Gardening Up The Hill
SEPT . 2 0 2 0 VOL . 1
Our 1st Micro Greens event was held on Sunday the 23rd of August at the Christ Col lege Conference room. Organised by Support Off icer Alex, i t began as a part of the sustainable food loop event series. We had a great turnout wi th residents learning how to pot and plant their micro greens, along wi th the opportuni ty to sign up for the Gardening Society on the same day. From our humble beginnings we ’ ve come a long way in a month wi th many new members and fun events. We hope to keep growing just l ike our l i tt le seedl ings do!
We had our 2nd Micro Greens event on Sunday the 20th of September at the Student Hub next to Pepperz. During the event guest speaker Jade Li from the Mul t icul tural Counci l of Tasmania also shared wi th us her experience of developing mul t icul tural communi ty food gardens and applying government grants for communi ty driven projects. Residents were provided al l materials, a demonstrat ion and instruct ions on how to grow a smal l harvest of micro greens in their room and had a fun and exci t ing evening!
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