King's Business - 1955-06

bear witness to Christ. Let us study this ( subject together today. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What was the occupation of Peter and Andrew and James and John? (Matt. 4:18,21). 2. Note that they were busy when Je­ sus called them. Does this teach us a lesson? What kind of people can the Sav­ iour use in His service? 3. What is the condition for serving the Lord as “ fishers of men” ? (v. 19). What does it mean to follow Him? Is there a cost to following Jesus? (cp. Luke 14:25- 33.) 4. What does the Saviour mean by “ I will make you fishers of men” ? Discuss together the parallel between fishing for fish and for men—the love of fishing, the bait, the various devices for catching fish, etc. 5. What was Peter and Andrew’s re­ sponse to the Saviour’s call? (v. 20.) What word in this verse is very important? Why should the Christian begin now, right away, to fish for men? (Rom. 13:11-15; 1 Thes. 5:1-10.) 6. These fishermen left their nets to follow Jesus—what must the Christian leave if he is to win souls to Christ? (v. 20.) 7. Notice that James and John had much to leave, also— they left their father to do the will of Christ (v. 21). Is this sometimes necessary for the believer who would do the will of God? (cp. Luke 14:26.) 8. What great discovery did Andrew I make concerning Jesus? (John 1:40,41.) I 9. Should every man who would point others to Christ first know who Jesus is CONTINUED ► ★ ★ ★ M oses & Standard Oil It is said that one of the directors of the Standard Oil Company, in reading the Book of Exodus, was greatly intrigued by the statement that the ark of bulrushes in which the baby Moses was laid was “ daubed with slime and pitch.” He reasoned thus: If there is pitch, there must be oil. Consequently Charles Whitshott, an acknowledged oil expert and geol­ ogist, was sent to Egypt to investi­ gate. The results are well known. Standard Oil discovered one of the richest oil deposits in the world. Yes, indeed, many have been made rich by reading and studying the Word of God, but not merely in such passing things as worldly riches. They have become rich in its Redemption Story. It is no marvel that the psalm­ ist writes: “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than fine gold” (Ps. 19:10), and again, “ The law of Thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver” (Ps. 119:72), and again, “ Therefore I love Thy commandments above gold, yea, above fine gold” (Ps. 119:127). — C. Victor Nyquist. j

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JUNE, 1955


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