Judgment has been amply demon strated by the illustration in Luke 16 concerning the rich man and Laza rus. A Sunday school teacher was tell ing her pupils about that portion of Scripture. It’s an interesting story how that Lazarus was a beggar. The rich man, of course, had vast for tunes. (Sometimes he is known as Dives, which is simply the Latin word for rich man.) At the time of death, the rich man did not go with Lazarus into Abraham’s bosom or Paradise. Rather, there was a great gulf fixed. It was impossible for this man, after death, to change his eter nal destiny. He was in torment day and night! “It is appointed to a man once to die, and after this, the judgment.” There is no second chance whatsoever after death. So the teach er asked her pupils at the lesson’s conclusion, “Boys and girls, who would you rather be like, the rich man or Lazarus?” One little boy fin ally lifted his hand and bravely re-
sponded, “Well, teacher, I think I’d like to be the rich man in this life, but Lazarus in the next.” There are a lot of people that way! The child spoke volumes for our own hearts. Make no mistake about it. One thing is sure and that is that judgment coming. C hapter F ive The last verse of Psalm one re minds us, “For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” In He brew this first statement would more easily and descriptively read, “The Lord is knowing the way.” It’s in the ever-present tense. The word knoweth means far more than just simply that God under stands the way we’re going. It rather suggests that He approves this way. We’re all looking for approval. Who doesn’t like to be appreciated? It is nice to be thanked and congratulat ed. Here we see that God knows and understands. He approves the way we take when we follow Him faithfully. The Lord is knowing and is approv ing my way. The word way is an interesting one, I think. Webster says that a way is that which makes movement in some specific direction possible. You remember that the Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” I am the way. “No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” The antithesis of this is found in Proverbs 16:25 w h e re it reads, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Notice that there are many ways, but only one end. Broad are the ways to eternal de struction. As far as the Lord is con cerned, there is just one way, and there is just one end. The Lord know eth the way of the righteous. Isn’t it wonderful that we can live with the ever-present knowledge of that truth? It was about 1525 that a map was
Mr. Donald W. Ranson, general manager of Biola's Los Angeles radio station KBBI, goes over some of the intricate wiring which is a part of the new equipment being installed in the facilities now located on the Campus. Looking on is Mr. Arthur Larson, chief engineer for KBBI, who has built and instaled the new equipment.
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