Bereavement Care - Self-Help Guide

Loss/Bereavement We have losses all our lives, big and small. Life is full of endings and new beginnings but most of the time we don’t recognise them. Leaving school, getting married, having a baby, being made redundant are all losses but the biggest loss of all is when someone dies. Often when a loss has occurred we are not prepared for the roller-coaster of different emotions felt when someone close dies. Grief is not something that can be put off or ignored; it needs to be experienced, even though this can be very painful. Life is full of endings and new beginnings as we move through our journey of life. Death is an ending, the biggest ending we will ever experience, and this needs to be worked through. We need to grieve not only for the person that has died but for ourselves. Most people manage to work through the cycle of grief in time, but for some, the maze of emotional feelings becomes overwhelming and the feeling of utter despair and loneliness can take over their lives.

In Time There will be days when on waking up you will forget what has happened and feel guilty for having done so. Then there will be days when, for a while, you can laugh with a friend, enjoy a programme on TV or admire a view. And one day, you will find that you remember and think more about the life of the person who died than about how they died. You won’t forget that, but it will seem less vivid than who they were and what you shared with them while they were alive.


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