thing. Until by faith we have received office. It’s very difficult if there are Christ as Saviour there is nothing children involved. In such cases, the we can do for ourselves. Some people husband should be willing and help- confessing that they are self made ful in the home, understanding the individuals at least relieve God of demands there are upon his mate, the responsibility. See I Corinthians Patience and love should be held para- 16:2 and II Corinthians 9:5-13 for mount in the growing relationship New Testament principles of giving. of married life.
Q. Kansas City, Mo. — “How do you interpret I Timothy 2:15, ‘she shall be saved in child bearing’?” A. The whole question revolves around the position of women in the church. It was Eve who was deceived. Satan took advantage of her. There fore she is to be in the place of sub jection to authority. The background of the verse would indicate that this childbearing involves also child-rear ing. If a woman wants to keep from overstepping her place in the things of the household of faith and the church primarily, if she will give herself mainly to the rearing of chil dren in the faith, this is one of the greatest safeguards and one of the greatest assurances, that she will be mightily used of God and will not go out of the sphere of her greatest influence. GIVE ME A SONG Give me a song, dear Lord, in the morning, Give me a song at the break of day; Give me a song lest the hours grow weary, Give me the help of a song on the way. Days are so long, and burdens so heavy, Tired are the faces I see passing by; They seem so hungry, dear Lord, and so helpless, Oh, how they need some song from on high! So if I covet one gift in the morning, It is the shine of Heaven in my face, Vanishing gloom for the worn and the weary, Telling the story of infinite grace.
Q. San Jose, Calif. — “Was John’s baptism of the Old Testament man- ner? How did it differ from our Christian baptism?” A. Just because John’s baptism is mentioned in Acts 19 doesn’t mean it’s the same as what we consider the traditional Christian baptism. The first five verses show that it was actually in the Old Testament man ner. The two baptisms are different as to time, purpose, formula and re cipients. Paul declared, “John verily baptized with the baptism of repen tance.” It was only valid until the coming of our Lord Jesus. John’s baptism was to prepare people in true repentance to be ready to be cleansed of their sins. In the case of the recipients, they were princi pally the people of Israel whom John baptized in the River Jordan. They were those whose hearts were willing to say, “We repent of our sins, and want to be ready when the Messiah comes.” This baptism then was pre paratory to Christ’s coming. The re cipients of Christian baptism are those who are saved; to whom bap tism is an outward testimony of the regenerative work of the Spirit in the heart that believes on Jesus Christ. Q. Glendale, Calif. — "We’ve been married a short time, but now I know what a struggle my husband is hav ing to build up his business. How far should I go in helping him to make good?” A. Many husbands and wives are partners in business too. The wife may be doing a shift in the store or 22
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