King's Business - 1955-06

In the Habit ¥|ear Lord, bless the food; thank II Thee for it. Heal our Bob and make Albert’s leg better; for Jesus’ sake, Amen.” “ Paul Kent, you’re not doing- very much thinking any more when you ask the blessing on our meals. It’s alright to ask God to completely heal Bob, but that should be done at other times in the day when you pray. Albert’s leg has been mended over a year. If he heard you pray for his leg to get better I’m afraid he’d, think you don’t believe God answers prayer.” “Well, I’m just in the habit of praying that way,” the 7-year-old glibly explained. “ I can’t change very easy.” “ Oh, yes you can, and you will,” Mother insisted. “The Bi­ ble tells us not to be repetitious in praying.” “What does rep - - mean?” “ It means to repeat over and over again without thinking of what you are saying. Such pray­ ers don’t please God. Matthew 6:7 says “ . . . when ye pray, use not vain repetitions.” You have gotten into a very bad habit, honey, and we’re going to start right now to get rid of it.” Tucking the lad into bed Moth­ er heard Kent say: “ I’ll try to think when I pray after this.” “ I know you’ll try, sweetie.” Mother could not forget her son’s: “ I’m in the habit of pray­ ing that way.” The longer Moth­ er pondered the problem of un­ answered prayer the more she vvas convinced that this must be the key. Her son is not the only one who prays from habit, as a sort of appeasement to the con­ science. If one is to judge by fruit, — or lack of it, one must admit that very little prevailing prayer goes up to God’s throne. James tells us in 5:16: “ The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Praying by rote or from habit is neither effectual or fervent. May the cry of our hearts be Lord, teach us to pray.

tH e W l e i n s f i W e h o u r


S Heart searching messages • Thrilling te s t i­ monies • Outstanding features • Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY v 8*30am.

LAST SUMMER over 52,000 boys and girls — from rural homes — attended American Sunday-School Union Bible camps and Vacdtion Bible schools. 4,986 of these chil­ dren professed faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. Without this personal experience of saving faith, many of these children might have been driven by their home and commu­ nity environments to lives of use­ lessness and even crime. THIS SUMMER MAY DETERMINE THEIR FUTURE ! This year your faithful support will enable even more children to at­ tend these camps and schools. A contribution in the future of Amer­ ica's children is the most important and worthwhile investment you can make. Write for a copy of our magazine, THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL MISSIONARY. Our missionaries are available for speaking engagements. Write to Dept. K Department of Missions American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. "THE PIONEER SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATION OF THE U.S.A."

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