The Spring Bulletin 2024

P ENNSYLVANIA Sovereign Grand Inspector General Leonard Heard, 33°


• David Leary, 33° , the first Prince Hall Mason to be conferred the 33rd degree, and one of the signers of the Jan 31, 1881 Articles of Union constituting the USC • Frederick Richardson, 33° , first Grand Captain of the Guard of the USC • William S. Mower, 33° , first Grand Marshall of the USC The first elected officers of Emanuel No. 1 were Commander in Chief, S.G.I.G. John Brown, 33°; First Lieutenant Commander, S.G.I.G. James T. Robinson, 33°, and Second Lieutenant Commander, S.G.I.G. Henry H. Gilbert, 33°. At the time of its inception, Emanuel was comprised of Nehemiah Lodge of Perfection (degrees 4 – 14); Princes of Jerusalem (degrees 15- 16); Adoniram Chapter, Knights of the Rose Croix (degrees 17-18) and Emanuel Consistory (degrees 19- 32). Records show that at Emmanuel’s founding there were twenty-two fraters. Ten years later on May 11, 1891, in the annual session of the USC, a petition from the Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation to change the name of Emanuel to DeMolay Consistory No. 1 was accepted and approved. S.G.I.G. William H. Miller, 33° was the Illustrious Deputy for the Orient of Pennsylvania in 1891 when the name changed. Fraters of DeMolay played a key role in the 1921 building committee that selected a site for “the Cathedral” – the headquarters of the USC. The site of the James Pollock School at Fitzwater and Mole streets in Philadelphia was selected by the committee. On October 15, 1927, DeMolay along with Philadelphia Assembly No. 5 of the Golden Circle helped organize the ground-breaking ceremonies for the cathedral. DeMolay Consistory No. 1 and Corinthian Consistory, No. 5 of Wilmington, Delaware, were responsible for the cathedral dedication ceremonies and program which took place on May 12th and 13th, 1928. In 1969, fraters from DeMolay Consistory No. 1 and Charles E. Gordon, No. 65 worked under the leadership of S.G.I.G. William Grasty 33°, to investigate establishing a Consistory in the fourth

Anniversary of DeMolay Consistory #1 April 29, 2024 will mark the 143 rd anniversary of DeMolay Consistory

No. 1, the first and oldest Consistory in the United Supreme Council, AASR, Northern Jurisdiction (USC). DeMolay is in the Orient of Pennsylvania, Valley of Philadelphia. Its history is intertwined with the origin stories of both the Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation and the USC which trace their starts to the various meetings held during the winter and spring of 1881 and the unification efforts which brought together the five separate Supreme Councils which existed at that time. On April 29, 1881, at the Tabernacle of Revealed Truth, 718 Lombard Street, Phila. Pennsylvania, Emanuel Consistory No. 1 was organized as the first consistorial body, organized and chartered under the Orient of Pennsylvania, the “mother orient”, of the newly formed USC. Many of the fraters who were instrumental in forming the USC were also involved in the formation and early development of Emanuel. Included among that number were Illustrious Sirs: • William Cooper, 33° , Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania and the first Sovereign Grand Commander of the USC (1881) • Moses Wheeler, 33° , second Sovereign Grand Commander of the USC (1881 – 1887) • George Wellington Roper, 33° , first Deputy for the Orient of Pennsylvania and Sovereign Grand Commander of the USC (1890 – 1897) • William H. Miller, 33° , first Grand Minister of State for the USC and was Secretary-General of the Holy Empire for 28 years • James T. Robinson, 33° , first Treasurer- General of the USC (1881) • Henry H. Gilbert, 33° , the first Grand Master of Ceremonies of the USC (1881) • Joshua D. Kelley, 33° , Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania, the first Secretary-General of the Holy Empire (1881) and Sovereign Grand Commander of the USC (1899 – 1910)


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