Franchise Order Process – User Guide
New Order Creation:
To create the new Order, the user will click on the New button on the menu and the below page opens to enter the required data for Order…
Upon clicking the new button, the No. (Order) is auto-generated, and Franchisee Code & Name will appear automatically.
The requested Date is by default the current date, however, it can be edited based on the actual date i.e. not more than the current date.
Item Category will be either Food or Packaging. Packaging can be either Pallets or Loose Boxes.
Required Date is worked out by default based on the Setup maintained by Bateel Management, however, it can be edited but not less than the preset Lead-time in setup.
The user will select one of the options for the Mode of Transport. Comments can be entered to notify the Bateel coordinator(s).
May 2023
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