WA_HS_Autumn 24 12p-web

2023 Resident Survey snapshot

A huge thank you to our residents who took the time to respond to our 2023 annual survey. We had 35% of our residents complete the survey which is an invaluable amount of feedback. This year we nationalised and expanded our survey across the majority to better understand how residents view our services across Australia and compare what is working well and where we need to improve in all states we operate in.

What you told us We are thrilled to see that our residents are more satisfied with our services this year across majority of our service areas. Resident satisfaction has improved nationally by an average of 4% across all the areas below.

Areas of service most important to residents 1. Repairs and Maintenance. 2. Overall condition of home. 3. Communications with Housing Choices. 4. Your neighbourhood as a place to live. • Providing feedback on our services. • Understanding more about maintenance and repairs. • Social and wellness activities. • Dealing with anti-social behaviour. Activities residents are most interested in

overall satisfaction 84 %

satisfied with condition of home 84 %

satisfied with maintenance and repairs 83 %

85 %

76 %

satisfied with how we take your views into account

satisfied with neighbourhood

satisfaction with resident involvement 75 %

satisfied with communications 84 %

While we are happy to see majority of our residents are satisfied with our services, we know there is room for improvement. We are currently developing action plans to address issues raised in the survey and look forward to sharing these actions in our Winter edition of Home Stories .


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