King's Business - 1934-10

November, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


c _Around the King’s Tables B y L ouis T . T albot

and prove that the gospel is still the power of God unto salvation. It becomes more and more necessary for men and women o f God to ask the question: Is this cause, to which I am giving my money, loyal to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the whole W ord o f God? The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles welcomes careful investigation. There are en­ rolled at the Institute at the present time more than 400 young men and women. Their Textbook is the Bible; their Teacher is the Spirit o f God, speaking through the Word and through the Lord’s servants. It is true that modernism is sweeping through many o f our institutions of learning today, robbing the rising generation o f the faith that saves. But some schools still remain true to the glori­ ous g.ospel of the grace o f God. These institutions merit the full support o f the Lord’s people. W ill you not pray that the ministry o f every such school may increase in scope until the Lord shall come, and that the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles in particular may be enabled to fulfill its divinely assigned mission in this age o f apostasy ?— L. T. T. National Day of Prayer T he Christians o f the United States are urged to ob­ serve Sunday, November 25, 1934, as a Day of Prayer for Repentance and Revival. The need for this united and earnest supplication is presented by means o f correspon­ dence and striking posters sent out from the Chicago offices o f Ernest M. Wadsworth, Director o f the Great Commis­ sion Prayer League. This explanatory word accompanies the literature: “ No individual or institution is assuming any leadership in this Call. A group o f men, ‘whose hearts God had touched,’ are simply voicing the conviction o f tens of thousands o f Christians throughout the land.” The names o f one hundred leading ministers and lay workers are appended— representing the country geographically and denominationally. First, it is pointed out that America •' facing a serious crisis, both in the nation and in the churd:. Spiritual revival is our crying need. Sacred institu­ tions are threatened. The principles of sound government are flouted. Powerful foes o f righteousness are multiply­ ing. Youth is in grave danger. Unc.hastity, intemperance, atheism, and infidelity are sweeping with ruinous force through our land. Communism is stirring up mass hatred and revolution. Help must come from God. Nothing else but His interposition will bring relief. For this the church must turn to God in prayer, for He alone has the remedy for mortal ills. God stir America 1 As ground for encouragement, the attention o f believers is turned to the Word o f God and to the record of history. “ I f my people, which are

World Conditions a Call to Intercession F ollowing four months’ sojourn abroad, I returned from Australia on October 6 to the Church o f the Open Door and to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles with certain deep convictions: First, that in view o f the de­ plorable conditions prevailing in all parts o f the world today, the period o f grace must be drawing to a close more rapidly than we realize; and second, that in the face o f ter­ rible world perplexity, God is calling His own people to an enlarged ministry of intercession. In Australia, the land of my birth, I was grieved to find that modernism has made tremendous inroads, as it has in America and in other, localities. Men and women brazenly deny the deity o f . Christ, His virgin birth, the authority o f the Scriptures, and other great truths, for the proclamation o f which martyrs have shed their blood. What a troubled world we are living in ! There is the awful and the rapid increase o f crime, the lamentable lack o f filial piety, the absence of the spirit o f conviction in meetings that have for their purpose the winning o f the lost. These conditions indicate that we are in the end-time o f the age. And they emphasize the fact that the only remedy is to be found in the ministry o f intercession. Let me say again: The state o f the world and the church today is a call to prayer, brethren. If we, the people of God, could be stirred to give ourselves not merely to praying a little more, but rather to living in the very atmos­ phere of prayer, God would be glorified, and we would see that which we have so yearned to see— the arm o f the Lord being manifested in power.— L. T . T. Bible Institutes— a Bulwark A fter a careful study o f the religious situation in the Countries I have visited, I am o f the fixed opinion that the Bible Institutes o f the world are, under God, the bul­ wark o f the church today. Everywhere I went, I found young men asking where they might go in order to receive a knowledge o f the Word of God which would equip them for the gospel min­ istry at home or abroad. Some o f these young men had studied in seminaries and had found that the influence of the type o f instruction given there had paralyzed rather than developed their spiritual life, denying to them the only authority that a Christian may claim— “ thus saith the Lord.” The greatest modern tragedy is that many branches o f the Protestant church have discarded faith in the Word o f God. Meanwhile, their pernicious doctrines are being widely disseminated by the help o f unwary individuals who think they are giving to the cause o f Christ. What right

has any Christian steward to give a penny for the advance o f false teaching ? Institutions like the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles cling to the old Book and the old faith. They provide courses o f study in historic Christian­ ity, and they both proclaim

called by my name, shall hum­ ble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways ; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7 :14 ).

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