King's Business - 1955-06

er or dad for every decision. This helps young people become self-reli­ ant and independent. It develops self- confidence and poise. Many parents, desiring to do the best for their children, are not aware that they are dominating them, and to some extent, robbing them of their own development. Leaving mother and dad is not a virtue in itself, unless one gets into a spiritual at­ mosphere such as that provided by a Christian college. God uses those who are willing to leave all and follow Him. There are great numbers of young people whom God could use if they would be will­ ing to leave familiar surroundings, but somehow they never seem to get away from Main Street in their own home town. Going away to school introduces one to new cultures and different climates. It pushes back his horizons and permits him to see new challenges of Christian service. Maximum Development The heart of Christian college ac­ tivity centers in individual develop­ ment. We learn and develop as we actively participate. The students who develop the most are the ones who accept responsibilities and perform the tasks before them. Contrary to some belief, we do not grow through resistance. A tree that is planted in poor soil doesn’t have nearly the chance as the one planted in good earth. Children do not develop be­ cause they resist food. Their growth comes as a result of good food and care. Just as a swimmer needs the experience of moving in the water, so young Christians need those spir­ itual activities which will develop them. If more young people realized the handicap they place upon themselves by mixing with the godless gang and its activities, they would give more thought to the advisability of attending a Christian college where every activity is Christ-centered, and where one has the opportunity to de­ velop himself to the fullest. Every Christian needs a few years in his youth when he can devote him­ self to preparation. He will be the stronger for having taken part in Christian activity and for having de­ veloped a measure of self-discipline. Is it not true that Christ Himself took aside those whom He was train­ ing where they could be unmolested by worldly activities? Surely youth­ ful days are times of learning and preparation, and where could one bet­ ter go than with the Lord’s people to a Christian institution where young people grow strong for God and country? END.

A Choice o f a Lifetime


Christian Conduct At a Christian college one learns and practices Christian conduct. It is usually at such campuses that young people learn the joy of total dedication to Christ. It is there that they rise above worldly standards and reach a place in Christian expe­ rience where God can use them migh­ tily. Some Christian young people who have never been to an evangeli­ cal Christian college or university, may know very little about proper Christian conduct. They may not know the joy of living out-and-out for Christ, and experiencing the bless­ ings that accompany true consecra­ tion. This is not something they strive for. It’s the natural way of life at Christian institutions. We have in “high places” today some Christian leaders who have never disciplined .themselves to a humble, close walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, they are setting up extensive programs, going through the motions, without the power of the Holy Spirit. They are advising others, and yet not totally dedicated themselves. Of course one need not attend a Christian school to learn surrender and dedication. But in a fine, evan­ gelical institution where one receives such training, it is the natural thing to develop into a consecrated Chris­ tian, a spiritual giant whom God can mightily use! Knowledge of the Scriptures A distinct advantage of a Christian college is the daily study of God’s Word. Outstanding Bible teachers are on the staff to teach required Bible courses. The nation’s outstanding lay­ men and ministers appear on daily chapel programs. The ideal time to learn the Word of God thoroughly is in one’s youth. In middle and later life one is so occupied with family and business re­ sponsibilities that it becomes difficult to follow through with intensive Bi­ ble training. If one doesn’t build thorough Bible knowledge into his life in his teens and early twenties, he’ll probably never do it. And to neglect such training, is to disre­ gard the most important preparation in life! Learning God's Will For each life God has a unique plan: The successful Christian is one who diligently seeks God’s will for his life, makes preparation, then humbly himself to his calling. For the most part, God uses very natural means of showing us His will for our lives. I suppose there is no place where a young person can learn of the opportunities for Christian serv­ ice as well as he can in a Christian school. It is there that needs of the various mission fields are carefully presented. Student groups are organ­ ized to learn more about the oppor­ tunities of Christian service. Leaders of different Christian organizations come to chapel services where they can give heart-warming challenges. Harold, an earnest Christian, at­ tended an outstanding Bible school. During his time thebe he heard a challenging message from a man who was engaged in home and camp work for delinquent boys. After the chapel service he talked with the speaker. Harold prayed much about the work and later felt led to enter it. God blessed him in his decision, and today his efforts are nationally recognized. Witnessing One sometimes hears the statement that a person has more opportunities for witnessing on a non-Christian campus. This is seldom the case. Nearly every evangelical Christian school has an elaborate program whereby all students learn to witness in many situations, and with various groups. They visit in hospitals, wit­ ness in jails, pass out tracts on streets, give testimonies at meetings, preach at various nearby services, make house-to-house visits and take part in many other such activities. Actually, most students attending Christian col­ leges engage in witnessing much more than those Christians attending non-Christian institutions. And such activities in a Christian school are consistent and well planned. Most Christian colleges even carry on summer wi t ne s s i ng programs whereby students keep accurate rec­ ords of their witnessing activities and then register them with school of­ ficials from week to week. Away from Home Going away to a Christian college usually means getting away from home, parents and old friends. This is usually a distinct advantage. Un­ fortunately too many Christian young people never leave their parents un­ til they get married. As wonderful as it is to have the influence of godly parents, it is also advantageous to be in a fine Christian college environ­ ment where one cannot turn to moth­



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