King's Business - 1934-10



November, 1934

Saviour, we will do certain things. W e will love each other, because He will put love in our hearts. W e will read the Bible, because it tells us about Jesus. We will pray, because we know that our strength comes from God through Christ. We will live as Jesus

verse 29 is too strong because it carries the meaning o f final condemnation and eternal loss o f the soul. A lford calls this a “mistranslation which has done infinite mischief.” The Greek word means a “judgment” o f any kind, and refers to the physical chastisement of verse 30, as any English reader may see for himseif. That it is not final and irremedial. condemnation is very plain from verse 32. The physi­ cal chastisement is inflicted upon the o f­ fending believer in order that he “should not be condemned.” Golden Text Illustration A beautiful gipsy girl was employed by a German artist to sit for one o f his studies. She noticed in his studio an un­ finished picture o f the crucifixion, and asked who “that wicked man” was, and what His crime was, that He should Jbe punished so. The artist explained the pic- ture, and in answer to her many questions, gave her a rather grudging account o f the gospel story. He had no sympathy with Christian themes, and his cold manner roused her wonder. “Why,” she said, “ I should think you would love Him if He died for you!” In the sacrament o f the Lord’s Supper, let us renew our love and devotion to Christ.— A Modern Cyclopedia o f Illustrations, by Hallock. The Supper Jesus Gave His Friends 1 C o rin th ian s 11:23-34 Memory Verse: “This do in remem­ brance of me” (1 Cor. 11:24). Approach: W e have been talking about the different ways by which we show that we are followers of Christ. If we are His friends, and if we take Him to be our A Matchless S o n g B o o h Aflame with the Spirit of POWER!

on by the early disciples, and that which we may see today in the strained and fear­ awakening service instituted by the church. The Lord’s Supper is primarily an occasion for remembrance—remember­ ing that Christ died, that He lives, and that He is coming again. There are not many tables, only one—the Lord’s Table— and each time the Supper is observed, an­ other leaf is added to the Table upon which the Lord Himself spreads the me­ morial feast. III. T h e P reparation for P artak in g of th e S upper (27-34). The reference to eating and drinking unworthily does not apply to the unwor­ thiness o f the person, but to the unworthi­ ness o f the manner in which he observes this rite. To suppose that one is fit to partake o f the emblems because of one’s devotedness or understanding or spiritual attainments, is to prove that one utterly unworthy. The spirit which should domi­ nate the believer who comes to the Lord’s Table is that which sings: “My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.” When the sense of personal sinfulness crowds in, the believer looks at the bread and the wine and remembers the Lord’s death on the cross— “one sacrifice for sins for ever.” When the desire to worship rises in the heart, the believer looks at the memorial emblems and remembers the glorious person of his Lord— “worthy . . . to receive . . . honor, and glory, and bless­ ing.” And when the pressure of life bears down upon the spirit, the believer looks at the Lord’s Table and rejoices to think that before another gathering of this kind, he may be with the Lord forever in the glory. Such remembrance constitutes dis­ cernment o f the Lord’s body; and it en­ ables one to partake worthily o f the em­ blems. Points and Problems 1. The Greek verb rendered “was be­ trayed” is a graphic imperfect which re­ calls vividly the actual course of events when the Last Supper was held. It means “ while the betrayal was going on.” Judas, who sat at the table, was laying his treach­ erous plans even at the very time that the Lord was breaking the eucharistic bread. 2. According to the best textual authori­ ties, the word “broken” should be omitted from verse 24. Some manuscripts have “given for you,” but the most ancient simply read, “This is my body, which r is for you.” The word “broken” would vio­ late both Old Testament type and pro­ phecy, and is not in accord with the his­ torical facts. Read the type in Exodus 12:46, where not a bone of the Passover lamb is to be broken. Read the Messianic prophecy in Psalm 34:20: “ He keepeth all his bones: not one o f them is broken.” Read the historical account in John 19:31- 37. His body was “pierced,” but not “ broken.” 3. In verse 25, read “after supper” in place of “ when he had supped” (cf. R .V .). According to the best historians and com­ mentators, this “supper” was a common meal observed by the early church in com­ memoration of the Last Supper, and fol­ lowed by the eucharistic emblems. The bread and cup were not the supper, but followed the supper. This supper was probably the “ feast of charity” or “love- feast” (R .V .) mentioned in Jude 12. 4. The English word “damnation” in

lived, because we know that the way He lived pleased God. W e will join the church, because that is the way to let every one know that we are followers of Christ; and it is the way, too, that we can help each other. Lesson Story: Just before the Lord Jesus went away to die for us, He had a long talk with His disciples. Jesus was telling them, as they sat around the supper table, that He was soon to die. It was hard to explain to them. He looked around for a way to show them what was going to happen. He took a piece of bread, broke it, and handed it to them. Jesus said: “ This is my body, which is for y ou : this do in remembrance o f me” (1 Cor. 11:24, R. V .) . Then He took a cup and gave thanks, and handed it to His disciples that they might drink from it. And then the Lord Jesus said: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood: this do, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink the cup, ye proclaim the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Cor. 11:25, 26, R. V .) . So the Communion service is another way of showing we are followers o f Christ.

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