King's Business - 1955-06

MARTHA S. HOOKER, Editor Associate Professor of Christian Education, Bioin Rible College

ing Him. When you were just a wee little boy, before we left America to come here to India, Daddy and I knew that you would have to leave us to go to school some day while we stayed here at the station telling the natives about the true and living God. We told the Lord we were willing to go to India if He would take care of you when the time came for us to be separated. The Lord gave, us this promise, “ Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Ps. 37:5). We know the Lord is keeping His promise to us. Wouldn’t you like to learn this verse, Victor?” “Miss Day, can I have my Bible? It’s in my black trunk somewhere,” asked Victor, when he had finished reading the letter. “Mother told me about a real good verse, and I’d like to learn it before leaving the hos­ pital.” “What’s the verse, Vic, I’ll find it for you.” “ Psalms 37:5.” “ That’s a good one. I think I’d like to learn that one with you. Let’s see who can do it first.” “You know, Miss Day, I think I begin to understand. Mother and Daddy are right. The Lord is taking care of me here. I didn’t die from my high fever. I believe the Lord Jesus is going to save our gardener’s baby, too. He has been real sick but Nebo still prays to idols of stone.” “ Yes, Victor, when we trust the Lord he answers our prayers. I think I know another verse which you’d like to learn. Look here in Psalms 50:15: ‘Call upon me in the day of trouble.’ ” “Why Miss Day, that’s what it says up on the wall there, and do you know I’d just finished praying when you came with Mother’s letter. Now I feel better inside, and I’m glad Bible Guessing Game ' T his game may be played (1) by two groups—as a group of girls against a group of boys, (2) by one person standing be­ fore a group and asking the ques­ tion, (3) or by two groups lined up as for a spelling match. A name of a Bible character is given such as “ Abraham.” The answer should be a Bible char­ acter whose name begins with the last letter in the name given.

Mother and Daddy are missionaries. I’m going to pray that Nebo will let the Lord Jesus into his heart, and be saved. Where’s my Bible? I’ll find a good Bible name for his baby. Who knows? Maybe the baby will grow up to be a preacher. I think John, no Paul, wait, I’ve got it—Daniel ought to be his name.” “What’s all this talk,” asked Dr. Brad striding into the room. “Who’s going to be a Daniel?” “ Old Nebo’s son, ’cause Nebo is go­ ing to be saved and his son is going to grow up to be a preacher,” re­ plied Victor with conviction. “Well, Victor, we hope you are right. We need some more Daniels. Now, if you continue to be a good boy and your fever stays normal till morning, I guess we’ll be sending you off to school.” And the next day it was a happy boy who returned to boarding school. Then he wrote this letter to his par­ ents: “ I got out of the hospital, but I had to stay at the dorm for two days because I was too weak to climb the hill to our classroom. I was there for 12 days and they gave me eight pokes. I am glad that I’m out. I know the Lord healed me. You see, the nurse and I learned the verse you gave, me in your last letter about trusting the Lord. She taught me a new one too. It’s in Psalms 50:15. The Lord heard me when I called on Him and I know it was God who healed me. Now I am happy. Mommy, you can stay at the station and help Dad­ dy with his preaching and take care of Nebo’s baby. I’d like for you to name him Daniel ’cause I’m praying that Nebo will soon be a Christian and that little Daniel will grow up to be a preacher. Pray that the Lord Jesus will make me a braver mis­ sionary boy.” “M ” is the last letter in “Abra­ ham,” so “Moses” might be the name given as an answer. “ S” is the last letter in “Moses,” and therefore “ Samuel” might be the response. This game may also be played by giving the names of cities and rivers mentioned in the Bible. The group which is able to give the most correct answers wins the contest.


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JUNE, 1955


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