King's Business - 1934-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1934

My part then, Lord, to ask and trust, With faith believing, that Thou must From very love—which set me free— Be more concerned than I, in me. — V ivian W aters J ones .

DECEMBER 30 Judged Already

“Shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24). The very feeblest believer may say, in thankfulness and triumph, “ So far as I am concerned, all that had to be judged is judged already. Every question that had to be settled is settled. Judgment is past and gone forever. I know my work must be tried, my service appraised; but as to myself, my person, my title, all is divinely settled. The Man who answered for me on the tree is now crowned on the throne; and the crown which He wears is the proof that there remains no judgment for me. I am waiting for a life-resurrection.” This, and nothing short o f this, is the proper language of the Christian. . . . There is-—there can be—no judgment for those who, sheltered by the cross, have planted a firm foot on the new and ever­ lasting ground of resurrection. —Things New and Old. DECEMBER 31 A Thought for the End of the Year “Be strong in the. grace that is in Christ Jesus . , . endure hardness, as a good soldier of. Jesus Christ" (2 Tim. 2:1, 3). Paul’s body was emaciated through suf­ fering. His body bore the marks o f pun­ ishment suffered for Christ’s sake, and also of hardships endured by shipwreck and long and exhausting journeys on foot. Have you ever tried to tabulate the amount o f suffering for the Master in the inven­ tory given in 2 Corinthians 11:23-33? . . And yet, although Paul had a body weak­ ened and scarred in service, he did not allow it to hinder him from service. Our bodies may be scarred and weakened by service, or even by disease. What then? That weakness must not be allowed to debar us from service for the Master. There remains at our disposal to meet our need the might and power o f His resurrec­ tion life. That life can enter and ener­ gize us.— R obert L ee . CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOTES [Continued from page 400] II. A “N ew T hings ” O utline for 1935 2 C orinthians 5 L New birth (v. 17, R. V. margin)—“A new creation.” 2. New attitude (v. 18)—“ Reconciled . . to himself.” 3. New object (v. 15)— “Live . . . unto him.” 4. New walk (v. 7 )—“We walk by faith.” 5. New desire (v. 9) —“That . . . we may be accepted of him.” 6. New occupation (v. 20)— “We are am­ bassadors for Christ.” 7. New home (v. 1)— “A building of God.” — C harles I nglis . III. A Y ear ’ s R ecord R eviewed 2 C o rin th ian s 5 :10 1. Blessings received (Jas. 1 :17). 2. Opportunities neglected (Gal. 6:10; Eph. 5:16). 3. Lessons learned (John 6:45; Heb. 12 : 6 ). 4. Labors to be rewarded (1 Cor. 3:14).

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