of the world consid­ ering its ultimate goals. Our counsel is to come from the Lord. Our direc­ tion for life must be that which would be pleasing to Him. What about the way? The Bible says in Proverbs 16:25, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” There was an old evangelist, Sam Jones, who said, “Show me the company you keep, and I’ll write your biography ten years before your death. And I’ll not miss the mark one time in ten!” It’s hard to stop once we allow ourselves to get on the devil’s toboggan slide. It swiftly moves down toward destruction. In this first verse of Psalm One three kinds of people—ungodly, sin­ ners, and scoffers — are listed. We mentioned that the ungodly are the ones who are not justified. From “un­ godly” we go to sinners. This is the 8

word chato which means simply to miss the mark, to pass over the pro­ hibited limits. Not only is the in­ dividual unjustified and does no good, but also he does evil. Then the last descriptive word is even further down the scale, latsah which means to mock or to deride. I’m greatly dis­ turbed by some of the things allowed on television today. Not only are there immorality and filthy sugges­ tiveness, but also now the things of God are treated lightly, flippantly, even blasphemously. Christianity is not just negative. There are some very positive things, too. It is not enough to say that you’ll have nothing to do with the ungodly, sinners, and scoffers. The very def­ inite aspect is given to us in verse two of Psalm 1. Here we find the testimony of this exemplary man, “His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he medi­ tate day 9 nd night.” Isn’t it true that we long to be in the company of those whom we really enjoy? What is it that really brings us delight? But what kind of a person would ever delight in the law? I get up quite early in the morn­ ing, because it’s quiet and I’ve found it the best time to get some work accomplished. The other day quite early I was out in my study which is a converted garage, detached from our house. While I was working on some scripts for coming broadcasts, all of a sudden the chain link gate in our backyard closed. I was rather startled, because it was pitch dark. There were no lights in the yard, ex­ cept the yellow bug light on the back porch. I have a phone in my study, so I called my wife in the house to see what she was doing up at 5:00. Sleepily she answered, wondering what was going on. I asked, “Were you just outside?” She said, “No, why? Is something wrong?” I con­ tinued, “Do you suppose one of the children might have been sleepwalk­ ing?” She made a quick check and

reported, “No, they are all here." I then explained how that I had heard the back gate close. It appeared that someone was in our backyard. I couldn’t go outside because the light would be behind me. I had no flash light or weapon of any kind. I didn’t even know what to do or where to look. It was so dark outside. So, I called the police department. Within a matter of a few minutes they were in our back yard. They came up to the house without turning on the lights and very carefully, with hands on their guns, they went through the back yard, trying to see if there was anything out of the way. You can imagine how glad we are that they came. On this occasion I was very thankful and positively delighted to be in the law. I hadn’t been breaking the law. I was within my legal rights. There was nothing to fear. If I’m doing something wrong, perhaps ex­ ceeding the posted speed limit, it’s not a delight to see the police oflicer. As long as I am doing that which is right, I have nothing to dread or about which to be concerned. So it is true in the light of God’s Word.

We are not under a curse or a con­ demnation. Our fulfillment of the law has been accomplished through the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are rather in the law. There can naturally be a delight for our hearts. Strictly speaking, when this por­ tion of Scripture was written, in­ spired by the Spirit of God, the ma­ jor portion of the Word was the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. How much more should we be delighted with the complete revela­ tion of God in Scripture. We have all 66 books for our daily study and admonition. C hapter Two The Maharishi wasn’t the one who invented the id e a of meditation. Scripture encouraged us in it long ago. The gurus didn’t find something new to tell people that they should spend time musing in deep thought. So much of our time is lost in the amusements of the world. To medi­ tate, by Webster’s definition, is sim­ ply “to muse” or “to think.” There’s really not much of that today. We

There are always students studying in the Arizona Bible College library, directed by Mrs. Electa Oltrogge, school librarian. Biola's Phoenix atfiliate has consistently grown in enrollment over the past five years. Mr. Merv Fishback is Executive Director.


don t have time for it. People would rather be amused. That’s the nega­ tion, meaning to not think. Meditate in the Hebrew has the idea of habitu­ ally turning over something in one’s mind. It is like the cow that chews her cud. There has to be the personal application and meditation on the Word of God. This should give us a lesson as to what God can do if we meditate upon His Word, finding de- PERFECT TRUST I may not always know the way Wherein God leads my feet; But this I know, that round my path His love and wisdom meet; And so I rest content to know He guides my feet where’er I go. I may not always understand Just why He sends to me Some bitter grief, some heavy loss, But, though I cannot see, I kneel, and whisper through my tears A prayer for help, and know He hears. My cherished plans and hopes may fail, My idols turn to dust, But this I know, my Father’s love Is always safe to trust; These things are dear to me, but still. Above them all I love His will. O, precious peace within my heart; O, blessed rest to know A Father's love keeps constant watch. Amid life’s ebb and flow; I ask no more than this; I rest Content, and know His way is best. light in it. In Jeremiah 15:16 we are told the prophet’s testimony: “Thy words were found, and I did eat them: and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” The word joy, suggests the initial or original eating of the Scrip­ ture, while the rejoicing is the medi­ tation, or in terms of the cow again, the cud. By meditating the Bible be­ comes both of these things: our joy 10

and rejoicing. Let’s make sure that we’re feasting on the right things, or we’re going to wind up with spir­ itual ulcers. I can remember when I was growing up that there was a cartoon series in our newspapers that was called, “Aunt Het.” She was always coming up with some very perceptive “farm yard” counsel. I recall one illustration which had her saying on this occasion, “I used to get awful mad at things and folks. My mind was always in a stew. But I had to give it up, because it gave me indigestion.” If you’re going to chew the cud on things that make you mad and about people who have done things that are not too pleasing to you, you’re going to get a good case of spiritual indigestion. Make sure you’re thinking about the things that lead to real spiritual benefit. Now notice, “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not with­ er; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” As I was reading this the other day, there came to my mind a remembrance of a dear saint of God, Dr. Walter L. Wilson. So I picked up the phone in our home and I dialed directly to his home in Kansas City. I told him, “Dr. Wilson, I just want­ ed you to know that I was reading the third verse in the book of Psalm 1 where it says that, ‘He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.’ ” I continued, “You remind me so much of that man that I just had to call and tell you. I wanted to remind you that Margaret and I love you.” (He’s a dear saint of God. I praise the Lord for every remem­ brance of him.) As we conversed, he started telling me about a tree he had known about there in his home town of Kansas Cty. He said that this par­ ticular tree had a limb which ex­ tended 75 feet. When it was taken down, it was discovered to weigh more than 2000 pounds. What was even more amazing was that the limb

fitful shower in a land of drought, but God provides our spiritual re­ freshment day by day. Then, not only are you planted, tended, and nourished by the rivers of. water, the result is that you will bring forth His fruit in His season. In II Timothy 4 :2 it is stated that we CROWNED OR CRUCIFIED? I stood alone at the bar of God In the hush of the twilight dim, And faced the question that pierced my heart: What will you do with Him? Crowned or crucified? Which shall it be? No other choice has offered to me. I looked on the face so marred with tears That were shed in His agony; The look in His kind eyes broke my heart, 'Twas so full of love for me. “The crown or the cross,” it seemed to say; “For or against me choose thou today!” He held out His loving hands to me, While He pleadingly said, “Obey! Make me thy choice, for I love thee so." And I could not say Him nay. Crowned, not crucified; this must it be! No other way was open to me. I knelt in tears at the feet of Christ, In the hush of the twilight dim, And all that I was or hoped or sought, I surrendered unto Him. Crowned, not crucified! My heart shall know. No King but Christ, who loveth me so! are to be “instant in season, out of season.” I’m ashamed to admit that I discovered just this past week that this verse doesn’t say, “Be instant in season and out of season.” The word and is not there. The testimony is rather, “Be instant in season, out of season.” Let me put it this way. 11

only went in half way to the heart of the tree. The tremendous support, 75 feet out, weighing 2000 pounds, was given to that limb as a result of its connection with the heart of the tree. He said, “You know, trees are so wonderful, only God can make one. And, in that same way, only the Lord can make a Christian life. Our burdens, no matter how heavy they may be, no matter how long they may have been stretched out, they can be borne just as long as we are in­ tertwined with the heart of God.” That was a beautiful illustration this dear saint gave me. The usual Hebrew word for plant­ ed is not used here. It’s a completely different term which means to firm­ ly entrench, to be deeply implanted. This is exactly what the Psalmist is talking about. The placement of the tree has a real purpose behind it. It wasn’t a seed that was thrown aside in the yard, beginning to grow or a volunteer basis. There was a specific design given to it. In Mat­ thew 15:13 there is the reminder of our Lord’s words, “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” Have you, by faith in the Saviour, been planted by God? Only those who are thus planted by God will be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Now look at where that tree is privileged to send down its roots: by the rivers of water. Let’s think of your life for a moment which we trust does indeed resemble a tree that is planted. The tree is in the singular tense and the rivers are in the plural. Here’s the blessed lesson: there is but one tree, but there are many rivers. There is only one you; you have only one life, but God has provided many, many rivers with which He will supply your spiritual nourishment. If one of the rivers should fail, or dry up, another chan­ nel will be opened for you. We are not dependent, as believers, on some

This may not be the ordinary season to have fruit, and yet you are in season and do have fruit. You know, I love summer, because I enjoy fresh fruit. Think what it would be like in the dead winter, to have fresh water­ melon, or to go out and pick some delectable peaches right off your own tree. This is not something you buy in the can or send away for, to be shipped to you. It’s not the normal time for fruit and yet you have these fresh fruits available. That’s what it means, “In season, out of season.” The believer is to be this exact way. When it’s not the season, he is still in season. As far as the hour in which we live and in the thinking of the world, it’s not the season. It’s not fashionable to live a godly life, didn’t you know? The characteristics of a true Christian life are not stylish for this modern-day g e n e ra tio n . So, here’s the challenging message, even

though it may not be the season .for fruit-bearing, we’re still to bear fruit. The Lord Jesus said in John 15:2, “Every branch in me that bear- eth not fruit he taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.” A number of years ago, one of my secretaries, in our early days of as­ sociation with Biola, was engaged to be married to a friend of ours. She lived in a farming area north of Los Angeles. We arrived at her home the afternoon of the wedding, and her brother very kindly showed us over the ranch. He pointed out this tree and that one, telling us what they all were. Coming to one, he simply remarked, “That’s a shy bear­ er.” He explained, “It’s a plant that has just enough fruit on it so that we know what kind of a tree it is. But actually it doesn’t have enough fruit to be of any value whatsoever in the time of harvest.” I couldn’t but think of what a picture that is of people. There are so many Chris­ tian lives like that. You know what kind of a tree they are, you realize they’re Christians, but as far as their usefulness to God, they bear very little fruit. It’s the time of harvest, but there is nothing to commend the tree. It is not bringing forth God's fruit, in God’s appointed season. We are, each one of us, to be used to bring a blessing in our own way. C hapter T hree When we were first married, my wife and I lived in Chicago for two years. We had the privilege of work­ ing with the radio ministry of WMBI, broadcasting voice of the Moody Bible Institute. Coming from the West Coast where I had been reared, I did not enjoy the fact that there in the Midwest, in the winter time all of the trees lost their leaves. In autumn, those leaves had turned gorgeous fall colors, but in the dead of winter, nothing seemed quite so

It was in 1924 that Ernest W. Stuchbery was gradu­ atedfromBiota where he remained working on the staf until 1936. Mrs. Stuchbery, pictured above, of Swedish ancestry, recently celebrated her 88th birthday. She represents the host of faithful prayer partners and members of the Biola Fellowship who stand by the work month by month. So often on these pages we picture our students, faculty, and staff members. We wanted to reverse the tables this month and let you see some of the people who enable us to broadcast the Gospel in this manner. 12

concealed in the righteous man’s crosses.” This permissive society has failed when it has given everything to its children without work or rea­ son. The best thing you can give to the man who has everything is sym­ pathy. The v e rs e could be translated, “Whatsoever it produeeth shall come to maturity.” Here is the fruit hang­ ing on the tree. It’s not going to fall off before it comes to maturity. Have you ever had a tree that seems to be loaded with tiny fruit? But just at the time when it begins to grow and ripen, it falls to the ground. It has no value. God will see to it that your fruit will come to maturity (Gal. 5:22). The poorest man in all the world is not the one who has gone bankrupt, losing everything. The one we can rightly pity is the man who is ungodly, not having been justified, who is without the Lord and with­ out hope in this world.

bleak to a Californian as the trees in the Chicago area. Spring was al­ ways a welcome sight. The promise here in the third verse of Psalm one is that the Christian’s leaf will not wither. The leaf, of course, is an out­ ward sign of the life within the tree. The withered leaf does not refer to the tree’s changing shape in autumn, losing its foliage, for that may be quite natural. This speaks about the tree that has been p a rch ed and scorched by the penetrating rays of the sun. So, the individual who has been planted by God by the rivers of life will have his outward profession clearly seen by everyone. He will have the appearance of a so-called “ever­ green Christian.” For a few moments, let’s think about the subject of prosperity. The Bible says, “Whatsoever he [that is this planted man] doeth shall pros­ per.” The prospering is of the work and not the person. Scripture is not talking about outward prosperity either. No where in the Word of God is a premium put on making money. Being poor may be incon­ venient yet sometimes our worst things are often found to be our best things. I have a friend who, when he was very young, lost his father. Since he was the oldest son in the family, he had to go out and start selling newspapers. That was when he was about seven or eight. He worked long hours. His chums in the community couldn’t understand why he was always required to do some­ thing while they had the opportunity to play. He had to quit school even­ tually, just to make enough money for the family. These things that seemed to be his worst really made a man out of him. Today he’s well over a millionaire and greatly blessed of the Lord. He uses probably 90 per cent of his funds to further the ministry of the Lord. Charles Had- don Spurgeon rightly pointed out, “There is a curse wrapped up in a wicked man’s mercies, and a blessing

Twice each year members of the Biola's Women's Auxiliary me t for fellowship, sharing in testimonies and music by the students. The program is followed by an informal "salad luncheon." Pictured above at the left is Mrs. Mabel Peek, who has been president of the organization for the past two years. Her husband. Dr. George 0. Peek, a graduate of Biola and member of the school's Board of Directors, is pastor of the North Long Beach Brethren Church.At the right is Mrs. Samuel H. Sutherland, wife of Biola's president. Meetings are held in the fall and spring. A special mailing list has been established for those who are in the area and interested in attending. Those who wish to receive this periodic information should let us know.


The Wall Street Journal carried a little sentence some years ago which has since become a classic. It’s a lit­ tle sentence which declares, “Money is an article which may be used as a universal passport to everywhere ex­ cept heaven, and the universal pro­ vider of everything, except happi­ ness!” Take note of the fact that this verse states, “Shall prosper.” It’s not that this one has, or that he is pros­ pering; it’s all in the future tense. The only thing you can invest in with your money so that you can take it with you is that which is going to heaven. Quite frankly, the only thing going to heaven are souls redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ If you can invest in souls, my friend, you’ve got something the New York Stock Exchange can never give you! C hapter F our The things we’ve talked about thus far have been in a very positive sense. Now we come to a very dark verse. The declaration comes, “The ungodly are not so.” They don’t meditate in the law of the Lord. They are not like the tree that is planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth fru it in his season. They aren’t really prosperous. “The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away,” In the Hebrew the original would be translated in this way, “Not so the ungodly, not so, no, not at all.” You see the double negative to that? It may not come out in the Authorized Version, but it’s there in the original. It’s inter­ esting also to see that the reference is not to the wicked, or the sinners, or the scoffers. It tells us that the un­ godly are not so. This definition should be totally demoralizing to any individual who has never by faith received Jesus Christ as his per­ sonal Saviour. The ungodly are the least offensive, if we might put it that way. They are the nicest people in society. The only problem is that 14

they are not justified in the sight of God. As such they have condemned themselves to e te rn a l perdition. Now, if that’s their sad state, what must be the end result of the sinners, the wicked, the unrighteous, and the scoffers ? I have some chaff that was sent to me by a friend who is a farmer in Denver, Colorado. It has no weight at all. It’s all that’s left over from the wheat harvest. The precious ker­ nels are gone. Webster says that chaff is that which is dead, dry and worth­ less. It has been interesting to hear how that many years ago when the Pharaohs of Egypt died, the practice of the people was to bury their lead­ ers with a supply of wheat and corn. There was the religious superstition that the dead Pharaoh would natural­ ly get hungry. So, in with the mummy were piles of wheat and corn. As the big Aswan Dam was being construct­ ed in these last years, many tombs have been uncovered. Those kernels have been taken out and planted al­ though they are three or four thou­ sand years old. Did you know that they still bring forth a bumper crop ? There is that life from within. But, have you ever heard of anyone’s tak­ ing chaff, even chaff as recent as this past year’s harvest, and placing it out in the fields, got a crop from it? This wheat chaff won’t produce wheat; it won’t even grow more chaff. It’s worthless. It’s dead. It’s without substance. So the Bible is saying that this is the picture of the ungodly. Here is the person who has not been justified before God. He’s dead, spiritually speaking. He’s worthless. There is no life or no sub­ stance. Wind in Scripture we know to be a picture of the Holy Spirit. He who gently calls you today in the blessed invitation of God, “Whosoever will may come,” some day, in the judg­ ment, will drive away all those who have not by faith received Jesus Christ as Saviour.

The word for wind here is not some summer breeze, or even winter blast. It is whirlwind. It’s based on destruction and devastation. Have you ever been in a hurricane? Have you ever been in the midst of a vehement tempest? I remember being in a terrible typhoon off the Philip­ pines during World War II. Our ship was tossed like a cork. We were help­ less. So this would be. Verse five says, “Therefore the un­ godly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.” We should be re­ minded that the verse doesn’t say that the ungodly won’t appear at the judgment, but simply that he won’t be able to stand. He won’t pass mus­ ter, as it were. The teaching here is that the ungodly will stand to be judged, but there will be absolutely no acquittal of anyone. The reason is because they are standing there on their own merit. They don’t have a defense attorney. If you refuse God’s Attorney, God’s Advocate, the Lord Jesus Christ now, you’ll have to be your own attorney at the judg­ ment throne of the Almighty. You know the old saying in the legal profession, “A man who is his own attorney has a fool for a client.” If you have rejected Christ as your Ad­ vocate, you will be there to be judged, but you’ll not have a leg to stand on. In our auditorium at church on Sunday, we’ll have people from many different walks of life. There are those who are saved and those who aren’t. The congregation is mixed. But it won’t be like that in eternity. The dividing line is man’s eternal destiny. It’s all determined by what he has done in this life with Jesus Christ. What we have in this verse is the definite judgment, spoken of in God’s Word. My friends, you can’t live like the devil here on this earth without living with the devil for all eternity. As Vance Havner so point­ edly said, “Those who live it up all will also have to live it down.”

Several of the members of the faculty of Biola's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona Bible Colege, me t on the campus at 3025 West McDowell Road. Seated is Mr. Robert Bowles, business manager and profes­ sor of Theology. Standing at the left is Mr. Vernon Doerksen, director of Public Relations and professor of Greek and Bible, with Mr. David Young, professor of General Studies and Missions. All of the men are graduates of Talbot Theological Seminary with Mr. Young and Mr. Bowles both being graduates of Biola Colege.

Mr. Merv Fishback, executive director of Biola's Phoenix affiliate, the Arizona' Bible Colege, has reported thatthe school is continuing to experience growth In every area of its activities. This includes the students and their outreach as well as Interest shown fromchurches and friends. As is thecase with any growing ministry, there are continuing needs for financial help. Prayerful support for this significant school is greatly appreciated.


Judgment has been amply demon­ strated by the illustration in Luke 16 concerning the rich man and Laza­ rus. A Sunday school teacher was tell­ ing her pupils about that portion of Scripture. It’s an interesting story how that Lazarus was a beggar. The rich man, of course, had vast for­ tunes. (Sometimes he is known as Dives, which is simply the Latin word for rich man.) At the time of death, the rich man did not go with Lazarus into Abraham’s bosom or Paradise. Rather, there was a great gulf fixed. It was impossible for this man, after death, to change his eter­ nal destiny. He was in torment day and night! “It is appointed to a man once to die, and after this, the judgment.” There is no second chance whatsoever after death. So the teach­ er asked her pupils at the lesson’s conclusion, “Boys and girls, who would you rather be like, the rich man or Lazarus?” One little boy fin­ ally lifted his hand and bravely re-

sponded, “Well, teacher, I think I’d like to be the rich man in this life, but Lazarus in the next.” There are a lot of people that way! The child spoke volumes for our own hearts. Make no mistake about it. One thing is sure and that is that judgment coming. C hapter F ive The last verse of Psalm one re­ minds us, “For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” In He­ brew this first statement would more easily and descriptively read, “The Lord is knowing the way.” It’s in the ever-present tense. The word knoweth means far more than just simply that God under­ stands the way we’re going. It rather suggests that He approves this way. We’re all looking for approval. Who doesn’t like to be appreciated? It is nice to be thanked and congratulat­ ed. Here we see that God knows and understands. He approves the way we take when we follow Him faithfully. The Lord is knowing and is approv­ ing my way. The word way is an interesting one, I think. Webster says that a way is that which makes movement in some specific direction possible. You remember that the Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” I am the way. “No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” The antithesis of this is found in Proverbs 16:25 w h e re it reads, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Notice that there are many ways, but only one end. Broad are the ways to eternal de­ struction. As far as the Lord is con­ cerned, there is just one way, and there is just one end. The Lord know­ eth the way of the righteous. Isn’t it wonderful that we can live with the ever-present knowledge of that truth? It was about 1525 that a map was

Mr. Donald W. Ranson, general manager of Biola's Los Angeles radio station KBBI, goes over some of the intricate wiring which is a part of the new equipment being installed in the facilities now located on the Campus. Looking on is Mr. Arthur Larson, chief engineer for KBBI, who has built and instaled the new equipment.


discovered, covering some of the great masses of land around Africa. The unknown cartographer had writ­ ten in over many of the areas such foreboding statements as, “Here be giants. Here be fiery scorpions. Here be dragons.” Some years later a sci­ entist and born-again Christian, Sir John Franklin, came into possession of the map. It was later given to the British Museum. F r a n k li n had scratched out those warnings of the earlier cartographer, “Here be drag­ ons. Here be fiery scorpions. Here be giants.” Instead he wrote across the face of the map the words of con­ fidence and assurance, “Here be God!” The Lord knoweth the way that we take. But there is a very dark side to this, too, as we notice the last phrase of this last verse of Psalm One. “But the way of the ungodly shall perish.” Seemingly successful now, there is only one result which will eventually come to the unsaved. Not only shall the ungodly perish, as is suggested here in the fifth verse, but their way shall perish, too. Please keep in mind that the word perish is not synony­ mous with the term annihilate. To perish does not mean to stop existing or to cease existing. Rather, perish means no longer to exist for the pur­ pose for which it was originally in­ tended. In Matthew 8:25 we find the disciples on the high seas when a severe storm hit. They cry out five words, “Lord save us. We perish!” By that plea of desperation, did they mean that they were going to be an­ nihilated, that their bodies would no longer exist? Of course not. They were afraid for their lives; they thought there was a danger of dying. It could be said then that they would no longer exist for the purpose for which originally they had come into this world. Suppose I hold in my hand now a paper or plastic milk carton. It’s one from which we just finished drink­ ing this morning. I’ll rip open this

Fellowship is one of the enjoyable aspects of the Christian life. Pictured here are members of the Biola Women's Auxiliary at a recent "salad lunch­ eon." Mrs. Margaret Friesen, manager of the Biola Dining Room, has prepared delectable meals for the women who participate in the semi-annual me t­ ings held on the Biola Campus.

carton, tearing it apart so that it will never again hold a single drop of anything. It has now no bottom or sides. Has this milk carton ceased to exist? No, it still is here, but with­ out question, it has perished. It’s been destroyed. It’s useless. That’s why in Matthew 9:17 the Lord Jesus uses these words, “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles.” Those were actually skins, of course, in those days. “Else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish.” Those skins would not necessarily perish in the sense that they would no longer be in exist­ ence. They weren’t annihilated, but rather no longer would be useful for the purpose for which they were ori­ ginally intended. We have all of eternity facing us. What kind of a justification have we before God? Do you fully realize what eternity means? The human mind cannot begin to fathom just exactly what it’s like. Perhaps one small illustration would be helpful. Consider an immense glacier, larger than any ice mass man has ever dis­ covered. We can’t even imagine such a huge mountain of ice. Supposing that the glacier begins to thaw out 17

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