King's Business - 1955-06

BOOK REVIEWS continued pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $6.95. T h e B i b l e a n d M o d e r n M e d i c i n e By A. Rendle Short The emeritus professor of surgery at the University of Bristol is the author of this survey of health and healing in the Old and New Testa­ ments. Much light is thrown upon the passages dealing with various as­ pects of health and illness, and the reader will find help on many other­ wise problematic incidents. The bib­ liography and index are helpful. 144 pages; cloth; The Paternoster Press, London, Eng.; six pence. Pietv T e s t a m e n t C o m m e n t a r y The first volume of this title on the Gospel of John was reviewed in these columns early in 1954. This exhaustive work is from the pen of a reformed pastor, formerly professor of New Testament literature at Cal­ vin Theological Seminary. In this strongly conservative book the au­ thor uses his own idiomatic transla­ tion, which adheres closely t© the Greek. The notes are scholarly, mak­ ing consistent use of the Greek, and the references to exegetical literature are extensive. Valuable bibliogra­ phies are to be found at the end of the volume. 507 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $6.50. Book Brevities RELIGIOUS RACKETEERING by C. B. Hed- strom. 32 pages; paper; A. D. Muse, Louisville, Ky.; no price indicated. Discussion on the heal­ ing movements of our day. THE KING'S DONKEY by Mary Regan. 24 pages; paper; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, III.; 50c. The story, for children, of a donkey who was in the stable where Christ was born. OBJECT LESSONS USING COMMON THINGS by J. E. De Golia. 78 pages; paper; Scripture Press, Chicago, III.; 75c. These 20 object lessons require only common, easily available props. THE CHRISTIAN HOME by Madelle T. Hawk- j ins. 29 pages; paper; Zondervan. Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; 25c. Simple but helpful discussions of problems and possibilities in the Christian home. MELODY-AIRES GOSPEL CHORUSES NO. 1 by John W. Peterson. 55 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 35c. 55 contemporary cho­ ruses with one or two old favorites. ANDY'S ORANGE HOUSE by Rita Puttcamp. 124 pages; paper; Moodv Press, Chicago, III.; 35c. Story of a family who lived in a railroad house-car. THE PROPHETIC PULPIT by Albert J. Lindsey. 118 pages; paper; Berne Witness Co., Berne, Ind.; 75c. Excellent review of the rapture, tribulation, kingdom and kindred events— pre- millennial. HOW CAN I BE SURE THAT THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD? by Lucy Campbell. 79 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; 50c. A resource unit for grades 5 and 6 in Christian elementary schools. THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD by Ralph W. Sockman. 78 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, New York; $1.00. Sermons on Eph. 6:13-17 by an outstanding liberal preacher. THE JUNGLE DOCTOR by Paul White. 118 pages; boards; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. Stories of the activities of a medical missionary in Tangan­ yika Territory, Africa. JUNGLE DOCTOR ON SAFARI by Paul White. 119 pages; boards; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publish­ ing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. The Tanganyika medical missionary tells of his ex­ perience on trek. END. J o h n , V o lu m e I I By W illiam Hendriksen

Biola S u m m e r S e s s i o n


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