Gardening Up The Hill
SEPT . 2 0 2 0 VOL . 1
We had our Spring Garden Day event series on the 8th of September! We shared gardening basics and resources avai lable on / near campus wi th society members. Source Garden Tour Source, a beaut i ful l i tt le wholefoods shop and café located outside the TUU bui lding, was our f irst stop. The quaint l i tt le roadside garden was packed wi th frui ts and vegetables of di fferent variet ies. Alex McArthur and Abigai l Wright from Source showed us around the garden and shared their experience about running a campus food cooperat ive. As Alex explained, the garden surrounding the café was met iculously planned as per the needs of each plant , whether i t was maximising or minimising the amount of sunl ight needed, irrigat ion, compost ing, even pest control . Fruit Tree Pruning The second stop was to our very own gardening space at Sandy Bay Student Living - a garden / orchard right behind the John Fisher Col lege. We have apple, pear , peach and nectarine trees growing here. Phi l ip Andrews, head of Hort icul ture Research at UTAS was kind enough to share his knowledge about pruning and caring for a variety of frui t trees wi th us Society Vision Workshop Our last stop of the day was a vision workshop where we headed back indoors for a brainstorming session to think more about the vision of our society. UTAS Centre for Rural Heal th Lecturer Dr Paul ine Marsh and UTAS Sustainabi l i ty Off icer Dr Catherine El l iott guided us through the process of visual ising what the future of our gardening might look l ike. We can ' t wai t to see what the future holds for the Gardening Society and the Sandy Bay Student Living Communi ty Gardens!
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