Picture yourself out on a lake, drown ing. You’re going down for the last time. The life guard sees you from the shore. He throws you a life pre server with a long rope on it. It lands right beside you. Do you get the picture? Salvation is available. You grasp hold of that life preserver, be cause the moment you do, you will be pulled safely to shore. You’re in a much worse state spiritually. God is giving you an eternal life preserv er, the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is available; however, you can reject it. Then there comes the penetrating question from the Lord, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation ?” The other day I was talking with a student from New York University. After I had explained the whole plan of salvation, he pointed out, “I know all of this, but how do I become a Christian?” A lot of people reading these lines know all about Jesus Christ. What we’ve been saying in that sense is not new. The way to receive is through personal appro priation. Receive Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into your heart and life. Blessedly He will come to dwell with in your heart. You see, it’s one thing to say; “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” It’s quite another thing to bow humbly before the cross and confess “Oh, God, I’m a sinner!” If you want eternal life, however, that’s what you’ll have to do. Perhaps God has brought this lit tle message to you for a real purpose. He wants you to see Calvary. What are you going to do? Will you simply answer as did men in the past, “Cru cify Him?” Won’t you bow before the cross just now and say, “Lord, I believe that You died, shedding Your precious blood for me. I am sure You are the Son of God, and that in the body that You arose from the grave. Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I make room for Thee!” Will you say this just now? 4
Mr. Al Sanders (left), vice president of Public Rela tions for Biola, receives a special hand-carved bird, a souvenir from Africa, presented by Pastor Palmer E. Ofuoku, who Is attending Biola this year from Nigeria. Looking on is Mr. William Carden,director of Admissions. Mr. Ofuoku is pastor of the Agambi Memorial Baptist Church in Eku, Nigeria, and is attending the school as part of Biota's "Operation: Firebrand" program.
Twenty-three women students received their nurse's cap at the first capping service of the Biola College School of Nursing. In addition, a copy of the Gideon NewTestament was presented to each of the girls. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president, stated, "You have a two-fold responsibility and opportunity as you wear this cap. You have the privilege of serving humanity as well as presenting Jesus Christ to this humanity." The Biola College School of Nursing is accredited by the California State Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Regis tration. It is one of only two private schools in the state that of ers a B.S. degree with a major in nursing and qualification for the R.N. degree.
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