Franchise Order Process
User manual
Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Table of Contents Overview: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Franchisee Transactions: .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Franchisee Order:................................................................................................................................................................. 4
• List of Booked Orders:......................................................................................................................................... 4 • New Order Creation: ........................................................................................................................................... 5 • Items Ordering: ................................................................................................................................................... 6 • Submit for Approval: ........................................................................................................................................... 6 • Cancelling Order: ................................................................................................................................................ 6 • Excel Upload: ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Franchisee User:................................................................................................................................................................... 7 • List of Orders:...................................................................................................................................................... 7 • Franchisee Order: ............................................................................................................................................... 7 • View Approvals: .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Bateel Transactions: ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Warehouse User: ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
• List Orders: .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 • Franchisee Order: ............................................................................................................................................... 9 • Approve / Reject the Order: ............................................................................................................................. 10 • View Approvals: ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Production User: ................................................................................................................................................................ 12 • Orders List: ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 • Franchisee Order: ............................................................................................................................................. 12 • Approve / Reject the Order: ............................................................................................................................. 13 • View Approvals: ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Warehouse Review: ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 • Order List: ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 • Franchise Order: ............................................................................................................................................... 14 • Approve / Reject the Order: ............................................................................................................................. 15 Production Review: ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 • Order List: ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 • Franchisee Order: ............................................................................................................................................. 16 • Approve / Reject the Order: ............................................................................................................................. 17 Sales & Transfer Order: ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 • Transfer Order: ................................................................................................................................................. 18 • Sales Order:....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Finance User: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20 • Order List: ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 • Franchisee Order: ............................................................................................................................................. 20 • Review............................................................................................................................................................... 21 • View Approvals: ................................................................................................................................................ 21 SCM User:........................................................................................................................................................................... 22 • Franchisee Order: ............................................................................................................................................. 22 • Review the Order: ............................................................................................................................................. 22 Frequently Asked Questions: ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Abbreviations: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 23
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Franchisee is going to be enabled with this new process to place the Orders. This will ease the Order Booking and tracking throughout the cycle of goods receipts. This majorly eradicates manual intervention and painstaking follow-ups. The franchisee as a user will be given access to the BC system. This user is tagged with the respective Franchisee Customer Code. Franchisee is treated as a Customer in the BC system, from whom the Business is performed. The journey begins by booking the Sales request by creating a Franchisee Order. This Order goes through workflows predefined in the system. The workflow will be consisting of different concerned Bateel departments’ consent & comments. This process will involve the participation of the Franchisee as well. Bateel departments such as Warehouse, Production, Finance and Supply-Chain will have responses in workflow stages. In this exercise, various systemic processes are created, and documents get exchanged among the stakeholders. Emails are the media of communication across the flow of events.
The user manual is aimed to provide clarity on actionable by Franchisee and insight on overall steps involved in the Order Processing at Bateel departments too.
Eventually, the delivery of requested Order Items will take place to Franchisee based on the mutual consent and correspondence of the entire cycle.
Below is the conceptual illustration of the process depicted …
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Franchisee Transactions:
The Franchisee Order Process cycle involves various Transactions and Documentation as listed below. This list is determined by the Workflow steps predefined per Franchisee.
Franchisee Order Booking
• •
Review & Response by Franchisee
Franchisee Order:
Franchisee User logs in to BC System and prepares the Order with intended items. The order will be reviewed and submitted. This triggers an email notification to Bateel user(s) as per the workflow definition, typically this will notify the Bateel Warehouse user…
List of Booked Orders:
On the List Page, the status of the Order can be seen in FactBox by clicking (i) for a selected order.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
New Order Creation:
To create the new Order, the user will click on the New button on the menu and the below page opens to enter the required data for Order…
Upon clicking the new button, the No. (Order) is auto-generated, and Franchisee Code & Name will appear automatically.
The requested Date is by default the current date, however, it can be edited based on the actual date i.e. not more than the current date.
Item Category will be either Food or Packaging. Packaging can be either Pallets or Loose Boxes.
Required Date is worked out by default based on the Setup maintained by Bateel Management, however, it can be edited but not less than the preset Lead-time in setup.
The user will select one of the options for the Mode of Transport. Comments can be entered to notify the Bateel coordinator(s).
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Items Ordering:
Only those Items will be allowed to select, that are mapped on the Sales Prices list at Franchisee master. This data is maintained - based on the agreed items to be supplied to the Franchisee and with agreed Prices. Unit Price is non-editable and is populated automatically. Quantity is updated by the Franchisee user for the required Qty. Location code is a display-only field, that is pre-defined on Franchisee Master. This is the location code maintained in Bateel where deliverable inventory is parked – to be shipped.
Submit for Approval:
Upon successful Order Booking and self-revision, the Franchisee user will Submit the Order for Approval by Bateel. This process will trigger the email to the Warehouse user or the 1 st stage approver as per the Approval setup.
Initially, the Order Status will be Open and upon submission the status gets changed to the next level as per the workflow defined by Bateel Coordinator.
Cancelling Order:
Franchisee Users can Cancel the Order before submission. Upon cancelling the Order will be null and void. No data of the Order will be enabled to edit. Cancelled Orders will be frozen and the status gets changed.
Excel Upload:
The option to upload multiple lines from the Excel sheet will speed up the order preparation for more lines. Users can use the below format in Excel and prepare the Order lines.
*** Template is shared in email as an attachment along with this Manual document
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Franchisee User:
The Franchisee user will get an email with the response from the Production department for Reviewing the Order and provide consent.
List of Orders:
Franchisee Order:
Order Header:
The Franchisee user will open the order and review the Bateel Approved Document with quantitative details. Upon screening through the contents, the user presses Reviewed button, which will trigger an email to the Bateel Warehouse department . << screen shot correction >>
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Order Lines:
View Approvals:
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Bateel Transactions: Departments associated with Franchisee coordination in Bateel will perform tasks on the Orders being booked by Franchisees. Departments such as Warehouse, Production, Finance and Supply Chain are key stakeholders in the entire cycle. Franchisees will have access to the system to know the status of the Order. However, for information purposes, th is section provides insight into Bateel departments’ activities. Note that, these features are not available to Franchisee users.
• Review & Response by Bateel Warehouse • Review & Response by Bateel Production • Final Review by Warehouse • Final Review by Production • Sales Order & Transfer Order creation (system generated) • Finance Review & Documentation • Supply-Chain Review & Action
Warehouse User: Bateel Warehouse User gets an email from the Franchisee for the Franchisee Order placed.
List Orders: Pending Orders list to take appropriate action and update by Warehouse User
Franchisee Order:
Order Header: General Tab of the Order is Display only, Non-Editable
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Order Lines…
The user will check inventory availability against ordered items – by pressing the “ Calculate Inventory ” button. In this process, the system calculates the available inventory in the warehouse Location with the earliest Expiry Date and Production Date from the associated batch stock. The system also displays Inventory at Franchisee Location
Against Franchisee Ordered Qty, Warehouse user will approve or agree to ship all or less quantity. Approved Qty will be entered by the user.
Warehouse comments will be entered for every line item as instructions for Production User’s action.
Approve / Reject the Order:
The Warehouse user may Approve or Reject the Franchisee Order. User comments on order for further actionable.
Upon Approving the Order, the email will be triggered to subsequent stage users as per Workflow setup, and Order will not be visible on the List.
In case of Rejection, the email will be notified to Franchisee with the proper message and the Order status will be updated accordingly, and Order will status be updated back to Open .
Rejecting the Order is at the sole discretion of the Warehouse User and will provide a reason for Rejection.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
View Approvals:
Warehouse Users can see the Approvals performed on the Order document.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Production User:
The Bateel Production department user will get notified via email from Warehouse User on the Franchisee Order…
Orders List:
Franchisee Order:
Production User opens the Order to take relevant action …
Order Lines:
None of the Line fields’ data will be edited by Production User since all are non-editable.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Approve / Reject the Order:
The Production user may Approve or Reject the Franchisee Order. User comments on order for further actionable.
Upon Approving the Order, the email will be triggered to subsequent/next-stage users as per Workflow setup, and Order will not be visible on the List.
In case of Rejection, the email will be notified to Franchisee with the proper message and the Order status will be updated accordingly, and Order will status be updated back to Open .
Rejecting the Order is at the sole discretion of the Production department User and will provide a reason for Rejection.
View Approvals:
Production Users can see the Approvals performed on the Order document.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Warehouse Review:
After Franchisee Review and feedback submission, the Order will be reviewed and finally approved/ rejected by Warehouse Reviewer…
Order List:
Franchise Order:
Order Header:
Order Lines:
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Approve / Reject the Order:
The Warehouse user may Approve or Reject the Franchisee Order. User comments on order for further actionable.
Upon Approving the Order, the email will be triggered to subsequent/next-stage users as per Workflow setup, and Order will not be visible on the List. In case of Rejection, the email will be notified to Franchisee with the proper message and the Order status will be updated accordingly, and Order will status be updated back to Open. Rejecting the Order is at the sole discretion of the Warehouse User and will provide a reason for Rejection.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Production Review:
After Warehouse's final review and approval, the Production User will review.
Order List:
Franchisee Order:
Order Header:
Order Lines:
Production User may Approve or Reject the Order:
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Approve / Reject the Order:
The Production user may Approve or Reject the Franchisee Order. User comments on order for further actionable.
Upon Approving the Order, the email will be triggered to subsequent/next-stage users as per Workflow setup, and Order will not be visible on the List. Post this process, the Transfer Order and Sales Order get generated in BC.
In case of Rejection, the email will be notified to Franchisee with the proper message and the Order status will be updated accordingly, and Order will status be updated back to Open .
Rejecting the Order is at the sole discretion of the Production User and will provide a reason for Rejection.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Sales & Transfer Order:
Sales Order and Transfer Order documents get created by the system automatically.
Transfer Order:
Transfer Order gets created to transfer the ordered items from the warehouse to the Franchisee Location. With this effect, the Inventory will be transferred from Warehouse to the Franchisee location for further processing.
Transfer Order Header:
Transfer Order Lines:
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Sales Order:
Sales Order is created for the Ordered Items with approved Qty. The Sales Order will have all other information filled in automatically by the system.
Sales Order Header:
Sales Order Lines:
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Finance User:
The finance department user will get an email notification on the Franchisee Order. Finance User will review the Order for monetary information such as Order Amount, Advance Receipt details etc. Upon screening through the Document, the user will press the Reviewed button.
Order List:
Franchisee Order:
Order Header:
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Order Lines:
The Finance user will review the Franchisee Order.
Upon pressing the Reviewed button on the Order, the email will be triggered to subsequent/next-stage users as per Workflow setup, and Order will not be visible on the List.
View Approvals:
Finance User can see the Approvals performed on the Order document.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
SCM User:
Bateel Supply-Chain management user will be notified for further actionable on Franchisee Order.
Franchisee Order:
Order Header:
Order Detail:
Review the Order:
The SCM user will Review the Franchisee Order. User comments on order for further actionable.
Upon Review Submission of the Order, the email will be triggered to concerned stakeholders including Franchisee as per Workflow setup, and Order will not be visible on the List.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. How do I access the franchise ordering system? A: To access the franchise ordering system, you need to log in using the provided login credentials (User ID and Password) given by the Bateel IT Department. You can access it through an internet browser using the “ Order Stock ” button on page. Q2. Can I place an order for any device? A: Yes, you can place an order from any device that has internet connectivity and a compatible internet browser. Best experience from laptops and desktop computers. Q3. How do I search for products in the ordering system? A: The ordering system typically provides a search functionality where you can enter keywords, product names, or codes to search for specific products. You can also use filters or categories to narrow down your search. Q4. Can I save my orders and complete them later? A: Yes, ordering system. Some systems allow you to save orders as drafts and continue working on them later. However, it's recommended to submit orders on time to ensure they are processed promptly. Q5. How can I track the status of my orders? A: Once logged into the ordering system, you can usually navigate to an order history or order tracking section. There you can view the status of your orders, such as whether they are pending, in progress, shipped, or delivered. Q6. What should I do if I encounter technical issues with the ordering system? A: If you face technical issues with the ordering system, you should contact the Bateel IT Department or the designated support team for assistance. They can provide guidance, troubleshoot the problem, and help you resolve any issues you encounter. Q7. Can I modify or cancel an order after it has been submitted? A: The ability to modify or cancel an order after submission depends on the specific policies and functionalities of the ordering system. Generally, once an order is submitted, it may not be editable.
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Franchise Order Process – User Guide
However, if you need to make changes or cancel an order, you should reach out to the appropriate contacts within Bateel for further assistance.
Q8. How can I view previous orders or order history? A: The system has a dedicated section where you can access your order history. This section usually provides a list of your previous orders, including details such as order dates, order contents, and order statuses. You can refer to this section to review past orders.
If you have any further questions or require more specific information, please reach out to the Bateel IT Department or the designated support team for detailed assistance.
Microsoft Business Central ERP
Supply Chain Management – department of Bateel
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